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Posts posted by Cronotekk

  1. Is it just me or does it seem like most of the deathrattle units have mistakes? Black knights and skeletons dont even benefit from shields anymore and the wight king command ability does nothing

    • Haha 1
  2. I don't mind soup tomes since it's mostly putting old armies back together, but I wish GW tried to play into the microfaction thing they had going on.

    An army building system that was all about having multiple "detachments" of different micro factions, or going all in on one, would be very fun. Maybe give two allegiance abilities, one for a detachment and you get both for your "primary" detachment. Tie artefacts and spells to realm of origin and grand alliance. Would've been fun, but this system is good too.

  3. Some more 3E rumors garnered from a close friend

    -double turns gone

    -new faction unveiled with starter vs stormcast

    -40k's crusade system ported over

    -current warscrolls are incompatible

    The reason warscrolls are being made irrelevant so soon after new releases is because COVID offset GW production by 6 months or so, there would have been a larger gap so players didn't feel cheated once 3E dropped.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 5
    • Sad 1
  4. You should definitely start with the goreblade start collecting, it contains so many important heros for Khorne to function.

    You could definitely build an army like that, but with that many keywords it would be best to run it in larger point games

    It makes sense you got rolled over, pre-nerf slaanesh was the most broken faction in sigmar history (had a 76% winrate at one point)

    And you'll only need the khorne battletome

  5. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    I hope you are aware that the reduced table size is the recommended minimum table size? It‘s completely legal to go bigger in 40K iirc.

    Yet I don‘t see why those changes are bad. They‘re just that: changes. I also doubt they‘ll just be a copy and paste of Warhammer Fantasy Rules. You‘ll probably have to pay a CP for those or you‘ll be restricted to one per Battleround. :)

    Minimum means all rules are designed around it. I know that you can modify any aspect of rules, but if you're making that argument then you've admitted that the rules are not good without modification.

    • Like 2
  6. There are three tiers in AoS

    -Shelf tier

    -Playable tier

    -Broken tier

    Armies cannot play against an army in a higher tier what so ever unless the higher tier army tries to lose. Imagine trying to play Sylvaneth (shelf) vs Beastclaw (playable). It would be a one sided slaughter unless the ogor player made an all grot list. However the gap is even wider between playable and broken. It is impossible for an army that isn't broken to fight


    -Teclis castle


    Just simply isn't possible unless the players make huge mistakes and forget their laundry list of special rules

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Bombort said:


    So you really think a smaller size like above would impact maneuvering so much, that there is a need to wave it goodbye?

    Nobody knows if shooting units get stronger before all rules are known.

    I think it is a good thing, that they sell these new Playfields on Cardboard. (Maybe this affects the 3.0 Edition like Cursed City?)

    Although i loved the plastic playfield, it was way too expensive for a core item needed to play. I would love it, if gw started to produce its own game-mats for an ok price. I have a few from other companys an they are great for playing.

    Yes, a board that pathetically small for a 28mm game which commonly has multiple large centerpieces for side will make the game worse. And part of the rumors state that charge reactions such as overwatch and flee will be added, nerfing melee and buffing shooting even more. I hope these rumors are false because playing a tiny, cluttered board is what killed 9th edition for my group (that and the overly convoluted process to just play a game)

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
  8. Yes, when they are used to represent magical and extraordinary attacks, sparingly, they are good.

    However they are used so frequently now that rend and armor are practically useless stats, whoever can output more mortal wounds tend to win the game. It's why magic heavy factions are so dominant right now.

    They need to reduce the mortal wound bloat in this game, it's getting completely insane. We very quickly went from rend -1 being good, to rend -2, to the previous too becoming irrelevant due to the sheer volume of mortal wounds at play nowadays.

    • Like 5
  9. 13 hours ago, Sception said:

    I doubt the guard will need rebasing if you want to use them as skeleton warriors.  IIRC the new ones have been confirmed to be on the same bases, though I can't find the facebook post about it anymore.

    I'm fairly confident that everything which isn't in another codex and does currently have a plastic model will remain in ~some form~, though it may be getting a new model and it might be merged with another unit.  The long list:

      Reveal hidden contents



    • Nagash - probably gone, that's an obr hero now
    • Arkhan - probably gone, that's an obr hero now
    • Mannfred - Almost certainly there, probably with the same model.
    • Neferata - Almost Certainly there, probably with the same model.
    • Vhordrai - an open question, since he doesn't have a bespoke model.  Could get demoted to 'generic vampire lord on zombie dragon but with a name in the background lore'.  Or he could be promoted to bespoke model with a partial re-sprue of the existing zombie dragon.  Or could be left as is, a special character with no distinct model to speak of.
    • Kritza - Basically confirmed
    • Radukar - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Torgillius - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Gorslav - he'll definitely get rules.   Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Halgrim - he'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Annika - She'll definitely get rules.  Whether they make it into the battletome is anyone's guess.
    • Vampire Lord - confirmed with at least one new model
    • Vampire Lord on Steed - very likely, but still crossing fingers for signs of a new model though
    • Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - Basically confirmed, I expect with the same model
    • Blood Palanquin - Very likely to stay imo, and with the same model.
    • Coven Throne - Very likely to stay imo, and with the same model.
    • Wight King on Steed - confirmed with new model
    • Wight King on foot - almost certainly there, may or may not get a new model
    • Necromancer - almost certainly there, may or may not get new model
    • New generic zombie hero version of Gorslav - very likely
    • Cairn Wraith - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Tomb Banshee - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Other new heroes we haven't seen yet: I don't know.  Probably?  At the same time, though, this is already a very long list.  One could even call it 'excessive' or 'bloated', especially if all the warhammer quest heroes make it in and Nagash/Arkhan aren't removed.  And that's not even touching on the rumors that FEC might get rolled back into the gravelords.


    • Sepulchral guard - Probably included, but not clear yet whether they'll have bespoke rules or just count as Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • Crimson Court - Probably included, but not clear yet whether they'll have bespoke rules or just count as Vampire Lords
    • Faction Terrain - Probably?  Then again, the mausoleum kit already exists and fits this faction's concept and aesthetic, so it's plausible that kit might get re-packaged as soulblight faction terrain.
    • Faction Endless Spells - Probably?  Then again, the FEC spells - a stampede of dead horses, a cemetary wall, and a floating chalice of blood - already exist and fit this faction's concept and aesthetic.  There are rumors of FEC possibly getting rolled back into the Gravelords, and if that happens we may just end up sharing their spells.  Otherwise, yeah, we'll probably get new endless spells of our own.


    • Skeleton Warriors - confirmed with new models and name change to 'Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • Deadwalker Zombies - confirmed with new models
    • Direwolves - basically confirmed, still crossing fingers for new models
    • Black Knights - basically confirmed, probably with the same models imo
    • Hexwraiths - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Spirit Hosts - probably gone, that's a nighthaunt unit now
    • Grave Guard - not clear yet whether they carry on as their own unit, with or without new models, or get demoted to 'Deathrattle Skeletons'
    • blood knights - confirmed with new models
    • fell bats - confirmed with new models
    • bat swarms - basically confirmed with new cursed city models
    • rat swarms - will definitely get rules, almost certainly in the book since kritza's basically confirmed
    • ulfenwatch - basically just deathrattle skeletons, but might get bespoke rules if halgrim is treated as a unique unit champ
    • vykos bloodborn - will definitely get rules, no confirmation that they'll be in book or get a separate model release, but imo very likely
    • cursed city zombie ogres - I forget their names.  Will definitely get rules, no confirmation that they'll be in the book or get a separate model release.  imo somewhat likely, but I'm not as confident of them as I am with the vykos.
    • Morghasts - probably gone, that's an obr unit now
    • Vargheists - probably staying, probably with the same models.
    • 'legion black coach' - almost assuredly gone
    • Other entirely new units - possibly?  Again though, that's already a pretty expansive list, without even touching the possibility of FEC units getting rolled back in.

    big single models

    • corpse cart - probably staying, probably with the same model, nothing confirmed
    • mortis engine - probably staying, probably with the same model, nothing confirmed
    • Unridden Zombie Dragon - nothing confirmed, might go as it's a FEC unit
    • Terrorgheist - nothing confirmed, might go as it's a FEC unit
    • Vargskyr - definitely getting rules, not confirmed for book or separate release but imo very likely.
    • Other big individual centerpiece stuff - probably?  GW does like their big expensive centerpiece models.  Though between mortarchs, dragons, engines, thrones, palanquins, and maybe terrorgheists we're not exactly lacking here, and not every battletome update has seen a big new centerpiece, especially if you don't count faction terrain.



    Is that everything?  Did I leave anything out?  Do my assessments of the possiblities / relativel likeliness of different things seem on point?

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the Mortis Engine will be moved into nighthaunt since it's very likely they're getting a new battletome alongside their new hero

    • Like 1
  10. I think the biggest downside is that this marks the end of death as the main villain. A good 3 years of lore saying that death is the most badass scary faction ever only for the entire grand alliance to be decisively defeated on every front by a new order faction. Always thought the Soul Wars would end in Sigmar or another god finally waking up to fight Nagash, instead we got Teclis who not only hid while his army killed Nagash for him, but undid the last 3 years of setting development is dissapointing.

    Moving forward, I wonder how this will affect nighthaunt, and consequently all death lore, moving forward. Death factions were defined by their role under nagash, and now that he is out of commission (lore wise) for the foreseeable future. How will Nighthaunt, bound to torture by Nagash, change? We already see how Legions of Nagash are changing to become Soulblight led (as Arkhan is out too).

    • Like 2
  11. So my meta is just what me and my friends play really

    We have

    -Nighthaunt/Dark Elves



    -Slaves to Darkness

    My Nighthaunt tend to do well because of their teleportation and ignore rend can be very troublesome. Next would be the Seraphon guy who mostly plays coalesced because he thinks that's the coolest. Then the slaanesh guy who can summons loads of troops.

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/3/2021 at 1:43 AM, Barkanaut said:

    I'm bringing this up for is that people wondered if they could make an Age of Sigmar total war game and everyone laughed at how similar it would be. AoS feels like a spin-off of fantasy. I know the lore makes it very different but visually and even race lore wise there isn't too much difference between ogres from fantasy and ogres here in AoS. Lots of armies suffer from this and while AoS does have unique armies a very very few all too much of them like IDK and KO. On top of that these races all have tiny as heck rosters so even the few AoS specific races like these and fyre slayers could never hope to compete with the legacy factions in the setting and in TWWH3. I made the argument a long time ago these races need fleshing out but ohh boo it was too soon, but now its been a lot longer and Fyre still barely have an army to them. Feels like AoS is releasing too much mini-armies and if it did intend to update the smaller ones it sure seems like it won't. I wouldn't mind new armies if they weren't just spins on old ones like the bone guys being TK, the ghost bed sheets, and all that its been done so much by fantasy and other games. At this point AoS needs to make 2 extremely unique races and then get around to fleshing out the smaller ones for a bit then it can go back to making sigmar versions of old ones for a bit.  

    AoS has so much potential, but every year I see it squandered more and more and FW old world game get closer and closer. 

    They'll get around to updating these faction eventually. You must be new to wargames if you think every faction can be updated at all times. Also the old world will be resin trash by forge world so who cares

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