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Posts posted by undeadheadz

  1. Im sure this has already been asked here but only have a limited break so not enough time to search for it.


    How viable is the alliance off wood and sea battalion have picked up the sylvaneth start collecting and a unit of three hunters to test it out but does anyone have any experience with it?

  2. tried this list in a game last friday vs maggotkin


     400 - thanquol as general with death frenzy spell, and 4 x flamethrowers

    100 - master moulder with rabid crown


    300 - rat ogres x 6

    300 - rat ogres x 6 

    300 - rat ogres x 6


    220 - hellpit abomination


    260 - stormfiends  doomflayer, rattling cannon, flamers

    60 packmaster x 3

    60 packmaster x 3  


    but ended up being destroyed by maggotkin after they sniped my master moulder off the board by turn 2 using plague squall,  and wrath of the gods (twist card)

    have made adjustments to what i could run now, what are people opinions of this list, also where can you get 20 cheap giant rats i have roughly 20 at the moment and don't fancy buying 4 rat ogre with giant rats sets



     200 - grey seer on screaming bell as general with death frenzy spell,  and verminous valour command trait

    100 - master moulder with rabid crown

    100 - master moulder (battalion)  with foulhide


    300 - rat ogres x 6

    300 - rat ogres x 6 

    300 - rat ogres x 6

    200 - giant rats x 40 


    220 - hellpit abomination

    Warscroll battalion

    160 - fleshmeld menagerie


    60 packmaster x 3

    endless spells

    40 -Vermintide

    20 - Soulsnare shackles

    total 2000

  3. 1 hour ago, Luca said:

    Hello guis,please help me.

    My friend play stormcast eternal and always target my wepaon teams with  judicators.  any suggest for protect them agains ranged weapons?

    Use cover well or hide them behind a larger not as expensive unit like rat ogres


    Other option is keep them well back and once fight starts pop them through a gnawhole to flank with them

  4. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    I think you’ll do fine. Just two thoughts. Not necessarily better but something to think about 

    1. You might find controlling objectives hard with so little bodies. You might want to bring one squad of giant rats  for that purpose

     2. Then you have everything for the moulder battalion. Might be worth it for the better ‘more more beasts and command point. Also makes you a 3 drop army for what it’s worth  

    but dropping 6 ratogres for the giant rats still leaves you 60pts short for the battalion. 🤔

    i was thinking of trying to get the battalion in, but as it is i can send the army out in three balanced packs with ogres supporting elites/ monsters backed up with pack masters,  each would have buffs and horde clearing abilities for the objectives,  but it would have to be at the cost of bringing a pack back at 5+ rather then 4+


    i could get the extra 60 pts from dropping a packmaster but then the balance on the three groups would drop again

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  5. toying around with an clan moulder based list for a 2kpts  game i have next weekend, anyone got any comments on if they think this should work or not vs maggotkin


     400 - thanquol as general with death frenzy spell, and 4 x flamethrowers

    100 - master moulder with rabid crown



    300 - rat ogres x 6

    300 - rat ogres x 6 

    300 - rat ogres x 6



    220 - hellpit abomination



    260 - stormfiends  doomflayer, rattling cannon, flamers

    60 packmaster x 3

    60 packmaster x 3  

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