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Gareth 🍄

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Posts posted by Gareth 🍄

  1. I understand people often want their favourite battletomes updated for the current edition without a long wait, but for me a new battletome with next to no new miniatures is super unexciting.

    I'm mainly here for the cool models though, as I've never been a huge fan of AoS as a game. Rank and flank mass battles is more my thing, that's the imagery that drew me to wargaming in the first place - the Old World might get me back into gaming more when it arrives.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Haha! Well to be fair they weren’t lying. Sold really fast & well but It was like saying that an avalanche might hollow out a mountain from the sheer amount they made using that “get it now!” phrase. xD 

    Crazy the difference between this thread’s activity and the paltry responses on the half-year report post that confirmed the flop rumors were (very) false.

    Heated debates or misery loves company? You decide!

    I totally missed that.


    The Age of Sigmar launch in July was our best fantasy launch to date by a considerable margin


    Sales following the launch have been strong

    Good to know AoS is doing well!

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  3. For me, having found out the source of the NDA (the person Norn Queen Alexis revealed on Twitter), I believe it's real. They don't seem like an untrustworthy source, to be fair. Not the kind you'd associate with GW drama. I would guess that this NDA hasn't been sent to everyone though, which could be why some YouTubers who've also signed NDAs think it's fake.

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