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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bjornas said:

    Perhaps we have to view the (perceived) "nerfs" in light of other new books - from what I've understood, the new Night Goblins aren't terribly OP for example. Perhaps they're trying to tone armies down a bit. I think it'll be wise to wait until GH19 before we can see the longterm ambitions with the book(s).

    Yeah, I heard that the Gloomspite Gitz are actually surprisingly ok, and their Allegiance ability is even considered a small bonus unless you have Skragrott, it might not be so bad with the Blades of Khorne. Also, why is it that everywhere I go, (Rumor Thread, AOS reddit, dakkadakka), I saw a LOT of negativity regarding the Khorne release? Like there seems to be a LOT of hate for the Blades of Khorne, which I felt was slightly surprising, never really saw that back in 40K.

  2. Hey guys! I'm pretty new here, but I was wondering, what's the most likely battletome coming after Khorne? (Still super happy Khorne got a battletome:D), based on all the rumors you've heard. Would it be revealed at Adepticon? I'm guessing either Darkoath or Slaanesh, or another old battletome rework (Hopefully Kharadrons! I've always wanted to start steampunk dwarves!).

    For the Forbidden Power release, it still gives me an Egyptian feel (Not really a Tomb Kings player, I'm more of an Ogre Kingdoms lad), especially the music.

    And for Warcry, here was some stuff I found on the Age of Sigmar reddit:


    Still feel like they might release more stuff than just Chaos because of this

  3. Hey there, I'm a completely new face here (I've actually been lurking here a LONG time), a longtime Khorne fan here, returning to AOS. Just asking, does the Bloodsecrator, Aspiring Deathbringer, Wrathmonger attack buffs work on Skullcrusher mounts or Mighty Lord of Khorne Flesh Hound, since they aren't command abilities or artifacts? Also, would the Locus of Fury work on Bloodcrusher mounts?

    To be seriously honest, I'm still relatively new to AOS, (Been mostly 40K Khorne), although I do like the new stuff quite a fair bit.

    Still seems to me that Skulltake had a mistype on GW's part. Maybe an FAQ might solve it? But thanks Bululu for the info!

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