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Kodos der Henker

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Posts posted by Kodos der Henker

  1. 3 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    the polymer structure changes.  You can't just melt it all down and put it back into the machine as if it was casting metal, it doesn't work like that

    with Polystyrene you can do exactly that or do you think GW has their own chemical plant and does the polymerization in England?

    they buy packs of solid chunks from China in the right colour and melt them to put into their machinery

  2. 18 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    Yeah, they deserve a new book or something! 😂

    Yes, 4 ones

    AoS is in the better spot than 40k because the designers got the hint that it is healthier for the game instead of randomly throwing in new units that replace existing ones (or not if their rules are not better)

    And than Stormcast exist, we all those problems 40k collected with Marines over 20 years are put in copy&paste without thinking twice (because Marines sell and if you do exactly the same with SCE, those must sell as well)

    For now the only useful option to solve it would be for each champer to be its own book

  3. On 11/1/2021 at 6:35 AM, yukishiro1 said:


    I cannot remove the quote on mobile, sorry

    For GW it would be just stupid not to recycle with everything already be in house

    Question is just if it is cheaper to keep stuff in the warehouse until it sells, or recycle unsold kits and produce new stuff if needed

    With current plastic raw material being hard to get, recycling will be better than selling on discount

  4. On 11/1/2021 at 6:35 AM, yukishiro1 said:

    And I don't know if plastic sprues can just be tossed back into the vat and boiled down and then remade into a different sprue, or whether there'd be any economic reason to do that rather than just binning them

    Yes you can, you even can do this at home, although it depends on raw material prices and availability if it makes sense or not (not for other companies that produce externally but for GW it can be easy ro just recycle stuff that does not sell)

  5. On 8/26/2021 at 2:44 PM, Marcvs said:

    I am less appalled by them getting some rules wrong (there's a lot of rules and they need to play different armies). What I think they would need is a sort of disclaimer "these battle reports might contain the occasional rules mistake" because I can already see people referring to these as a sort of correct interpretation of certain rules, due to their "GW approved" label

    Well if they don't have people there that know the basic rules, there is no excuse

    You pay money to watch a game from the very people who made the rules, they should not need the disclaimer "because there are too many rules so not everything can be done right" (than write a game with less rules if you cannot remember them)

    Do this with a football or hockey game and you won't see the fans going for "yeah too many rule for the players to remember, they can do nothing about that, game was still worth the money"

    If GW is not able to deliver proper content, they should not ask or money in the first place. A free battle report on YT or Twitch with mistakes is ok, but not knowing their own game and ask people to pay for the video is something no one else would get away with

    • Like 5
  6. 13 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    they seriously not update the app scroll... guess that's why they rolled out a beta

    The announcement in the very beginning was (don't know if still there) was that the App will have the latest rules including changes made later (so should have priority over any written book)

    So hard to tell which one is wrong, but I guess like in 40k ignoring the App and use Book+FAQ is what the community will do

    • Sad 1
  7. the difference is in the history of the game

    Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Blood Angels already had their own Codex in 2nd Edition long before the background was settled to the current state

    hence they were made different to the "Codex" Chapters that just use the Ultramarines rules but going down that road what the different Marines needed was half a page with 1-2 special units and rules in 3rd. The difference between White Scars, Iron Hands and Ultramarines is non existent as everything those can do, the Ultras do as well

    Of course you can make each SCE Champer its own Army Book, but this was make no sense as those have always been in the same book

  8. Just now, Higolx said:

    Im not really sure why they stopped doing that tbh

    Because they cannot prevent others from selling a model that fit their rules without making one in the first place

    And as GW does not really understand how Copyright and Trademarks work, they don't want to make any rules without a dedicated model

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Similarely, there are harder or more supple resins that bend or break at different loads.

    if the model breaks because of the load, it is bad design and the designer did not account for the material

    same as GW's latest Skelettons break more easily than their older ones (and the grey of the plastic has nothing to do with the material but just how much pigments are used to colour it, PS is a clear plastic)

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    are there other HIPS manufacturers? GW seems to be the only one

    For manufacturers

    There is GW and Renedra in the UK, Italeri on the continent, Wargames Atlantic in the US (moving there from China), Bandai in Japan, and much more in Asia (China, Korea) than I can name here

    For models, most of those that sell HIPS don't have their own factory and produce externally

    Mantic Games, Warlord Games, Perry Miniatures, Wargames Atlantic, Bandai, Italeri, Rubicon Models, Victrix Unlimited, Shieldwolf Ministures, Gripping Beast, North Star, Great Escape Games, Atomic Mass Games Wyrd Games, and for sure some more I missed here, make their own Wargaming/TableTop HIPS models

    • Like 4
  11. GW makes the best HIPS models out there, their Resin models are ok at best as well as their Metal models
    A problem here is that the competitors are not far behind in HIPS, so models released by GW 6 years ago are behind those released up to 3 years ago from competitors

    hence the old Empire models are pretty dated by now and other companies have better quality in similar style by now, which is a problem for factions that have some older models as essentials in their line, as those models are not the best HIPS models out there but still very expensive

    Design is a tricky thing as a lot depends on personal taste but there are some problems in the GW lineup for years now
    as they switched to digital sculpting, we see a lot of similar poses, Monster models from the same timeframe have the very same basic pose just with different details (going so far that the 40k Imperial Knight and the new Sylvaneth Treeman had the same leg pose, or that everyone comes with a tactical rock)
    also some of the basic body forms are wrong, wich make them look wired but without let them look as fantasy/aliens either and only gets clear of looking at similar models from others (or why some renders from other artists look that much better)

    another point is that GW walked away from gaming miniatures to display models, the mono-pose stuff looks fine as ling as there are not many of the same unit on the table, like if you by each unit only once, it looks awesome. But an army to play usually does not have that and looks boring very fast
    as most others make the HIPS models for gaming, not for display there they use Resin there is a different target audience

    one problem though is the material, things made in HIPS need to be different sculpted than for Resin than for Metal than for 3D printed Resin than for PLA
    this is specially tricky on some of the renders as not all models work with everything and there can be a very good sculpt but if the designer never printed them on his own and can give advice on which printer and what settings to use, pure luck if it works the first time


    Yes, the newest models are the best HIPS models on the market, but not all of them age well and the competition is not far behind (specially with some products being 10-20 years old), so as longs as GW has no new fantasy humans made, others are better
    as soon as another material is an option, it gets tricky

    and than there is the pricing, with others making 1€/model HIPS boxes that are on similar quality level or offer something GW does not, even if GW is a little bit better their price point is much higher

  12. the important part for the customer is very simple, you cannot know if a review as a paid advertisement or a real review

    anyone making a YT video, write in Forums or post on social media that is positive about something new from GW could be under that NDA and is not allowed to tell you
    someone coming here on how awesome the new rules are after his first game, could as well be someone under NDA and you don't know for real unless you bought into things yourself

    now with free warscrolls gone, no chance to try things before you buy it and with the knowledge that any positive talking about that product could be just advertisement from GW

    there is a reason why independent reviews exist or you could rate products yourself and of course you rather by the 5 star product but you don't know if all the 5 star ratings are fake or not

    • Like 6
  13. I know why I usually stay away from the 40k/Warhammer communities on Reddit (and FB in general) but come along such things by trying to dig out some facts (hence why I found Archs video)

    But fighting people on how stupid they must be for not realising that this is the industry standard in one thread while on the other fighting people on how stupid they are for not realising that this must be fake to make GW look evil

    Both defending GW with a negative attitude towards the customer/community but at the same time the more of those controversy comes up, the more legit the document looks (as those vocal group fight and cancel each other, either it is standard and there is nothing wrong with GW or fake and there is nothing wong with GW while the option that there is something wrong stays as the calm 3rd "person" in the room)

    And from the past, GW is that stupid to send the wrong file out to sign and a 3rd party got the document meant for internals and not some evil GW conspiracy that this is intended to be the new NDA for reviews to shut down bad ones thru the backdoor (as no business without permission can get people into not being negative to make sure to get that permission)

  14. Why I think it is legit are the different ways people are playing it down

    First group argues that this is standard and that they have signed similar stuff and/or there is nothing special written there. It is just armchair lawyers who want to hate GW who think it is bad

    Second group says this is fake

    But why would someone fake a "standard" NDA? So the first group has no clue what they are talking about and it is so bad that the second group thinks it must be a fake.


    For now, it might be real and be a warning for those who are new and might don't know how restricted this for not signing anything without double checking it to avoid problems

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    considering some of the mistakes (AND TYPOS) in the new Stormcast battletome, I'm not even surprised... Don't take typos as singular proof that something is fake, IMHO. Even outside GW you'll see typos in press releases or published documents.

    well, in the very past it was the opposite, if a rumour/leak/picture of text not having any typos or mistakes, it was seen as fake and not from GW

    • Haha 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

    Isn’t this ArchWarhammer? As in the hard right guy who’s said a bunch of racist and derogatory stuff? If so I don’t care about his opinion on it.

    don't know, I don't follow any of the YT/Twitter/Reddit flame wars these days

    but he does not share any opinion in that vidoe but only the fact without naming the leak, so it does not matter who he is or what he might have done


    2 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Who are these companies?  I would like to check them out to see if they can offer the full hobby experience, at scale, that GW does at a fraction of the cost.

    I am very happy with my Victrix Saxons I got recently, less than 1€ per model and better than the Stormcast I bought regarding mold lines and options (still monopose though)
    Perry Miniatures are have been always good, yet both these companies make only historicals (yet perfect for a CoS Army)
    Mantic Games Halflings also look very well, same as Wargames Atlantic

    • Like 1
  17. 23 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Ive loss track of the saga now as the weekend has been and gone (I got to go out and see Russell Kane at a comedy show like how it used to be!!), but for me the stuff I’d be concerned about is selling stuff. Not so much about saying my thoughts on things as I think you can do that without resorting to being insulting.

    it is the 36 months period, 4.1.2 (no business with restricted customers without permission) and 4.1.4 (being exclusive to GW)

    witch would be normal for direct employees like model or game designers, but not for reviewers or painting channels
    so either GW was that stupid to just use their employee NDA for independent content creators or they really try to control the influencer scene thru the backdoor


    1 minute ago, GrogTheGrognard said:

    It seems like from the screenshots I saw Goobertown Hobbies may have been pushing NQA buttons to the point she doxed the guy (still doesn't excuse what she did as doxing is a horrible thing).

    it was Goobertown Hobbies who got the original leak and shared it with NQA to confirm that it is real and not fake

    • Thanks 1
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