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Kodos der Henker

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Posts posted by Kodos der Henker

  1. People not knowing how a regular NDA looks like, being new and trying to get into the scene, sign this without knowing what they are doing

    while others might sign it to get an advantage as the influence scene is about minutes on who has things up first, and someone who only cares about money and fame is willing to advertise a product no matter their personal opinion on it

    now going toxic against the whistle-blower is a no-go, but as often, people rather kill the messenger than accepting the message

  2. Not bein in Twitter nor do I ever heard of those, but just to some it up if I got everything right

    - Someone leaked an NDA from GW with some unusual terms that should make people worry (like the 3 years period)
    - than someone came up with a proof that it was fake
    - the original person now send data to confirm it is real
    - those that proofed it as fake than released the personal data of the whistle-blower
    - parts of the community went after the whistle-blower?
    - the twitter account from the person who leaked the personal data was removed
    - the NDA is confirmed to be real and to be around for a while now

    so content creators/reviewers working with GW under that NDA, have to follow the rules for 3 years, which is currently the edition cycle of the main games, after receiving the product for review. Making them more like an external PR department rather than an independent reviewer

    • Like 2
  3. At least for 40k OPR already added too much as there are not only all 40k factions but some more from other games as well. Also copying the problems with the 40k factions, if the wrong armies play against each other the game is as one sided as in 40k were using only the armies from other games turns out better

    AoS was the better game so less problems with OPR here but gokng for a 1:1 compatibility of every single minor faction out there is not the best idea in the long run.

    For me, I am going to use my Stormcast in Kings of War, very different game but I like it more for mass battle

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    I agree with this. Since i started with WHFB things have become way more beginner friendly. We need less models to get an army together. We have better and more diverse paints. We have smaller systems like warcry and underworlds. Youtube/this forum are still teaching me new stuff about painting and motivates me to try new things. Imo now is a great time to get into this hobby. And to be honest many hobbies are expensive if u want to do it properly or compete in some form. Still having no free warscolls sucks :P.

    Edit: Oh and every army getting released looks better than the one before it. Would be a nightmare to pick one to start with haha.

    so basically AoS 2nd was what once Warhammer 6th was, except instead of Youtube we had the Black Gobbo, and Mortheim instead of Warcry (and HeroQuest instead of Underworlds)

    Free stuff/rules from GW, lots of hobby articles/conversions, army started smaller and the overall entry level was lower
    Good small skirmish games etc.

    Everything was there, and than GW changed it to rise the amount of models needed, and replaced all the free stuff with payed content while also reducing support (and they also removed their Inks from the paint line which was a big step back)

    • Like 2
  5. A simple reason why things are heated with some minor changes from GW regarding the interaction with the community:

    Some of us have already seen those things in the past and it looks like that GW did not learned from the mistakes, or just never understood what those mistakes were.

    But the changes from AoS 2 to AoS 3 with the new business model taking away good stuff that was there and forcing people into things that they don't want without even getting a proper replacement (for AoS, taking away e-books and replacing them with rules only support if you buy the physical book) feels very much like what happend from WHFB 6th to WHFB 7th/8th

    It looks like that GW thought the AoS Community has reached is maximum and won't grow any larger (as new players just replace those that drop out) so they want the highest possible short term profit.
    And from the current point, I would not be surprised if AoS is killed off after its 4th Edition and replaced with something new just because this has worked so well before

    For me they have done everything that I am not going to buy any books, and depending on how the pandemic is going on I guess I won't have a single game in 3rd anyway

    • Like 2
  6. I want e-books and a list builder

    Now I have to buy books I don't want and pay for the list builder

    I don't care what else is offered with the Subscription and how good the value might be, it does not offer what I want and the list builder is more expensive than it was before

    For the App itself, I cannot log in within the App


  7. You don't need the subscription to see the digital rules for the book you own

    But need one for the army builder

    So for the digital rules to make sense you need the subscription

    The free stuff is doing the same as taking pictures of the book after you bought it and store them on a dedicated folder your phone

  8. Perfect marketing so far

    Give stuff away for free to build a community and people heavily invest into the game

    Now take away the free stuff and let people pay for it, and because they already have invested so much they will pay to keep their investment "worth it"

    In addition, because the community is big it will trag in more new people than the number who leave because of the changes


    For now I am not even sure if I am going to buy the new SCE book at all

  9. 6 hours ago, woolf said:

    My guess that the books (in particular SCE) is simply too large at this point. They have a pretty small rules team after all and so the task of making this an interesting and balanced book with all these scrolls is just too difficult. Hence in the limited time they have to write the book, they focus on the new stuff, trying to make that as interesting as they can, then they just slide in all the rest, make some light touches/clean ups here an there but are careful not to "break the game" in not having the capacity to properly think through (i.e. err on the cautious side)... Feels a bit similar with the Orruk one where (in particular Bonesplitters) didn't get much attention

    Still their fault of doing it in the first place

    No need to make more Stormcast if they cannot handle it or try to get everything into one book

    It does not matter what the reason behind it is, not enough time, not enough people or a grand master plan to sell more models, but it was their decision to do it that way, and they knew that the outcome will be

    • Like 5
  10. Not sure what to do with my collection, as I have:

    2x Celestant on Dracoth 

    2x Lord Relictor

    1x Knight Heraldor

    1x 6 Prosecutor with Javelin

    1x 6 Prosecutor with Hammers

    2x 5 Liberator

    5 dudes with Javelin/Spear and no shields (1st Edi conversion, used them Judicators)

    1x 5 Protectors

    1x 5 Retributors

    Enough models and bits to build some more units, like another 5 Javelin-Judicators, Liberators, Vindicators, Heroes or Annihilators (with Shields)

    For now looks like I have too much of everything for a single list but I am not in the mood to buy a new army for now

  11. 2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Lotr is not a core game any more though, and hasnt been for years either.

    it is one of the 3 games present on the website while all the others are sub categories

    1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Where doe that date for the Middle Earth License running out come from? I've not seen that, but if true its hard to know whether they would want to renew it.

    from the last time they renewed the license, which was ~2017

  12. 19 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    I think it becoming a core game isn't true unless it's no longer being handled by Specialist Games (core games are all produced by the main studio which has it's own management structure - specialist games is outside this structure).  I do think it'll be given the same or better support that we saw when the first black books were released

    At the moment the 3rd core game is Lord of the Rings, and this would mean TOW is replacing it

    yet what is really unlikely about that rumor is end of 2021 as original release date
    with GW needing ~3 years in advance to make new plastic models, and they won't start a core game without a plastic starter set, work on Kislev would haven started in mid/late 2018

    everything else is just the "standard" that was already around last year

  13. Community related uprisings are always "strange", a company doing what they are doing but no one cares but than they do something that is not worth mentioning and earn a shitstorm as all the rage stored is unleashed

    For GW, they live in general from the goodwill of the community to accept and tolerate all their mistakes and paying a premium price
    But if GW is doing something that might be legally fine and being just a standard process, but destroys the goodwill of some parts of the community (we accept your mistakes and you let us do our fan-film/mods/3D prints), this can get ugly as there is nothing worse than people who think they are right, for the wrong reasons (there is so much you can blame GW, no need to make things up, yet feeling personally attacked and people do strange things)

  14. The current situation is not about what GW is doing now, but what GW has done in the past

    So people stop their projects because of what might happen based on past experience

    those new to GW cannot understand this, don't know how bad the situation was for the community back than (were forums deleted all posts with direct quotes from the rulebook in fear of GW shutting them down)

    point is GW has always been very strict but those new were not aware and thought they are happy about community content

    in addition, a lot of people out there like the background but not the prices and are just playing the games because they get the rules for cheap and models for less from illegal sources (and are pissed if those are taken down because GW took away "their" game as they don't feel to pay for it)

  15. 1 hour ago, The Red King said:

    GW knows this and the problem here is that their overly aggressive stance is stifling creativity and fan involvement for no good reason. 

    but this did not change in the last 15 years, the situation now is not different to the situation when TTS made their first video

    except that GW offered other creators a job, yet no one received a C&D

    nothing changes, GW is as aggressive and restrictive regarding its IP as it was over the past 15 years

    • Like 2
  16. one point people should not forget that in some countries (like UK) you lose the IP (or parts of it) if you are not defending it (while in the US you just need to do something with it)

    If GW never acts against 3D printing or fan-films, the lose the right to act against them in future even if those than break the law

    in this case, GW cannot copyright 40k animations without making them on their own, same way they cannot copyright models they never made, but with making them and defending their IP in those cases they make sure to have a strong position if another company ever steps in

  17. this is how Warhammer was created

    back than were GW was just the European distributor of D&D, they had an idea on how to make more money by selling people an army around their RPG characters and creating a hybrid wargaming/RPG system

    and now GW more or less dominants that niche between wargaming and full RPG with their systems, there is no real reason to try to compete with GW here

    yet with GW slowly removing the RPG part from their games (by removing options and customisation) someone else might start filling the gab (or already did by looking at Stargrave/Frostgrave)

    • Like 1
  18. well, this comes 20 years too late, GW is what it is and will never change again

    they are protecting what is theirs and neither want your input, creativity or your help

    they don't want to grow the community but a constant flow of new people to compensate those that leave and keep everything at a size they can supply and control

    and if the community outgrown the supply, they do something to shrink it again

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  19. 22 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    He kept saying that he thinks this is lazy and that he could have banged out two pages of artefacts in an hour. And the whole time I was just thinking "But not having to read two pages of artefact options that someone wrote up in an hour is a positive, not a negative!" Well, at least it is to me

    the big difference is that GW made books with options to add flavour to the armies to make each sidenote on the fluff playable

    than they removed most of it for no real reason while at the same time the balance got worse and fluff as well as pics were copy & paste from the previous book

    they became lazy as in "minimum afford to make maximum profit" without trying to make a good product

    to compare, if the new SCE book would have only Warscroll for the new Dominion models while fluff is from the old book with nothing new

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  20. 46 minutes ago, stratigo said:

    "We can't know the intent of the rules"

    The literal writer of the rule "Here is what I intended"

    "You're wrong"

    happend because a) the designers playing with changes/house rules that never made it to the public and b) what was written into the rules was not what they had in mind

    in 30 years this came up very often, and specially was annoying in tactic articles in White Dwarf, as an example when a designer said he likes his Empire Cavalry with 2 hand weapons for +1 attack and not only did knights not have that options, the core rules explicit said that 2 hand weapons have no effect for cavalry

    or remember for Aos2 with the first published how to play video got rules wrong and it was easier (and cheaper) for GW to change them via FAQ than to make a new video

    what the designer wants, what rules the designers use and what was written down in the books for the people to read have always been 3 different things

    this is also were RAW vs RAI comes from, not because the text can be read in different ways but because the text is very clearly saying the opposite of what is needed for the game to work

    which usually happens because some leftover from previous rules are still there (copy & paste old text because it did not change) without adjusting them for new rules because the designer know how it should work do he don't need to write it down

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
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