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Everything posted by Kantchill

  1. Been lurking here for some time, but need some advice ! I've been working on a competitive (all-comers) Sylvaneth list and I'm having my first tournament with them next month! The problem is, I'm really struggling to win games right now. I have played competitive 40k for about 4 years and with a very high win rate, but I can't seem to make AoS work, lol. (I started a few months ago with AoS, have played about 20 games now) I was wondering if anyone sees any mayor flaws in the list building or in my tactics, or if you have any other solid advice for me playing Sylvaneth. The goal is to try and stay away from the Kurnoth net-lists... Personally I think I might be to heavy on the big dudes. Maybe drop the Ancient for an Arch-Revenant and a unit of Kurnoth Hunters? I really like to free Wyldwood he gives tho, it's pretty strong and I use them a lot to teleport Durthu en Drycha to where I need them most. The Wych is also a possible contender to swap for something else, but she's pretty decent support with her spells for only 80 points. Any and all help or tips, however small, are appreciated! I'm using the following list: Glade; Harvestboon Durthu - General, Ghyrstrike, Seek new Fruit Drycha - Regrowth Treelord Ancient - Regrowth, Silent Sickle Branchwych - Verdous Harmony Branchwraith - Throne of Vines 20x Dryads 10x Spite-Revenants 10x Spite-Revenants 10x Spite-Revenants 5x Tree-Revenants 5x Tree-Revenants Outcast Battalion Spiteswarm Hive The general tactic: Drycha and Spites cover one flank, and I often drop the Spiteswam Hive near them to get them into combat quickly. The other flank (ideally on an objective) is covered by the big blob of Dryads and the Branchwych to bring them back to life. Durthu and de Branchwraith are usually somewhere in between near a wood, so Durthu can get bonus attacks on defence or teleport away wear I need him on offense and the wraith can summon more Dryads (which will then proceed to grab backline objectives). The ancient I just randomly place near where I want the extra free wood, but often near the big blob of Dryads to support them with a stomp. Last but not least the Tree-Revenants are spread out in the back or in the corners of my deployment to deny enemy deepstrike units and after that teleport to grab objectives or in some rare occasions take out lone units/heroes my opponent misplaced. The main problems I have: A) I get alpha-striked to freaking dust before I even moved my models. I often lose the first turn due to the number of drops (9 with the battalion) and the enemy just wipes all the Spites, the Dryads and sometimes when I'm unlucky even one of the big guys. After that I can make a decent comeback by killing a lot with Durthu and Drycha, but I can never grab as many Victory Points as my opponent. I do have to note that I usually set up my battleline units at the edge of me deployment zone (as near to the opponent as possible). I guess that's probably a mistake? B) I get a decent start and kill a lot of enemies, often even manage to get a few objectives. But then as the battle continues I usually lose the advantage because the enemy manage to kill my heavy hitters (Durthu and/or Drycha), and they proceed to just wipe out the remaining models after which I struggle to keep an advantage in Victory Points and usually the enemy surpasses me after turn 3 or 4 and I lose. Examples, last week I played against: - Stormcast. Deepstrike with 20 evocators (head turn 1), who killed all my battleline and Drycha before I even started playing. - New Orruks. He moved like 40" and just got all his models in combat at bottom turn 1, killing basically everything except the Ancient and a unit of Spites. - Gloomspite Gitz. He overwhelmed my with sheer numbers on objectives, but also hit hard with a turn 1 deepstrike using fanatics, and later on his Mangler Squigs and Squig Hoppers just swept the board clean.
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