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Posts posted by Someone2

  1. Anyone used any contrast paints on the Beastclaw units yet? I'm planning to paint my entire 2-3K BCR army with the contrast paints due to the large ogre skin surfaces and the huge furs.

    Interested in seeing other peoples progress with the contrast paints on ogres and bcr for references and ideas.

    When my army is done, I will post an update for you guys, will be 2-3 months I think.

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  2. 11 hours ago, XReN said:

    Welcome to our bountiful realm!

    I will recomend going full ham on those ghouls with this list:

      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
    - Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day

    Abhorrant Archregent (200)
    - General
    - Trait: Dark Wizardy 
    - Artefact: The Dermal Robe 
    - Lore of Madness: Blood Feast

    40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)

    Endless Spells
    Chalice of Ushoran (40)

    Total: 600 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 8
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 47

    Thanks to Feast Day you will never fight just once if you manage to keep you regent alive and will always have CPs to autopass battleshock, summon courtier (preferably varghulf because with regent's buff and Frenzy he will kick any ass you'd like being kicked), cast chalice, spam Blood Feast at enemy and watch your ghouls never break +1 attack treshold. It also makes you only a 2 drop army so if your nighthaunt squire keeps his army around 2-3 drops I think you can control the first turn most of the time.

    Oh, and you will give your opponents a hell of a challenge to cast their spells with 2 +2 unbinds a turn

    That seems pretty sweet aswell. Drop the throne up front as a nice LoS blocker for the archregent to hide behind and putting the chalice right between the enemy unit and my ghouls for maximum effect with a varghulf closeby for extra heals and character hunter if needs be

  3. I'm entering a 600 points doubles tournament in a month. We only need to have 1 hero and 1 battleline. This will be my first FEC experience so would like to ask you guys some advice on my current list. I'm playing together with nighthaunt wich will focus on chainrasp hordes. 

    The idea is to have the archregent and ghoul king to summon an extra unit of 20 and 10 ghouls on turn 1, using the throne. Then they will both cast their generic spells on the unit of 20 each turn. The Morgaunt grand court already makes sure that my ghouls get 1 extra attack when they number 10+ models. So I can potentially get 5-7 attacks per ghoul in that unit. Using the Feeding Frenzy, that would be 10-14 attacks per ghoul. So the unit could be putting in 202-282 attacks in a single combat phase with reroll hit rolls of 1 due to an abhorrant within 18". That be instant killing any unit I might face on a 600 point tourney. 

    It all depends on the magic though. So my alternative list idea was to put a single haunter courtier together with 9 horrors in a Hollowmourne grand court for a total of 600 points aswell. Seems to me that that list has more chance of staying on the table, but will have a darn hard time playing objectives. We mostly only get like 3 turns before time runs out and we count victory points.

    So what do you guys think about it?


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