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Posts posted by Zanzou

  1. On 8/29/2019 at 7:55 PM, KriticalKhan said:

    "I don't believe this forum allows such blatant support of straight up theft.

    blatant support of straight up theft.

    straight up theft.



    Half the people at their FLGS would probably be in handcuffs then 😂.  It would cost 450 USD just to run one unit of 30 Acolytes... If it weren't for kitbashing, customizing, proxying and reproducing your own models for personal use, how many people do you think could afford things like that with their new pricing?

  2. 27 minutes ago, xking said:

    There are people that actually think that these models are ugly? I mean, I'm not interested in the faction, but I don't think they're ugly. 

    Not only do they A) look a bit goofy/ outdated (already) on day number 1, but B) they look closer to necrons than actual skeletons...  Doesn't fit my kind of fantasy for me.

    I'm not saying they had to be generic skellies, but in comparison the sepulchral guard do look much better to me and scratch that classic skeleton army itch while also having more dynamic poses.

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  3. This is so disappointing to read.

    2 hours ago, overtninja said:

    They've supported them with rules and/or points for the whole stretch of AoS...

    No they have not.

    2 hours ago, overtninja said:

    If you as a customer sour to their practices because you've grown very attached to the models you've had for, at this point, potential decades, that's largely on you.

    This is so intellectually dishonest and disappointing. You know as well as I do that there are people that have recently bought and started building these armies (marketed for AoS) within the last year or two (AoS has only been around for 4 years), because they were sold for AoS. I didn't even play WFB, I am telling you how crappy this looks even from my perspective as a "new" player.  As a new player, I am telling you that we were not accustomed to the "GW treatment" yet.  So no, it's not the fault of these poor players for expecting GW to support AoS products for AoS.

    2 hours ago, overtninja said:

    That said, new collectors shouldn't have to buy 15 year-old models when GW can make much better things now....

    Let's be honest, the old WHFB ranges are not, in the end, AoS minis...

    You should have told that to GW before they decided to release (and even officially rebox and rebase many of them) ancient models with officially branded "AoS" support... only to remove that "support" after such a short time in AoS.  THAT is on GW. For the time that many of these models had in AoS, the rules for them were a complete joke and people here said things like "don't worry, just wait until they get a battletome before you complain about your investment"... That did not age well.


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  4. 9 hours ago, overtninja said:

    It's also important to remember that there is nothing permanent in a wargaming hobby - everything eventually ends up being squatted, discontinued, or otherwise retired from production or the game itself and replaced with new things.

    This isn't true at all.  The AoS team has just normalized this for you guys to the point that you think it is acceptable and the status quo.  If they ever sold something under the "AoS" box, they should have kept supporting it until the game of "AoS" is no longer supported.  I could point you to several wargames that do not do this greedy bs, trying to get you to buy the latest thing if you want to feel "safe".

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  5. 1 hour ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I don’t know about you guys,  but  I’m shopping around for a new army now. What really sucks is most of the stuff is just too outlandish. I want something more grounded. Nothing really appeals to my tastes. Order is basically GA: Stormcasts and Aelves at this point. Dispossessed had that comfy “hearth and home” feel to them that’s is sadly missing is the other armies.

    Totally, totally agree about the taste.  All this superhuman stormcast and bs like that is so boring to me.

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  6. On 7/28/2019 at 8:52 AM, VBS said:

    Every now and then we see anxious posts about models "no longer being available". 

    I wonder why they would be routinely anxious? It's not like they've regularly axed models and even entire ranges without warning before /s 

    "No longer available online" is different than "temporarily", the best you can hope for is a rebox with those words.


    On 7/28/2019 at 8:52 AM, VBS said:

    One trusts they learnt a thing a two from the past :/

    I don't. The proof is in the pudding, and they've removed things without any warning from the game as recently as this year.  I don't take vague asides on warhammer community at face-value, because there often seems to be a major disconnect between what gets posted (accidentally and then edited or removed later) and what actually happens.

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  7. 4 hours ago, adreal said:

    Imho they suit better then glade guard, just comparing to the newer plastics (eternal guard, wild wood rangers, wild riders, sisters of the thorn, nomad prince) they mix pretty well

    How the heck do SoTW look more like wood elves than glade guard?? SoTW look closer to regal high-elves with their hair and crowns.

    Glade Guard do not seem out of place to me at all... They're more like the defining characteristic, along with things like wild riders.

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  8. It says no longer available online in other stores too now.  Glade Guard already had round bases... Whatcha playing at GW?  Wanderers were almost a full army, so please don't tell me the way you're finally giving love to the factions you've left untouched for this long is to just remove half of their ranges and staple the book together?

    I will pray for Wanderer players that their Glade Guard don't go the same way that their Waywatchers did...

    • Sad 2
  9. 19 hours ago, Overread said:

    ...high and the low aspects don't really have any direct impact [on aesthetics]

    I completely disagree. They can have shared elements, but the high or low fantasy RULES of your world can easily be reflected in an army's aesthetic... when godly powers are infused with lightning bolts into god-like armies of radiant unpractical gold never seen before, sprouting angelic wings in a world where they can traverse across fantastic realms none of which are any longer reflective of our own world... That is absolutely reflected in the aesthetic of the Stormcast's design and it is absolutely reflective of high fantasy elements.

    However, the line between high and low elements is so absurdly subjective that to debate it at length would be a waste of time.

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  10. 43 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

    In terms of playable warscrolls, they're a huge step up IMO. They're tidy simple and clean whereas the underworlds warscrolls try and cram in different options for every model! 

    These guys are a cheap distraction unit as they should be

    The problem isn't how "clean" the warscroll looks, it's that they are worse at everything/ have no apparent role. As for being cheap as a benefit...

    -Cheap yet can't be used well for screening or objective holding, since cheap units used for screening/ objective holding can either be taken in large groups at a discount or have some sort of defense to make them annoying to get rid of.  These have neither.  These have nothing.

    -Can't realistically use their good movement, because their attack is so weak when you compare to the potential of any other faction's far-movers. Skin Wolves are much more expensive they are also 1000 times better than them at everything they can do and more movement (Untamed beasts are so weak they would not even be able to kill a small hero after a flank).  Yes skin wolves are elite and we are comparing to a "cheap distraction", but with no defense, no offense or group discounts to speak of, there's no reason not to take other cheap distractions.

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  11. For those thinking warcry units were going to lead into a slaves battletome, have you seen how poor the untamed beasts warscroll for example looks?  That one is even worse than Underworlds warscrolls.

    Only 1 fighter out of all of them gets the single ranged attack, and the rest of them have only 1 poor attack...


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  12. I was all prepared to come here to say free cities is fantastic news... But then mention vague discontinuations with no indication as to what... TBH, at least they're warning in advance unlike their other disgusting faction rug-pulls, but in general it would be so much better if they sold new casts of these old models instead of just cutting everything.

    Also RIP Slaves.

  13. 24 minutes ago, ShadowSwordmaster said:

    The Stormcasts for all intense and purposes is a reflection of what Azyrian culture might be.  

    Where are you getting this from? The SCE are literally described as crafted superhumans that have never been seen before. The free peoples of the free cities are surviving remnants completely separate from this.

    "The Stormcast Eternals are made for battle. Once they were mortal men, but they were taken to the Heavens and reforged by Sigmar, imbued with a portion of the glory of the gods themselves. Hard he crafts them, tempering each with justice and the raw energies of the storm. Upon the Anvil of the Apotheosis they are gifted with superhuman strength and courage beyond the ken of mortal man.[1a]

    Only after long toil did Sigmar cast forth his new army. It was a bolt of purest order to sear through the darkness, a storm of righteousness to battle the all-conquering night. Never before had such an army been seen."

    I haven't read anything to suggest that the SCE creation affected the surviving free peoples.

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  14. 1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    Haha, oh man, you're livid, think how the people who have spent months on it will feel. Ah well, ****** happens. I once printed up 10,000 flyers for a club night and only realised when I got them back that I'd forgotten to put the date of the event on them. I'm sure it won't ruin people's long term enjoyment.

    GW does this in almost every book they release now though and they still don't learn their lesson. Got the Skaven book and not only found multiple typos throughout yet again (including an obvious error in the very first sentence of the very first page of the book introducing the skaven), but included pictures of a model that they had abruptly removed from the game literally with the publishing of this book.

    Not only do you remove one of my favorite AoS skaven models but you include pictures of it in Skaventide as if it still even had a warscroll with that book...

    Not excusable given they have had plenty of past mistakes to learn from, given the size of the company and the prices they charge...


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  15. 58 minutes ago, Sete said:

    It makes more sense than having Empire troops because Sigmar was in Karl Franz body on a world that was destroyed. I just gave the example of troops from Azyr.

    I disagree with your lesser stormcast opinion. Thats like saying blood reavers are lesser blood warriors.

    (Its like saying we dont need all these warcry chaos warbands because we already have khorne marauders.)

    They would fit in the theme of Azyr, and thats where im coming from.

    Just like the Empire does not resonate with a lot of people aswell, and also im sure some people would like new plastic, dynamic sculpts, instead of regimented old plastic.

    And i wont be satisfied with boring, old factions.


    The only part I agree with is the past faction garb doesn't currently make sense (like the hurricanum has "Karl Franz" literally written on the model).

    The difference is both of the chaos example you gave are models supported by GW, but you're advocating abandoning 1 old unique faction in favor of creating another faction similar to SCE.

    You can have new mortal human foot soldier sculpts in dynamic poses without having to give them super powers like SCE or SC-like breastplate armor. Again we already have the massive SC range for higher fantasy Sigmar soldiers.

    It's 100 percent ok if low-fantasy is "boring" to you, but I don't think that means we should remove the option for regular mortal human soldiers, for the people opposed to the SC style.


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  16. 2 hours ago, Sete said:

    In my opinion the Empire look needs to go. In such fantastical realms, having this historical look is doing a disservice to the setting. Some features could be retained, like Warrior Priests, Knightly Orders, Greatswords and Halberds, but with a new look fitting of the High Fantasy setting. Instead of having a renaicansse look, go for breastplates stormcast inspired and chainmail skirts with leather boots .  Freeguild generals riding wingless armored griffins, Arquebus loaded with magic crystals with the essence of Azyr, basically Lightning guns, with ammo being infused by Mages, Badass armored warrior priests calling upon the thunder of azyr and blasting chaos left and right Thor style with greathammers. 

    Make all the weapons and armour with azyr iconography, comets, thunders and griffins.

    Bring the High fantasy to the humans, and make them a proper faction worthy of Age of Sigmar.

    Especially the armies of Azyr, being around Stormcast for so long, should have developed as a professional army, trying to emulate their champions somewhat.

    Understand where you're coming from but completely disagree.

    1. We don't need more factions based on what you're essentially describing as lesser stormcasts.  The SCE range is already big enough/ still growing.

    2. Not all mortals need to reflect high fantasy.  Higher fantasy troops do not resonate with some people.  They like the grittier tried and true foot soldiers/ Glade Guard/ chaos marauders/ skeletons etc.  It is best to maintain variation for all sorts of interests.

    That's just my opinion, but I'm sure a lot of you would be perfectly happy with all-high-fantasy-super-saiyan-stormcast-all-the-time.

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  17. 50 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    Yeah have to say now we've got a lot more info there's just one big question left that's got me all excited to figure out.

    Will 'the internet' blame GW for ruining Warcry with a long & sustained roll out of entirely optional new rules packs and 'money grabbing' expansions... or for ruining Warcry by releasing everything at once and so not showing enough 'long term' support by releasing new stuff every other month?

    Choose your own miserable adventure!

    I am one of AoS team's biggest critics on this forum, but I have way more faith in the team behind WarCry/ Underworlds/ Kill Team than the one behind AoS. These people will at least have updated and [mostly] balanced rules for all released factions, even if we still have to deal with the regular money-making tactics.

  18. 7 hours ago, Overread said:

    Corvus could be a second wave only a week after launch of the main game. Considering that GW has spoilt all the warbands long before the launch day I'm guessing that they are staggering the release (they assume big sales) so by keeping it focused to the core game and 1 additional warband they are hoping to keep production up with demand somewhat. Instead of releasing it all on one day and getting slammed way too hard in one go. 

    The two leaked armies might or might take a while longer as GW hasn't shown anything for them, though if they do on the release day then that might mean they'll be here in  2 or 3 months. 

    Corporate business tactics 101. Drip-feed staggered releases are designed to  push people into buying every faction one at a time, as consumers don't like waiting to buy their warband of choice. Even releasing a starter set that includes 2 factions with the rulebook, dice, official terrain, etc is part of the strategy to get people to buy every warband, "forcing" people into iron golems/ untamed beasts even if their interest is splintered fang.  Heck, people will buy two boxes just to have the ability to customize their warband with the specialized options.

    If they released 6 warbands in separate boxes all at once, people could choose to get only their favourite warbands straight from launch, which would defeat their business plan.


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  19. 18 minutes ago, Wraith01 said:

    The  Godsworn Hunt from Underworlds would make a great little Darkoath Warband to add to the game. Maybe add the WarChief and War Queen to have a couple extra bodies.

    Probably all the Underworld warbands could fit in... That would be really cool!

    For the most part underworlds warbands just don't have enough models for WarCry, by the looks of it.  WarCry is 8 to 9 models, Underworlds has as little as 3

  20. 3 hours ago, JackdawGin said:

    I would imaging there's other AOS stuffs coming as well.

    Although entirely possible, it is amusing because this is what people have said for months at every event/ every other weekend. 


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  21. I feel as tho if wanderers and sylvaneth were to be merged, they would have done it in the new sylvaneth battletome (an ultimate wood-elf book).

    At this point I think it's a toss-up between a wanderer exclusive expansion/book and an aelf-soup... More likely the former.

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  22. 23 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The problem is they've priced a "Troop" type model at an elite slot, likely because the price on them has moved them into that kind of slot in buying anyway. 

    Yeah the difference is so extreme that it feels like they're making each model like a hero/leader.  The grot warboss was also increased 67% from 12 to 20 CAD but at least it is a single model unit.  

    Sadly that means acolytes are 20 dollars just for 12 points worth of a 60 point unit.

  23. 6 minutes ago, stato said:

    Metal models.  Not something they make on a large volume at all and has always been labor intensive.  They are obviously having to bump prices to cover costs, alternative would be to put up entire ranges to cover the loss on models 99% people wont buy.

    First of all, they did increase costs over most of the entire range at this point (examine all of the online exclusive increases, there are countless. Many of the in-store models as you know were just increased up to 25% as well this week.   This is coming after the increase to paints/ SC.)

    A SIXTY SEVEN percent increase to afford the same models they have always made? I don't really know how to respond to that.

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