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Posts posted by Darkhan

  1. 7 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    No they really haven’t.

    depending, if stormvermins, plague monks and giant rats will be available in min. size units of 20, this edition might be exceptionally fantastic for them.


    the only sad part is, that mystic shield and all out defence, will never be a workable buff for our clanrats and Stormvermins

    How come? It still works with rend I think. Meaning IF you do mystic shield, all out defense, something that attacks you with -3 rend will get you the normal save.
    If they have -1 rend, the 2 other saves wont help. Correct me if I'm wrong. 

    Also a faq may happen regarding the shields.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    What? 40K list building gives you MORE freedom than AoS does. The only real requirement is you must have 1-2 leaders/HQ but otherwise can take whatever you want by choosing the right detachment. If you don’t take one of the 3 troops based ones though you get less CP as a tax for that choice 

    I agree, 40K system way better than AoS..that feeling when you do d3 mortal wounds, and its powerful😂 in AoS, you toss d3 mw in the bin.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well I currently I’m a bit split between being happy or very upset.

    as a skaven player I really would like to keep that horde feeling, well hordy, especially when our allegiance really wants us to have at least 40 models.

    Now I’m not saying that skaven should be able to field 5x 40 or more units, but as it is currently with unit sizes, Stormvermin, plague monks, and giant rats are currently well in 10s available.

    Those units will never, ever see play at all time, should they stay at that size.

    Stormvermins would automatically loose their allegiance horde bonus, only being able to be taken in 30s plague monks, can be considered literally useless at size of 20 and loosing every kind of bonus as soon as they loose a model.

    now on the other hand, if the min. Size of stormvermin, plague monks and so on, went up to 20 models, this could be a very interesting choice. The skaven would still keep the horde function, yet are a bit restrictive on the all out on hordes.



    60 unit clanrats I say!

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Depends how you look at it. You certainly won't make good use out of Unleash Hell and All-Out attack if you bring multiple small units of ranged attackers, since you can't spam them more than once per phase.

    Unless! "without the command beind issued and without a command point being spent". 
    With slayers and expert battalion. If they cap unleash hell issue to 1 per turn, you issue the command without it being issued, so in theory, 2 times for that one turn in the battle.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Gauche said:

    I find myself disagreeing so I'll probably give up the fight here but my last $0.02. The new complexity...isn't complex. Coherency will take you one game to adjust to, I promise. It's not a new concept in the genre or from GW and it's been tested thoroughly. New Command Abilities you can write on a notecard, they're very simple as well. What new Special Abilities, the Monster/Hero stuff? Again, fits on a notecard and is pretty easy to grasp, I hope.

    Unleash Hell looks strong at first glance but we don't have the whole picture. What if Terrain starts playing a bigger part? Now shooting isn't as good (I'm hoping for this personally). What about tagging them in Combat to get around it? As far as I know that still exists. That's the problem with making negative judgements without 100% of the picture.

    There are no weak or strong armies from the past, this is a new game. New Points, new Missions, rules changes, and of course new Army Books will come. No one has any idea what the weak and strong will end up being and it's way too early to even guess based on what we know. Even if an army has taken NOTHING but nerfs from the rules that have been shown there's plenty more to see.

    Ultimately to fix balance the community needs to stop buying rulebooks and force GW to move to digital rules that get updated once a quarter, like some games do. But that will take a very long time since GW is great at churning customers and people get very defensive about piracy because it's a "bad word". Otherwise nothing will ever change, there's no financial incentive for it to. Anything else is treating the symptoms, not the disease.


    I do hope you like 3.0 and find some enjoyment from it. Never fun to see someone fall out of love with a game for any reason.

    I'm curious why the AoS battletomes does not include a digital download code like the 40k codexes. Hoping they will tho in the future.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    More detail on this one:

    "Reinforcements are 4 max in a 2000 point army. Take a unit from 10 - 20 is 1 reinforcement. Battleline units can be reinforces 2 times. None battleline only 1 time."

    So this means that a unit of 9 stormfiends are back if you go skryre🤔

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  7. 1 hour ago, Coyote said:


    That Rally rule, it’s got to be since the last previous turn - there’s no way we could take a unit of 40 Clanrats and keep bringing 1/6 dead rats back at the top of every turn - but that would be awesome.  

    E.g. You just took 32 wounds, made you bravery because your next to the Bell… Rols 32d6 - gets back 6 Rats - minimum 10 rats within 6” of the Bell - back in the game baby!  That went from a stranded Bell to still operating.


    Even better, imagine using it on a 6x stormfiends unit with 1x left, be lucky and roll 3 6s;p

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  8. 3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Warp-fire thrower weapon team, will be devilish against any kind of horde, with this new command.

    They will have to be in the open then wont they? So the enemy can shot them away or spells before they charge.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    Plague Priests - wow at 80 pts how do we not fit at least one in a list of 2K now.

    Im doing a 2K Tourney next month, my 4 Bells list.  It’ll be AOS 3.0, so new updated rules.

    I’ve decided I need to revamp my points to take a CP and a Plague Priest too.

    At 80 pts I think a Plague Priest is an almost auto include, and with 130 pts the Plague Priest and a CP.


    80pts for a 6+ FNP? Totally worth.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Verminlord said:

    The regeneration CA is going to help keep our hordes alive.

    +1 to save on rat ogors with the 4+ save/6 wounds mutation for 3+ save 6 wounds each is SPICY

    Warp lighting cannon will now enjoy shooting without penalty in your opponents turn.

    +1 to hit will actually have no effect on our big hordes until they drop below 30 models bc we are already getting a bonus from allegiance






    Warp lightning cannon + unleash hell is so dope.

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