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Posts posted by shoutenraku

  1. 3 hours ago, Impa said:

    Finally finishing up my skullreaper conversions. Utilizing leftovers from the wrathmonger/skullreaper set. Legs and bits from bloodwarriors and some bloodreaver parts. I took some build process pics aswell. Still need to finish some gap filling and sculpting. But here is where they’re at. I sourced cheap parts locally on trades and such. But you can find the odd eBay lot with the bits you need aswell if shipping is worth it. 







    Nice!!! I got 3 boxes to build from, I intend to build 20 reapers and 10 mongers.

    What did you use for the back armor?

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  2. 2 hours ago, PivotalCar said:


    I think u can just go with everything u own except 1 bloodsecrator. It comes up to 920 points but you start with 1 extra command point.

    Slaughterhost - Goretide

    1 bloodsecrator - General  (Hew the foe) (Thronebreaker's Torc)

    1 exalted deathbringer with impaling spear

    1 slaughterpriest - Killing Frenzy

    1 bloodstoker


    5 bloodwarriors

    20 bloodreavers - Meatripper Axes


    1 khorgorath

    5 skullreapers

    1 Extra Command Point

  3. 24 minutes ago, medivouk said:

    Goreglaives specifically can't get the attack from the champ. He gets +1 attack with goreaxe(s).  However, the other points are valid.


    60 wounds on a 3+/4+ save are pretty cool though. Certainly a good anvil unit. 

    5 man chaos warriors or 20 man marauders at 90/120pts can fill battleline. Problem is finding a big enough hammer. Skull reapers and make them immune to rend with the batallion? 


    22 minutes ago, Impa said:

    "1 in every 10 models can replace the units weapon option with a goreglaive" as per the war scroll. Your champion can't take the glaive anymore either. So essentially your 30 man unit can cary 3 glaives with 2 attacks each (+ whatever additional attacks from monger or stoker or both for potential 4 attacks each 3/3/-1/2dmg/re roll wounds) so your essentially making a 60 wound unit with gorefists bounce back mortal wounds. they can no respite on death, you have your rend from the glaives out front. whipping them re roll wounds with potential re rolls to hit from goretide and giving them bronzed flesh makes them a serious anvil. i think the pros outweigh the cons. its alot of points to invest YES. So i'm just wondering if anyone has tried it and their thoughts. :)

    Ah....my bad, didn't notice the change.

    Well...don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing on the idea. I'm just pointing out what I think are the pros and cons.

    Anyway while I didn't run a 30 man bloodwarriors unit before, I ran a 30 man chaos warriors unit was playing against fryeslayers' old tome. I manage to hold up against a 30man vulkite, another 10man vulkite and a magmadroth for a couple of turns while other units hold objectives. With buffs and everything they do ok. I think bloodwarriors will do better damage wise but will be a lot weaker to shooty armies.

  4. 1 hour ago, Impa said:

    Has anyone run a 30 man bloodwarrior blob? So your 3x goreglaives are out front while your blob is locked in combat? that would be a serious wall of madmen with all the random buffs we can dish out to it. Some serious objective holding power. 

    I think you got to weigh the pros and cons

    - 520 points (80 points discount)

    - Hard to shift


    - you can only have 1 champion per unit so only 1 gore glaive gets 3 attacks

    - hard to move around with the blob

    - you still need 2 more battleline units for 2k points game

    - hard to fit in wholly within requirements



  5. 40 minutes ago, phizzco said:

    Can I get an explanation on the "drop" mechanic? whats the significance?

    During deployment, you can put down a battalion/unit. Since deploying a battalion allows you to put down multiple units at one go, you benefit from finishing deployment first and getting your choice of going first or not by reducing the amount of drops you need.

    However it depends on your opponent's amount of drops as well and your opponent may have more strategic drops as they can deploy counters e.g tarpit units for your hammers since you rush out your deployments for the benefit of going first.

  6. 14 hours ago, ledha said:

    They have an excellent damage output, yes, i think it's the most undercosted unit of the mortal khorne side. 2 unit gave me a lot of cover for the +1 attack and their range made them very useful to fight behind my troop or to gangup on a lone character. I really recommand to always take 2 unitin your khorne army if you have enough points for it.

    Anyway... ROUND 2 ! 

    Esoteric sites, with the 3 objectives only wizards and item-bearer character can cap. Urh. Hate this one, with only one slaughterpriest and my bloodsecrator being able to give me points. And i was... against a stormcast army. A very subtle one, with 2x20 sequitors backed by 2 castellants, one Heraldor, 3x5 liberators and 5 as well as 10 evocators.


    So, i have 2 unit who can cap vs 3 (his item bearer and two units of evocators). Ouch. I decide to focus on center and my left flank, and ignore the right flank. I take the first turn, and run my bloodsecrator and slaughterpriest to the middle and left flank, with 20 bloodwarriors and 5 skullreapers in the center, 10 skullreapers and 5 wrathmonger on my left, and 10 bloodreavers and 5 wrathmongers on my right. They are placed to prevent the evocator for reaching the point at least one turn even with charge+pile-in. However, i'm at great risk because my heroes had to run 6 to join the objectives points, and my units were behind with ****** run rolls. I had no choice to hope for my opponent to miss his charges and not having the double turn.

    I summon the skulls on my left flank to block a large part of it from my opponent (there is a huge scenery who protect this point from melee, making it hard to access)

    He deepstrile 10 evocators and 2x5 libs on my left flank, while the rest of his army (20 sequitors+castellant+5liberators on center, 20 sequitors+5 evocators and castellant on my right) advance. His heraldor hurt my heroes on the center, because i was dumb enough to put the altar near the objective point. I'm EXTREMELY LUCKY here because my opponent fail all of his charges, and don't have the double turn. If he had either, i could have lost here and there.

    I take the turn, and shield my slaughterpriest on the left from my opponent's evocators with buffed skullreapers and the hexgorger skulls. I use bloodboil to do some mortal wounds on the castellant and kill him. On the center of the battlefield, 5 skullreapers charge the liberators, while the others (with+1 to hit), helped by 10 bloodwarriors and 5 wrathmongers, charge the big block of 20 sequitor. Seeing the ennemy heraldor is not well protected, My other unit of bloodwarrior use the goretide ability to run+charge him and engage the other block of sequitors. I kill the heraldor as well as the 5 liberators, 1 gryph-hound and 6 sequitors. Themselves don't do much in return, fighting units ignoring rend-1 and having few space to manoeuver.

    My opponents turn start. I use the bloodtithe so my skullreapers strike the enemy sequitors in the hero, killing even more of them (no castellant light+no reroll save because it's not the combat phase). My opponent charge my right flank with his evocators and engage it with his sequitors (because of the pile-in), killing everyone. On the left, liberators and evocators engage the armored skullreapers and nearly kill them all, but don't have enough space to manoeuver enough to reach the slaughterpriest, while the sequitors in the middle continue to lose against my wrathmongers/skullreapers/bloodwarriors, who kill a gryph-hound.

    Turn 3. I'm happy because center is secured by left flank is crumbling. I use blood tithe to make retreat then move my bloodwarriors to make a second defensive line for the slaughterpriest. I summon the axe, and use as much blood boil as possible to kill evocators, and charge the second blob of sequitors with the skullreapers who killed the liberators previously, engaging in a confusing melee. The big blob of sequitors end up killed, while the second

    My opponent surrend at the end of the turn, because i have too many points and he won"t be able to catch up fast enough.

    Major victory, a lot thanks to being lucky on initiative roll and my opponent lack of luck.

    Nice victory!

    I think your knowledge of the game helps a lot as well, using bloodtithe to deny his light+rerolls to nail the sequitors is huge. In a tournament setting when under pressure, people tend to forget about such details.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Roark said:

    I want to be convinced! Since their commands were downgraded (along with a few Khorne artefacts) and their points went up, I find it a bit hard to get excited about either of them. What am I missing?

    Well mighty lord was 140 in the previous book then went to 120 in the GHB 2018...Juggerlord is now more sought after since skullcrushers are buffed.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Kaz said:

    True actually. The mongers are faster, actually do damage, and are more wounds, and have more board presence. 

    Naturally the Bloodsecrator being a hero matters in quite a few scenarios, and his 3+ save makes him immune to most Missile Fire, especially with Look Out Sir. The secrator also has access to artifacts, and can be a general, which could increase his utility. His speed is 1 inch slower, but his buff has a longer range, thus it’s imo easier to get lads within range. Plus, Loathsome Sorcery CAN be a life saver at times. 

    It depends on your list. If your list has multiple hammers already, I’d say Bloodsecrator. If you feel you lack punch power, go for Wrathmongers. And also depends on whether you can fill a Battalion with whichever. 

    One ting that should be remembered is that mongers are extremely vulnerable to shooting, unlike the secrator

    I agree about reavers tho. If bringing reavers, I’d bring more. And in this case, it’s best to have at least 2 heroes imo

    As far as a Juggerlord is concerned, I dunno about y’all, but do you guys prefer mighty Lord to the Juggerlord? Both seem absolutely awesome.

    do you guys prefer the insta kill’s threat, or the sheer DPS of a Juggerlord? And between a mighty lord’s re-roll for charges, or a juggerlord’s re-rolls To wounds of 1? 


    Thanks for your insight, I will put some thought into mongers vs secrator.

    I think both are solid choices with about the same damage potential, mighty lord works better with goretide slaughterhost and can unbind. Juggerlord on the other hand is a lot tankier with 2 more wounds and 5+ spell save, the extra 3" movement helps you get the charge easier.

  9. 7 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Personally, I would drop lord+shrine and get 2x10 man units of warriors total and upgrade stoker to priest with frenzy or bronzed flesh.

    The issue with lord is that he's a hefty tax for playing  crushers battleline and he's not very killy considering 180 buys you a reaper unit, I don't think he's suited for smaller sized games. Also if you go Goretide his ability is kind of redunant.

    Basically you need a killy battleline, that's 2x200 at the very least.  Crushers can't go lower than 360.  You're left with 240pt of support and secrator+priest is the best choice. You can switch crushers for 5xreapers for example and take a shrine or lord back, but why would you when they do nothing for reapers.

    2x10 Warriors sounds good but unfortunately I only have access to 1 x 10. I do have access to 40 man reavers though.

    While the juggerlord is not very killy for the price, I'm hoping the +1 dmg from hew the foe will make it a bit better and since crushers, juggerlord and warshrine all have the same movement speed, coordinated attacks are easier to pull off.

    I don't really think I will be using the lord's command ability since I will be using the CP for the goretide's.

    Anyway thanks a lot of your input. I think I will need to think of how to make the battleline killier, maybe swap out crushers for reapers.


  10. 8 hours ago, jazman84 said:

    I'd drop the Stoker and the Bloodsecrator for Warmongers and a unit of Reavers.

    Hmm.....Bloodsecrator for Warmongers is interesting, the buff effect is similar and a unit of mongers are a lot tankier and killier.

    But why a unit of reavers? I'm very wary of them just dying without contributing much and having only 1 hero is risky to hero sniping causing me to be unable to hold objectives.

  11. 1 hour ago, Smooth criminal said:

    160pt for shrine can buy you a sleughterpriest with an axe judgement, think about that.

    Bronzed flesh is probably better for crushers and definitely better on a shrine (it already buffs hit).

    Generally I think you are too low unit and model count, opponent can just tarpit the crushers and you're suddenly out of punching options. I'd drop at least 1 hero and add 1 unit.

    Thanks, Smooth Criminal.

    I was actually weighing between a warshrine and a slaughter priest and axe but decided to go with warshrine because of the movement as it matches the juggernauts and the lord.

    I intend to double buff crushers on hit bring it to 3+ rerollable and -1 rend to make sure it punches through hard.

    For hammers, I intend for the juggerlord to be my backup puncher.

    If you are to drop a hero which will you drop and which unit will you add?

  12. Gentleman, I have a upcoming 1k point tournament.

    for C&C please.

    Allegiance: Khorne

    Realm: None


    Leaders x3

    Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut - 160pts


    Hew the foe

    Thronebreaker's Torc

    Bloodsecrator - 140pts

    Bloodstoker - 80pts

    Battleline x2

    Bloodwarriors x5 - 100pts

    Goreaxe & fist

    Mighty Skullcrushers x6 - 360pts


    Other x1

    Warshrine - 160pts

    Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy

    Total: 1000/1000

    General Strat:  Cannon Bloodwarriors for screen/tie up, aim to rush the army up and keep the enemy grounded in their territory. Warshrine and stoker to buff hit/wound for skullcrushers. The main force can get across the field fast and hit the opponent before they can react.

  13. 6 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I’m honestly just really bad at the game and I don’t even think I could win often with a powerhouse army like DoK or FEC. 

    Don't get dishearten about losing, don't fret about the powerhouse armies. If you want to get better read up a lot on other factions, understanding how each army plays will help a lot.

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