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Posts posted by AHexInScarletRed

  1. 48 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

    Thanks community for being there during this troubling time (kidding), but I do appreciate the advice or thoughts. 

    I think playing a fairly off meta spam list like I do always runs a heavy risk of a new book or GHB completely throwing thing off, but considering that my list/ style is actually still fairly in tact, although clearly not the focus… I was going to say that I wish GW had decided to include at least one allegiance ability for vamps/ non-summonable units, opening things up a bit, but there is 6+ ward and effectively the hunger is an allegiance ability, just written on warsrcolls. 

    I think GW has made a mistake by locking so many abilities to sub-factions, seriously limiting build options, but I also understand the need for focus… I’m just not sure that’s a very fun way of achieving it. 

    I think I’ll probably be quite jealous of the new FEC book when it comes out, but I currently don’t have the time, energy or funds to pick up a whole new army. I’ll probably continue playing Kastelai for now and see how it goes. Someone’s gotta do it 🤘




    5 Blood Knights 

    5 Blood Knights 

    20 Zombies 

    20 Zombies 

    10 Black Knights (or 5+5)

    looks fun, still - the Rattle even diversifies the old build a bit. Still playable with 3x Blood Knights, but I think this is a cool option in the new book. 



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  2. I mean, I think full Cavalry with a VLoZD, Blood Knights and Black Knights is possible this time around (with one being BL in Kastelai and the other in LoB). Put in Nef or Vhordrai depending on the faction and a minimalist amount of bodies for Objectives if full Cavalry sounds scary and ta-da. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Doko said:

    My opinion of units in this new book,what do you think? I dont like the new necromancer dance but i dont know if put it better because the spells of necro lore are amazing.


    Ohh i forgot the cursed city necro that to me is tier s,that 5 ward aura is amazing and again the necro lore in the book is great


    I'd argue Vargheists are ranked higher due to the new Hunger. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. So, 

    LoB builds a great VLoZD with Ethereal Save and more attacks but apart from that favors no particular units. 

    Vyrkos increases the size of summonable Units and provides them with a 5+ Ward; it's hordes of infantry this time around. 

    Kastelai with Vhordrai gives 2 units of Blood Knights 2 damage if 1 nets the necessary kill, so the old cav + chaff. 

    I'm at a loss with LoN and not interested in Avengorii. More synergies for early theorycrafting? Where'd you see Black Knights shining? 


    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Plus, The Hunger. Definitely a huge plus, even compared to the powerful SUMMONABLE keyword. For Blood Knights it will make a big difference in their performance.

    Just look at how strong these warscrolls are just by themselves, guys. Synergies are just a distraction if the baseline is already good.

    The Hunger on Vargheists is just so good too with the 4 Wounds. I'm calcing those Wounds per Point with a 4+ save to get an idea and Vargheists are at 0.046 compared to Blood-Born's 0.057 but have 1 more Wound to abuse The Hunger and a 5+ instead of a 6+.

  6. 16 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

    I love the new allegiance abilities and unique actions. I'm disappointed with a few things (reroll casts gone, radukar only dropping 25 points and losing his summon and +1 attack bubble for everyone) but overall I'm much happier with the whole book and the buffs we got.

    Some stuff is straight up awesome - coven throne spell that does d3 mortals to a hero with 6 or less wounds and if they die you add a vampire lord to your army!? Yes please. So flavourful.

    Mortis engine now has 18 inch range mortals and heals d3+4 models back if they're near a gravesite, amazing.

    Neferata having innate +1 to cast and +1 attack? Great. Mannfreds Legion actually having good abilities? Sick. Vyrkos lost rerolls but became what they sort of felt like they should be.

    All our spells are great, items and traits are all great (not a fan of the once per battle avengorri ones).

    Multiple ways of getting 5+ ward, commands that became abilities, it's all brilliant in my opinion.

    The hunger being on all vamps is amazing, including bats - who are now fast cheap chaff that heal themselves and can actually do damage.

    Bella lost rerolls yea but now she has a 24 inch bubble of 6s splitting, a spell that still turns people into wolves but now she can add d3 models to that unit with a heroic action.

    Vlozd got much more reliable shooting, gained a load of monstrous actions depending which subfaction you choose, got a better spell and gained 2 wounds with much better healing capability.

    Blood knights can move/retreat/charge/pile in over models 3 or less wounds and do damage to them, gained range and rend.

    Wight kings and some others being summonable is just outright awesome.

    I'd argue on first look that all of our warscrolls are viable now. As are all of the legions, they're all great in their own way and all feel very different. Also 3+ ethereal 16 wound vlozd that heals up to 6 from combat each turn in Legion of blood looks a little spicy...

    The one thing I hate however is they are locking warcsroll abilities to legions now.

    Heya, where did you see the Coven Throne warscroll? Thanksie! 

  7. Does the aura of Mannfred's CA move with him, or does it only affect the units that are within 12" when issued and stays with them even when Mannfred moves away? 

    So: Mannfred is next to a unit of Blood Knights, issues the Command, flies away to a unit of Zombies, which of the units now benefits from the buff? 

    Didn't find anything on that, please enlighten me and, if possible, I'd appreciate a source I can show to my gaming group x) 

  8. 3 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    Thralls have been greatly improved. We will see if that brings them back into the competitive realms (I could imagine the lack of mobility might still be an issue) but for fluffy lists they will finally see some daylight.

    Reavers looked good first but not für 170 points. If you look at what Lumineth Sentinels do for the same amount of points the Reavers don't even get close.

    The increase on Allopexes is still hefty. They got up by almost a third while the two extra wounds and losing the void drum effect is a wash a best. 

    I am a little afraid of the point changes in the new book after seeing this.

    Maybe Thralls get a transport option pulled by a Kraken, hahaThe combat profile is insanely good offensively regarding them being basic Battleline. Them now being 2" range makes them really dangerous if they manage to get in place (and they are so easy to buff!). Are there deepstrike options for them apart from the Soulscryer? 

    Reavers outdamage Sentinels (both unbuffed) and they still do when Sentinels get their Spell off (at least against 4+ and weaker Saves). They're less versatile, though. 

  9. Sharks now have D3 Damage on the Harpoon instead of 1. I'm not versed enough in Deepkin to take a stance on the new Reavers- and Allopex-Points. The Thrallmaster and the Thralls seem well off, though. 

  10. 1 minute ago, DocKeule said:

    I would be surprised if we got a third big centerpiece model (fourth if you count both Eidolons). 

    I would not be surprised on the other hand if the Thrallmaster would be the only new unit we get in this edition since that's what most faction updates looked like for quite a while now. 

    BTW: It strikes me as interesting that the Thrallmaster's buffs as well as those from the new Fyreslayer hero only last during the combat phase. This might be the new thing just as the first IDK book was the first with the "wholly within" rules. Little strange though to start that with the fourth book of the edition.

    Yeah, the Kraken is dreaming around. It's why I want to field Lotann, haha - still, a big Kraken'd be amazing. 

    It's not as if IDK are in desperate need of a specific unit type atm, imo - so yeah, not impossible that it will only be the Thrallmaster and updated rules. 

    Combat phase for switching up during my and my opponent's combat phase, no? 

  11. I'm a Soulblight player lurking here and occasionally wishing to expand into the Depths, haha. On the new Hero: I'd love Mor'phann with Lotann, Soulrenders and the Thrallmaster to become viable and on top I wish for another big monster with the new Battletome, preferably a Kraken. I think that'd be the point having me finally invest into the army. LRL's take on water will be interesting in the future too. 

  12. Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
    - Lineage: Legion of Night
    - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
    - Triumphs:

    Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night (380)*
    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)**
    - General
    - Deathlance
    - Command Trait: Unholy Impetus
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions
    Vampire Lord (140)*
    - Universal Spell Lore: Levitate 
    Necromancer (125)*
    - Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

    40 x Deadwalker Zombies (230)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Dire Wolves (135)**
    3 x Vargheists (155)*

    5 x Blood Knights (195)**
    5 x Blood Knights (195)**

    Core Battalions
    *Battle Regiment
    **Battle Regiment

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 138
    Drops: 2

    Would y'all deem this playable? It's basically what I got at home made ready for 3.0. I first had two small units of Zombies, but figured I'd do better with a reinforced one instead. Also thought about using Morbheg's Claw for an easier Vanhel's. Ghost Mist and Levitate for more flexible Zombie-usage. I'd rather run 20 GG instead of the Vargheists and the Necromancer, but can't get them right now. 

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  13. Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
    - Lineage: Kastelai Dynasty
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Prince Vhordrai (455) in Battle Regiment
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions
    Vengorian Lord (280) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander
    - Artefact: Sword of the Red Seneschals
    - Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
    Vampire Lord (140) in Battle Regiment
    - Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

    20 x Deadwalker Zombies (115) in Battle Regiment
    20 x Deadwalker Zombies (115) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    5 x Blood Knights (195) in Battle Regiment
    10 x Dire Wolves (135) in Battle Regiment

    3 x Fell Bats (75) in Battle Regiment
    3 x Fell Bats (75) in Battle Regiment

    Core Battalions
    Battle Regiment
    Battle Regiment

    Total: 1975 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 152

    Would you change something about that? I'm using the Vampire Lord over a Necromancer because I have nothing that gives the Zombies +Attacks, so the Vampire Lord is more reliable than a Necromancer using VDM. He's also a bit faster than the Necromancer and flies, so he's gonna get to the terrain piece he wants to use Ghost Mist on easier. 

    Fell Bats against Shooting, Wolves & Zombies also, a tad. 

    Double Battle Regiment for two drops. 

    • Like 1
  14. I just thought that they should kinda make Radukar's court be purchasable separately for fielding more units of Nightguard & Blood-borne without sitting on x useless heroes per purchase, but now that I had a look at it again, it doesn't even seem that bad a deal to me as I figure the Vargskyr/Blood-borne/Nightguard would probably be 30,- each, anyway. Agh. Vyrkos sure is tempting and even more so, now. Since it's fine to add a VLoZD and Blood Knights there, you even get your share of vampiric martial prowess. I'm torn 🙂

  15. Taking into account the separated Vyrkos Heroes, I ordered a Torgillius off ebay since he basically is a Necromancer without VDM for 10pts less (which helps with building this list):

    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords

    - Lineage: Kastelai Dynasty



    Prince Vhordrai (455)

    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

    Vengorian Lord (280)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander

    - Artefact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

    - Generic Spell: Flaming Weapon 

    Torgillius (115)



    5 x Blood Knights (195)

    5 x Blood Knights (195)

    5 x Blood Knights (195)

    10 x Dire Wolves (135)

    20 x Zombies (115)

    20 x Zombies (115)



    3 x Fell Bats (75)

    3 x Fell Bats (75)


    Endless Spell

    Chronomantic Cogs (45)

    Total: 1995 / 2000

    Torgillius does what a Necromancer usually does; hanging around with a unit of Zombies. Batallions are 2x Battle Regiment. Cogs for Charges, Bats for Shooting. 

  16. That's amazing! Torgillius is our cheapest Wizard now, in case a Necromancer tops out a lost by 5-10 points (which I had happen while list-building). 

    The Vargskyr also has a nice profile for the points, imo, and the Blood-born are our first small Vampire infantry 🤯

  17. I also feel Belladamma & Radukar off in a Kastelai list. It's easier to justify bringing a normal VLoZD in a Vyrkos list - which is what I'd do if I wanted to play those models. Remark, that's not taking into account min-maxing; I think you nearly always shoot yourself in the foot if you don't take Belladamma, but apart from bringing her in every 10th battle because the Crimson Keep happens to spawn in her domain, I think she'd kill off my immersion. 

  18. 35 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't know about Grave Guard in Kastelai. The standard core of Vhordrai, a Vengorian Lord and 3x5 Blood Knights leaves about 700 points left over, so I suppose you could get a unit of Grave Guard. 

    How'd you fill the remaining 700 points, ideally, not taking the Grave Guard into concern? 

    Oh, and regarding my question from my earlier post - do you know if I can take the same Core Batallion twice? 

  19. 3 hours ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    What was that? Sorry, I cant hear you over my 25 bloodknights
    But yeah, jokes aside i think 15 are the sweet spot for kastelai. You should consider a batalion

    4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If you want to be Blood Knight focussed I think it makes sense to take 2-3 units of them like you have done.

    Have you considered battalions at all? Your list is currently 11 drops, which is high. You qualify for Warlord/Command Entrourage and could probably fill up a bunch of smaller battalions as well. If you drop one unit of Fell Bats and take Kritza in order to qualify for Battle Regiment you could get down to 6 drops (possibly 5 if you change some things around), which might be worth considering.

    Thanks you two. I more or less built a list of what I'll have after investing my budget for the next months (which is 1 Vengorian Lord + 40 Zombies + 1 unit of Blood Knights, the rest I have). I didn't consider battalions. I'm not sure if I missed the information in the Core Rules - can I take the same Batallion twice? E.g. two Battle Regiments? Then it's two drops. Alternatively, I could Battle Regiment + Vanguard (for the bonus) + Vengorian Lord who doesn't fit anywhere in these, making it 5 drops. 


    - would you use 1 unit of Vargheists or two units of Fell Bats in this list?

    - I think that two units of 20 Zombies here would maybe work better than 1 unit of 40 as with the new reinforcement rules, they'll be a 'large' unit also when they're 20 most of the time and I can use them in different turns and places or... - but I can't estimate if the 40 wouldn't still perform better or if 30 Skeletons + Necromancer outperform any Zombies in this list (with the lots of talk about there being so many new goals and targets, I'm not sure if I need an objective holding, passive unit).


  20. How'd y'all balance out Kastelai in terms of Blood Knights & other units? 

    I figure I'd for example: 

    Prince Vhordrai (455)

    - General

    - Spell: Amethystine Pinions

    Vengorian Lord (280)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander 

    - Artifact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

    - Spell: Flaming Weapon 

    Vampire Lord (140)

    - Spell: Ghost Mist 


    20x Zombies (115)

    20x Zombies (115)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    10x Dire Wolves (135)


    3x Fell Bats (75)

    3x Fell Bats (75)

    Total: 1975 / 2000

    Could rid me of the Wolves and pump up one unit of Zombies to 40 (or just fuse the 2x 20). The Vampire Lord is there because the CA has better interaction with the 1 Attack of Zombies than VDM as I bring nothing else to increase Attacks. I don't know if it's worth to bring another unit of Blood Knights instead of the Wolves and one unit of Fell Bats. Vargheists instead of the Fell Bats are also an option to Deep Strike, but I guess I'll need the Fell Bats against shooting.

  21. I please need help deciding which of these two lists to invest my limited budget into:


    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords 

    - Lineage: Kastelai


    Prince Vhordrai (455)

    - General

    - Spell: Amethystine Pinions

    Vengorian Lord (280)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander 

    - Artifact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

    - Spell: Flaming Weapon 

    Necromancer (125)

    - Spell: Ghost Mist 


    30x Skeleton Warriors (255)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    10x Dire Wolves (135)


    3x Vargheists (155)

    Total: 1990 / 2000



    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords 

    - Lineage: Kastelai


    Prince Vhordrai (455)

    - General

    - Spell: Amethystine Pinions

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Rousing Commander 

    - Artifact: Sword of the Red Seneschals

    - Spell: Amethystine Pinions

    Vampire Lord (140)

    - Spell: Ghost Mist 


    40x Zombies (230)

    5x Blood Knights (195)

    5x Blood Knights (195)


    3x Vargheists (155)

    3x Vargheists (155)

    Endless Spell:

    Prismatic Palisade (40)

    Total: 1990 / 2000


    I basically have two main questions I need help with: 

    - What's the better companion for Prince Vhordrai? 

    - What's the better Infantry Block in this MSU style? 

    I can also swap those around, e.g. take a Vengorian Lord and Zombies, but I can't afford more than 1 Monster and 2x 20 Infantry models in terms of budget. In the list with the Zombies, I take the Vampire Lord on foot as his CA is a safer version of VDM (as in: doubling the Zombies' attacks), since I don't have any +attack abilities that would benefit from VDM. I think Skeletons are the more conservative and safer choice here since I'll only have 1 block of Infantry (I played 40 Chainrasps last edition), while the Zombies I prefer aesthetically and thematically. 

    Comments are kindly appreciated! I've been struggling with that decision since the release and would like to have something to paint, soon. Thanks! 

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