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Posts posted by IneptusAstartes

  1. 17 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Finally, the more dreadful possibility is that GW earns a lot from this TOW and decide to create a parallel timeline or more directly, revert End Time itself. Then, good bye AOS.😞



    Which is depressing because AoS is a far more interesting setting than TOW ever was, but I guess in this age of ruthless capitalism derivative generic fantasy is going to be a safer stockholder investment than any attempts at originality. 😢

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    In general the release cycle seems a bit like having a hickup since Sylvaneth. Also the fact that we´ve got 2 Studio Previews in a short time around Nova that spoiled so much stuff in advance is rather unusual.

    Btw, I am curious how the odds are for an White Dwarf Index for StD´s

    I just can’t get used to the Slaves to Darkness acronym, it sounds nasty. The name itself is fine, it’s the acronym that bothers me.

    • Like 2
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  3. A truly balanced game would be like chess - both players using the exact same armies with the exact same terrain and starting points. Considering all the armies and playstyles, true balance would be next to impossible. And as previous posters said, new armies are released taking the older ones into account, so in general armies with newer rules are overpowered in comparison.

    • Like 1
  4. There’s also the weird case of the pastiche supplanting the original. Old Warhammer FB was translated more or less 1:1 into space to become 40k, then 40k ended up far more popular than its parent. You could read articles about, say, “Warhammer” lore and it would be entirely about 40k. A lot of people (myself included...) knew of 40k’s emperor but didn’t know it was a parody of the old empire.

    So we have AoS trying to make itself its own thing and taking an opposite tack to its predecessors. This isn’t an opinion for or against the fantasy level, just a bit of context.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, pseudonyme said:

    A funny away to do that would be a big narrative arc around Skaven (synched with a big Skaven release) which ends with Nagash messing Skaven plans 👌

    Nagash’s latest faction: the Nagashizzar Ratcatchers. Their goal: building a better mousetrap.

  6. As someone who jumped in during AoS and not WFB... honestly the old Warhammer, like 40k, had little that appealed to me. As far as I could tell (from what little cultural osmosis there was - usually if someone was talking about Warhammer it was 40k, 40k, always 40k) it was another Tolkien ripoff with some elements copy-pasted from history and some cool things like lizardmen and ratmen. (And before you correct me, I said that’s what it *seemed* like to me).

    Conversely there isn’t a single faction in AoS that I don’t feel attracted to collect in some way or another. It’s just more interesting in every which way. And it doesn’t have the weird casual racism that the old ‘hammer had (casual racism in  a fantasy game? Well I never).

    And I’m sure all those statements just made me a horrible person in the eyes of real Warhammer fans, but whatever.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    it looks good for what you have in mind! I am a bit surprised though, never saw a thrall so colorful before! I like the two split colors of armor, but the fluff-nut in me has to ask why their skin is two different colors.

    That’s not skin, it’s just a skintight outfit! The head is the only exposed skin on this thrall. I figured coral reef idoneth would a) be exposed to lots of sunlight and thus pale skin would be harmful, and b) the presence of so many stinging polyps would require more extensive protective clothing.

    • Like 1
  8. That’s it, taking the plunge (har har). Chose Motlynians as my enclave and hoping to run a semi-coherent color/theme for my Order armies and their flesh-eater allies.

    Absolutely everything we know about the Motlynians:

    1) they live in a coral reef on Ghyran

    2) they have garish, gaudy outfits

    3) they fight alongside Alarielle’s armies, so they will fit fluffwise with my Sylvaneth

    That’s it. That’s all.

    My original idea was to properly put the motley in Motlynian and make them the equivalent of 40k harlequins, but that went out the window when I tried doing harlequin checks and failed miserably. After being more or less demoralized by that attempt I tried a quick and dirty test model. Is this a good color scheme? I want it to be garish and reminiscent of coral reefs somehow.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, AHexInScarletRed said:

    I personally magnetized the head of my Zombie Dragon. The saddle I cut with a knife and built new spikes. If you need pictures, I can post some. 

    Would love to see that!

    I don’t know if I trust myself with chopping up the spikes.... :s

    • Haha 1
  10. On 9/11/2019 at 7:35 AM, IneptusAstartes said:

    I already have a royal terrorgheist and an AGK (separate so it can be fielded as mounted or not). If I get another big monster, should I make it a zombie dragon or a second terrorgheist? Is there any reason to ever need a zombie dragon/AGK on zombie dragon?

    Still looking for an answer, and another question...

    Any idea how they removed the saddle on the zombie dragon?


  11. 2 hours ago, Nerdkingdan said:

    I think the general idea is that the best army core is tide flip, with tidecaster, soulscryer, and 2x9 Morrsarr + battle Line leaving you 360 points to play around.   You can sub out one unit of Morrsarr for a 4 strong shark unit, its not as good but workable, and still pretty good.   I bought 4 sharks just to do this to scale my competitive list.


    Shame that the sharks with frickin’ harpoon-launchers on their back are a mere bravery 6... the worst thing would be losing several 120-point allopexes to battleshock.

  12. 12 hours ago, tupavko said:

    I was looking at the rumor and the picture... i though it was a "stele" at first as a Rosetta Stone, but after looking at the picture it seems more as if the guy is actually a walking sarcophagus., and the rumor picmight be actually the back of it


    Cofagrigus! I choose you!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Furies can be taken in that one Mercenary force from the GHB2019, I think called Skroug's something or other.  Its the Gargant plus either Furies or Spawn.  So there's a price of no CP generation for turn 1, but otherwise just allied points. 

    Specifically, it's Skroug's Menagerie and it's 1 Chaos Gargant and 0-3 Chaos Spawn, Warhounds, or Furies in any combination. The gargant can use the generic command abilities like a general, but only on the units in the battalion.

    Shame Skroug can't be part of a Troggherd and/or make use of its "Whipped Into a Frenzy" ability...

  14. Thanks to everyone helping out here! So looks like I'll be adding some namarti and a tidecaster in addition to both flavors of eels. One last thing - opinions on color schemes! I want to come up with something original (not one of the major enclaves) because it's challenging, because it allows more freedom to be creative, and (most selfishly) because I'll be able to say "oh, they're painted as X which have no rules right now, so I'm using [current hot enclave] rules with them".

    There are a few that stood out, and an added bonus would be able to color-sync them with my sylvaneth. Briomdar are thematic and nicely colored and my favorites among the major enclaves,  but their rules aren't too exciting.

    - Motlynian Enclave (Barricadius Reef, Ghyran): I see what you did there with "Barricadius", GW. And the "motley" reference. Described as "bright and garish", and they deploy to aid Alarielle post-Necroquake, so a shared Sylvaneth color scheme would be thematic. Goal would be bright coral reef colors, sort of a 40K Harlequins-esque look. Sylvaneth as corals, simple enough.

    - Ilmeth Enclave (Bottom of the Lampleus Sea, Hysh): Hail from a place with luminescent waves, and thus they themselves "emit an eerie radiance". Fish painted in abyssal colors, and Nighthaunt-esque deepkin? The challenge would be doing all that bioluminescence, but they would end up looking cool. Downside is that it's harder to match the Sylvaneth to them, other than generic rocky/seaweedy colors.

    - Morladron Enclave (Ulgu): They're "black-handed". What does that mean? Are they literally black-handed, having black markings on their extremities? Do they ritually paint their hands black? Is that just a euphemism for murderous? Who even knows? I have no idea what they would look like but gloomy Ulgu deepkin sounds like an equally fun project to attempt. And spooky trees.

    Which should I go for? I promise I'll post pics. I'm sure I'll be done painting in at least a few decades.

  15. 20 hours ago, LeSwordfish said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Ogors get a release like we're expecting then Slaves will be the only faction without an updated book. Maybe the Dark Aelves too, depends if they're in CoS.

    Seraphon are also overdue iirc.

  16. How would an all-Akhelian army work out, and what enclave(s) would be best? I want to make an army of flying sealife - have wanted to ever since the models were revealed - and I think the eels look like a lot of fun to paint, but I’m afraid it will make me That Guy. :(

  17. 3 hours ago, Ruhraffe said:

    I'm under the impression, that at the moment we still do not really have an idea about what is really strong and what is weak. I guess Winterleaf and Harvestboon are always good, Gnarlroot is a more defensive and spell-focused variant. 
    In terms of battleline, Spite-Revs are now a solid choice as well, and tree revs teleportation was buffed. Alarielle isn't a must-include anymore, and Drychas damage output was buffed immensely. 

    So, atm you probably want to go for one of the above glades, get a outcast or forest folk batallion, maybe free spirits (?), and that should be a solid baseline. 


    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Makes sense. So more dryads and revenants, and I’m also eyeballing greatsword hunters and a spirit of Durthu (lots of big slicers).

    Gnarlroot is spells, Harvestboon is run and hit and run, Winterleaf is exploding hits and mortal wounds afaict. Oakenbrow seems underwhelming but I’m not a good judge of power level. Dreadwood is for lots of spite-revenants, Heartwood is for lots of Kurnoth hunters, and Ironbark is good if... you want to ally with duardin? Why didn’t they include Kharadrons as allies, they were explicitly called out in the text.

  18. Is there a clear(er) idea of which glades are good for what purposes? I started  collecting Sylvaneth pre-2.0 and at the time wanted to go for Gnarlroot spell-spam (creative, I know). Have 1 SC box (treelord ancient built), a branchwraith,  1 unit of greatbow kurnoth hunters, and 1 unit of tree-revenants. Was building a Gnarlroot household. Nothing painted yet. Now that things are (hopefully) better balanced, what are some must-haves and some good/fun glades?

  19. On 5/2/2019 at 9:25 PM, Malakree said:

    Bonegrinder is ok, Aleguzzler is a pile of garbage.

    Hag is great, fungoids are great, skragrott is great. On the wizard front it's personal preference more than anything else.

    I got in here to ask the same question re: Aleguzzler, hah. What are Skragrott’s main uses in a trogg army?

  20. 15 hours ago, azmodan said:

    Every faction is so over the top in fluff that normal people would be hard to fit. 

    AoS is not Fantasy setting. It is heavy heroic heavy magic setting. So many  normal mortal faction... I just dont see it.

    Not sure what you mean by “normal people” in the fluff. The books have plenty of average joes alongside the warriors, even the Varanspire has a mini-ecosystem of Chaos mortals living in its shadow (cf. Scourge of Fate). Or did you mean you wanted Civilian units to add to armies? They do nothing besides die when attacked (and at 1 wound and a - save, they die very quickly).

    On topic - the (inaccurate) stereotype of Egyptians being obsessed with death and mummies and deserts is something I’m personally sick of, and they’ll have to do something different for it to work. As for Bretonnians... you can get better models to reenact your romanticized Arthurian medieval period battles. It was a boring faction before and it still is. 

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