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Posts posted by GrimDork

  1. 31 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    I am 100% sure that they will sell the whole pack (board, rules, deck + maybe small scenery) separately right after the Skaventide is available. It would be a weird business move not to.  

    I’m 100% sure they will as well.
    Will probably be better value tho to just buy the Launch box and sell off anything you don’t want. Even if you wanted to only keep the spearhead minis I’m sure the additional minis will sell well on eBay.

  2. Random question, but this feels like it could be the place for it now, is WD500 worth it?

    I stopped buying WD regularly some time ago. Every time I have picked up the odd issue I've generally been a bit disappointed and regretted it. One thing that has surprised me the last few times has been the paper quality, it feels really poor & grainy compared to how I rememberer it from when I was younger, especially for the cost.

    All that being said I was tempted by WD500. Should I bother?

  3. Working on some Swooping Hawks. They were an absolute nightmare to clean up! Failcast resin! Hopefully never have to work with it again.


    Sorry, pics are a bit rubbish, couldn't be bothered to get all my lamps out.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    I don't necessarily think I need to keep paying to play, as I said I've come to the point where I decided the older models are more than good enough and there's no point in buying the new darkoath right now. 3D printing is tricky as there doesn't seem to be a great provider in the area. The price point seems to have generally hit just shy of GW levels (a touch cheaper, but not really worth the savings given the slight loss in quality). The major problem is I don't have a gaming group to discuss or adjust with, they've all left the game for one reason or another.

    I can't speak for everyone, but my main concerns are value and playability. Value is degraded consistently as GW continues to apply price hikes that far outstrip inflation, but perceived value also takes a hit every time they arbitrarily remove things as well. The last round was particularly harsh and has had me reconsidering multiple purchases.

    Playability is hurt by continued increase in complexity of the game and how long it takes to play. The previewed rules look nice and clear, but nothing looks like it will speed up the game significantly. Battle tactics have been a thorn in the side for the entirety of 3rd and although I'm sure that people who play regularly have them down, I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like and I need to spend a few minutes every turn deciding how I'd like to proceed. This seems to be common for my opponents as well and a standard 2k game takes a lot longer than it used to (easily 3-4 hours). 

    It sounds to me like you’re just a bit burnt out with the hobby in general and maybe it’s time to step away for a bit. I’ve felt that in the past for different reasons. I packed things away, sold some stuff I realised I would never get round to and looked into other hobbies. I stepped away, got into board gaming and replayed a few video games from my youth. In time (maybe a year or 2 for me) the interest and excitement started to come back. I looked through the box of stuff in the loft that I’d kept and felt the desire to get the paint brushes out again. It’s ok to have a break, you may come back renewed, you may not, either way it’s ok.

    It sounds like you have quite a fair size collection, is it all painted? Could you find enjoyment in just the painting side of the hobby and forget the gaming for now? Could you push your painting level further on some characters or try some new techniques? Or maybe you feel a bit stung by GW and that has sapped your enthusiasm? Price rises and model ranges suck, but having been in and out of the hobby for 30years you can guarantee that models will be retired and prices will go up. However GW models generally keep their value well over the years (look at chorfs & squats) and there’s a current trend of people rediscovering all things 90’s. I think this will come around for current discontinued model ranges. Someone on this forum recently mentioned about not moving over to 4.0rules, and just sticking with 3rd, which I think is a great way to view it. If you find 3rd clunky and too longwinded, play 2nd! All the rules are out there, 2nd edition tomes are available cheap if you don’t have them. You can still use updated models, or proxies if something wasn’t released at that time. Point is if you’re not enjoying it, find and play what you enjoy!


    • Like 6
  5. 1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    I'm wondering if the board and cards and whatnot are essential for playing Spearhead. If they are, then I'm hoping that they'll be available to buy outside of the dirty great box! 

    Even if GW don’t (which I think is highly doubtful) I saw someone in rumour thread saying I wish the box didn’t have all the cards etc so I’m sure you won’t have any trouble getting them on eBay.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Posted this in rumour thread but thought I’d share my thoughts here as well,

    I’m very hyped for Skavetide & especially spearhead,  it’s exactly what I’m looking for in AoS. I hope it’s popular and receives ongoing support. I got into AoS around 2nd when meeting engagement format came out but it wasn’t particularly well balanced and was a bit of a damp squib in terms of support. I’m definitely more of a hobby butterfly rather than doubling down on one faction. Was thinking about my mini collection/pile of shame, I won’t need to purchase much to have a good number of spearheads, even tho I’ve never actually bought a spearhead box.

    KO- already have all the models

    Orruk Warclans- already have all the models 

    Idoneth Deepkin- just need a soulscryer but can just proxy soulrender.

    Lumineth- just need 5 bladelords

    Fyreslayers- I’m not sure off the top of my head, they all look alike but I have the FS half of FotD so it probably won’t take too much (or proxy)

    Yndrastas- need a chariot and 10 vanquishers?

    Plus I’ll get the 2 that come skaventide! For me that’s not many minis to purchase for a good amount of gameplay variety. I also like having the specific smaller painting/collecting goals to reduce hobby burnout. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I think it‘s unfortunate timing for people to feel less hyped right now but I understand why. The new minis are great but it‘s a bit much as well - not the minis but another edition with new rules/expenses in a rather short time. 

    GW never released new editions as fast as they do now. I guess it‘s to mimic patches from video games but GW usually does a lot more than just rebalance a couple of things, so it gets „overwhelming“ in a way. 

    I hope the new rules are good ultimately and that the new edition will be around for a long time or that 5th won‘t change much. I might be one of few but to me 2nd ed was already pretty damn good and I wasn‘t big on 3rd. I hope 4th will stay longer so that my group and I can enjoy it longer. It‘s funny how a good thing can also be a bad thing. 

    I do agree with this, the edition cycle seems an arbitrary money making exercise. GW could come up with the best rule set ever, tweak it over 3yrs for balance, then dump it out and start again just because….? I’d much prefer a living rulebook approach, with a big value/hype box every 3 years.

    That being said I’m very hyped for Skavetide & especially spearhead,  it’s exactly what I’m looking for in AoS. I hope it’s popular and receives ongoing support. I got into AoS around 2nd when meeting engagement format came out but it wasn’t particularly well balanced and was a bit of a damp squib in terms of support. I’m definitely more of a hobby butterfly rather than doubling down on one faction. Was thinking about my mini collection/pile of shame, I won’t need to purchase much to have a good number of spearheads, even tho I’ve never actually bought a spearhead box.

    KO- already have all the models

    Orruk Warclans- already have all the models 

    Idoneth Deepkin- just need a soulscryer but can just proxy soulrender.

    Lumineth- just need 5 bladelords

    Fyreslayers- I’m not sure off the top of my head, they all look alike but I have the FS half of FotD so it probably won’t take too much (or proxy)

    Yndrastas- need a chariot and 10 vanquishers?

    Plus I’ll get the 2 that come skaventide! For me that’s not many minis to purchase for a good amount of gameplay variety. I also like having the specific smaller painting/collecting goals to reduce hobby burnout. 

    TLDR: Hyped for spearhead & skaventide!

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Flippy said:

    Not true. I assure you GW will be equally happy if people buy multiple Spearhead boxes. Some will move to big AoS from there, some will not - but the latter have at least bought something they wouldn’t have otherwise.

    Agreed, even if they could tempt just 25% (random number) of current 40k players to pick up a spearhead box would be a substantial amount of money. I do think 4th and spearhead’s intent is to grow the game.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Third said:

    Why didn't the Skaven player have the Ratling Warpblaster during the show game for Spearhead? Have I missed something or have they done a pretty big oopsie? 🤔

    I think the launch box contains more minis than just the spearhead.

    • Like 3
  10. 28 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    So not an issue for all of us, and not an issue for anyone who's got some D6 games kicking around but maybe for absolute newbies... does it not have dice in it? Is that a GW thing now to not have a handful of dice in the launch/starter boxes for total newbies?

    Dice are not common in the recent launch boxes. Dominion didn’t have any, nor Leviathan. I think this is targeted at existing players and players who are new to AoS, but not new to wargaming in general, who all should have dice already.

    The later starter boxes will likely have dice for completely new players.

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 5/12/2024 at 7:48 PM, Sarouan said:

    If you think the GW magazines are sold to make a profit, you're sorely mistaken. It's the standard "sell an entry product at a loss, let something else elsewhere absorb the cost". That's why indies can't afford to do the same : it only works with big corporations like GW that are so diversified in their sales they can do this. That's also why GW doesn't do that for the whole range of their products : if they did, they would go bankrupt.

    I'm sure the mags also rely on people who subscribe to every issue, some of which are terrible value having only a couple of paints.

  12. The kill team boxes must be way more popular?!

    Salvation went sold out everywhere almost immediately as well. I would’ve split salvation with my brother, I’d have taken the scorpions and given him the scouts but at just after ten on preorder day there just weren’t any anywhere.

    No idea how many of the boxes they produced? I’d assume they would have made more for KT releases than for warcry, I’d be shocked if they produced equal quantities of each. I’m sure it’s not that KT is more popular than warcry as a game, it’s that 40k resculpts for classic designs are highly sought after. I haven’t even played 40k for many years but would’ve bought salvation if I could.

    It’s rumoured that later in the year Fire dragons, swooping hawks and maybe even warp spiders will get the KT treatment, good luck getting hold of them!

    I do wonder though if it’s part of GWs hyped way of marketing. When a KT box sells out, they will make higher profit margins on the teams separately later on when they’re finally released. If sufficient qty is produced at initial release and everyone who wants one gets one, they wouldn’t get the hype/rush in sales later down the line. I kinda wished they did more MTO with their main release schedule.

    My thoughts on OT;
    GW will probably keep raising prices as long as enough people keep buying at the new prices. GW regularly sell out of new items, there’s no real incentive for them to lower prices.

    • Like 1
  13. I think the difference in content between leviathan and the upcoming 4.0 box is that 40k has a much bigger following already. Leviathan was always going to do very well because there are so many marine players and new marines will always appeal to way more players/collectors. Plus nids are a well established army.

    With 4.0 it seems that GW are really trying to get new players into AoS. 
    I bought Dominion (well actually I got 2) mainly for the Kruleboyz, but I can fully see how it wouldn’t have grabbed the attention of new players (even AoS fans for that matter if they didn’t like the factions), it was just core book and minis and whilst good value you’d still need to buy more to make proper armies.

    The 4.0 box having everything someone would need to play is much more appealing to entice people to pick it up and try it. I think 4.0 launch will be much more successful than Dominion cos of the above reasons, but also I think Skaven will be very popular. Partly because the range has needed some love for a long time, and also cos Skaven are uniquely warhammer and tied into the nostalgia service that seems to be a trend currently.

    Even for current AoS fans I can see a number getting the launch box to have the core rules, spearhead content/cards/terrain etc. They may sell the minis or keep them to try out a new force, but whatever the case I can see it having much more appeal than the dominion box.

    I’m really looking forward to the full reveal.

    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Its in the same sentence as "the unit that charged or has fly". It would be the attacking unit right?

    I read this as, if the target unit has FLY or target unit charged, it would not get the -1 to hit bonus of cover. The end part of the sentence that says "that unit" I think is referring to the target unit mentioned in the first part of the sentence, not the attacking unit.

    So, if a flying unit targets a unit in cover it would be -1 to hit.

    If any unit targets a flying unit in cover it would not be -1 to hit.

    • Like 3
  15. 11 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I think its a bit weird to not get cover when shot by a unit with fly, but my Nighthaunt will take this.

    I read this as the unit with FLY wouldn't be -1 when it is the target of a shot, not when a unit with FLY is shooting.

    • Like 3
  16. Great idea for a thread!

    This was mine👇🏻 I was already loving painting random D&D minis and I saw the free transfer sheet on the front of the mag and pestered my mum. 


    Although, like Greyshadow, I started picking up white dwarf regularly from issue 169 and started getting into GW stuff. I remember going down to the corner shop each month, “Has it come in yet?”

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