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Posts posted by Alexispolux

  1. If i were them i would state that factions that are eligible for a free city ie for Living City: Sylvaneth, Wanderers, Freeguild and stormcast, you would swap out their faction keyword for the "Free Cities" Keyword. It makes sense in the aspect that these guys fight as a cohesive whole but removes some of the complications of things not working correctly when it comes to abilities. Or they'll make it a supplementary keyword to be added when the unit is added to a list like the chambers or groves etc. Either way it would allow the factions to play as individuals or as the "free city" narrative they're pushing.

    If they take either of these options it also leaves open the chance to revisit the individual factions if they fancy expanding them *crosses fingers*

  2. Just realised we've lost 5 out of our 11 warscrolls. That's a feelsbadman. Not sure how we can be fielded as a faction without proxing other factions into our army. Waystone pathfinders battalion is dead as well.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, samkrow76 said:

    So, sorry about this but I posted earlier that I just bought a new army and I have a lot of GG and the heroes that were "cut" but my question is; it looks like they are just not being sold. They have points, they have warscrolls, they are still playable... is there any reason at all I cannot use them? They look legal as of GHB 19 so, they are not included in Cities of Sigmar now? But really nothing has changed right? I guess I might not be understanding exactly what has happened but to a new player all it looks like is that they have just stopped selling these units on the website. 

     Any advice would help, again I am new so please don't rage on me. Thank you,

    Yeah you can use them until they get pushed into "Warhammer Legends" which is the graveyard for all the old fantasy models, which should happen in GHB 2020. Unless ofc GW surprises us and updates them in the cities book with some new models etc.

  4. On the one hand i'm glad i've only just got started with wanderers and i'd picked all the modern kits just to be safe in case of a squatting but i seriously feel for all you guys that have large collections, this really sucks :(

    My hope is that we can play our own faction in the cities book and aren't forced to be a hybrid faction as thats not what i wanted when i started wanderers. The big surprise for me was the removal of the cannon/organ gun kit as they've just made the mercenary company in the GHB. 

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  5. 35 minutes ago, brattenbergus said:

    So I wanted to get started with Aos, and The Wanderers really caught my eye. But perhaps it's not a good idea to start collecting them before we know more about the outcome of the new Cities Battletome? 

    Yeah if you've got nothing yet then it would be wise to wait. Usually when they announce these things they're out in 3 months so you wouldn't have long to wait

  6. 48 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Looks like a wardancer with bow and some kind of centaur. Awesome 😎

    I expect centigor models they readded them into the beasts of chaos book but they have the old models still

  7. I think we can expect our heroes being canned if we're getting wrapped into factions with large numbers of plastic heroes already and I doubt we'll be getting anything new to replace it. Kinda disappointing as it will no doubt remove some of the flavour of being 'wanderers' unless they do endless spells, spell lores and scenery for each of the 7 factions in the book.... However we should get some fleshed out abilities and hopefully adjusted scrolls so there is that

    • Sad 1
  8. I'm finally planning my first 1k list (friends and i will be doing meeting engagements for now) I currently have a NP, 2 Way-hero stand ins, 20 Eternal guard and 10 SotW. Going to purchase the next part of my army but i'm torn between buying either 10 sisters of the thorn or 5 Sisters and 10 SotW. the choice basically cav or more bows and i'm stuck as to knowing whats good.

  9. 22 hours ago, Charlo said:

    Common misconception, those books aren't new "grand alliance" books. They just battletomes for each alliance. So for example a new Order faction, a new Death faction, a new Chaos and Destruction factions.

    Currently I don't think these have been revealed (unless Fyreslayers count for order)

    Derp. Yeah i must have read their marketing spiel wrong :(

  10. My thoughts on the lack of rules might be because of the new grand alliance books that were revealed a while back. Might be all the minor factions are cobbled together in there with mini dexes. Regardless excited to get started on my wanderers now that I'll have some updated points this weekend

  11. @awcamawn Thanks for your help! i'll check the core rulebook once i get one XD in my mind i want to do an army thats fighting to reclaim Ghyran from those dastardly forces of chaos *shakes fist* so the info you've given me makes me feel comfortable in doing so!

    It seems that the sylvaneth and wanderers have an interesting relationship which i hope they expand on as it sounds quite interesting. Might include some kurnoth hunters or a treelord into my army as i've heard they're good and i like the models

  12. Hi 1st time posting!

    I've been thinking about starting wanderers as my aos army but i don't understand the lore. I like to keep my armies in keeping with the established canon as i find it fun to base an army in. However i don't really understand what the "wanderer" faction is all about?

    All i know is they legged it when  nurgle attacked the realm of life and that made the Sylvaneth mad but they're considered allies for army building so are they friends or not?  also now that they've all left the realm of life does that make them persona non grata in the realm of life? where are they now? whats the goal of the faction?

    What i've read so far seems to have little direction (appropriate given the faction name ;)). Can anyone help this poor noob out? 

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