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Posts posted by AHexInScarletRed

  1. 1 hour ago, Kyriakin said:

    This would be great, but I don't trust GW to not give them a "twist" so they they are almost nothing like the classic Gothic "Dracula" Vampires that are not copyrightable.

    There is a decent demand and love for  grumpy, Tolkein-esque dwarfs too, but GW has almost wiped out this archetype in favour of KO and FS.

    Conversely, Nighthaunt gives some hope, as they are, basically, an army of bedsheet ghosts and Grim Reaper-esque Wraiths.

    As I said in another thread, plastic Blood Knights, Fell Bats and a new foot Vampire Lord and you are good to go. With the existing Vargs, VLoZD, Coven/Bloodseeker and Neferata, that's a solid, if elite, faction.

    Personally, I prefer a "all vampires and bats army" (i.e. Soulblight) to "vampires leading lots of different dead stuff" (i.e. Legion of Blood), so I hope this is the direction they take, but, again, I am a bit skeptical.

    I strongly suspect them to keep some "Bloodsuckers of the Mortal Realms"-theme, but I guess they'll scrap Vlad and the sorts, kinda like they did with the background of FEC. I'm a Legion of Blood player (will join the OBR-train, though), so I'd love to get a full-on Vampire book, but if we'll get one, I think the background will be heavily modified. 

  2. They should be rather easy to do The Nightmare Before Christmas-y, which doubles the mockery. Like, I'm pretty sure Nagash could feel like giving them paintjobs? I'll go with a grim autumnal gothic feel with ruined bodies and armor, spiderwebs and leaves for mine, but maybe I'll enhance some of the grins to Jack Skellington's grimace. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    I'll have to cut and bash a lot to make this army work for me but there's a way and I'm looking forward to it. It's not the kind of bone-y army I wanted but it's still a great release after putting some work in. ^^

    If one can use them in a Legions army, I'm gonna put them in with my Legion of Blood Vampires; to fit there, I'll also have to do some heavy modifications as my vampires have an old-school-grave-look to them. I guess I'll make my Bonereapers look as if they've fought one too many battles, with scarred bones, missing chips, broken armor and so on. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Souleater said:

    Coffin Bob was pictured in the display cabinet at NOVA. So I would say that barring them putting him out by accident then he has been shown.


    It's a safe assumption that the trebuchet kit will build into something quite different. 

    Whether we get any big monsters is the real question for me. I am really, really hoping that we do.

    Also, we seem a bit lacking in Heroes at the moment.  I'm dog tired right now but so far it's just Krataos and Coffin Bob, isn't it?

    The flying one with the Scythe, too. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Overread said:

    @AHexInScarletRed there are still some subtle stories in the setting such as some of the horror stories




    Indeed I think when it comes to more subtle horrors its where GW is going to develop that arc of the story telling. Esp when regular battles and major event stories are already chock full of horrors and chaos. 

    Oh, that's awesome. Thank you! I'll check those out. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    I myself like gothic horror and 'low-fantasy' themes with my undead : P

    Though Nighthaunt blew me away with sculpt concept and design

    Same, but I think that AoS won't be as subtle as WHFB was, in that regard - sadly. I'm studying the Black Library releases regarding Shyish at the moment, to get a feeling for what it's like to have mortals and undead sharing the realms openly, as for example Nulahmia is so full of Vampires every citizen knows about that the whole "Is the count in the castle human?" thing does absolutely not work, which is why I'm toying around with a secret Witch Coven in the outskirts of Grymmsforge, as to have at least a bit of hiding in the shadows. 

    But I'll also get me some Ossiarchs, because I think that, if one wants to play true to the lore, they'll be hanging around everywhere; just have to fit them into the background I'm working out at the moment (and if you make them look as if they've fought a thousand battles - since they don't heal if they lose a chunk of armor or their facial structure, I suppose - they'll fit with the rest of the range). 

  7. 58 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    I think the og Mortarchs are safe as any character can be. They’d have to be some of the most represented characters in the lore and the black library novels. 

    Soulblight will almost definitely get an expansion, I’d guess the only units besides the Mortarchs that would stay would be the Vargheists and the VLOZD as they’re with FEC.

    Ah, I didn't take representation as an indicator regarding their stay. I think my time with GW is too short to make an educated guess, here. Thank you for the reassuring words! 

    I'd be over the moon with Soulblight getting an update and becoming "realm'd". Fingers crossed for an AoS take on Blood Knights, in the years to come. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    That's what I mean.

    The aesthetics of the Coven Throne are so classically vampiric that it would almost force the aesthetic of anything joining it back towards classic Soulblight.

    Assuming the kit isn't removed, of course.

    I've started LoN a few months ago, going down the route of Legion of Blood with Neferata, a VLoZD and some Blood Knights with mostly NH mixed in. Seeing the release of Ossiarch Bonereapers, I'm thinking about investing into them, as that's probably the path that GA Death is going to take in the coming years. Looking at the more recent AoS factions, which are mostly rather original in terms of lore, it's hard to imagine that they keep "regular" Vampires forever - which is a pity, as they're the Faction I've wanted to play the game for years with. Sure, I can be mistaken and they update Soulblight with new, more fitting forces (which I'd love), but I've got the feeling that the surplus of Mortarchs will lead to the downfall of the original three. 

    • Like 1
  9. On another note, the model in the attached picture has that Nighthaunt aesthetic - between the old three Mortarch's mounts, the Ossiarch Bonereapers and Nighthaunt, it's really easy to field an aesthetically coherent army consisting of the various forces of Death; I adore that a lot. 



    • Like 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Sception said:

    I don't think we're sure on the base sizes yet.  If the Bonereapers are on 40s, or even 32s, then the typical GW type skulls would look a lot smaller on them than that.  Ironically enough, the old Tomb Kings skulls have been a better fit on them.  Still, there should be third party options out there that would fit well enough.

    If you're looking for a more 'serious business' type look to them, regular skulls for heads would certainly help with that.  I like the goofiness & personality of the official models' faces, but I can certainly see where others could find it very off putting, so this looks like a good idea for a relatively simple alternative.

    It's also really easy to just put a bit of modeling material onto the mouth and shape it into a grim variant, if one doesn't want to give up the actual aesthetic of the heads, I'll probably do that on at least some of those as I'd also rather have the Horrorghast head on Nagash instead of the original, but I don't want to substitute it with something entirely different, just give the intended look a tad of a twist. 

  11. Do you hear that? That scratching and the sound of tiny feet? 

    Is it a bug, a mouse, a bat? I wonder what we'll meet. 

    It's in the floorboards atop our heads, it's in the wood beneath our sheets. 

    That raspy noise, that rattling, that mettling, it's the night battling the light of day. 

    There's a shadow down there, settling across our hay. 

    Do you hear it, that whistling? Do you see it, that glistening green? 

    And do you hear that skreech? And have you seen? 

    It broke down  the castle walls. 

    Why don't you say anything? 

    And, my love -

    - instead of eyes, why are there holes? 

  12. Copying myself from the Rumour-Thread:

    I'm a Legions player - I like the Sarcophagus model a damn lot; more than on the artworks, actually. The catapult is awesome, too - this crawling thing with its many tiny legs is a near-perfect necromantic construct. I never liked the Morghasts, as they are too bulky for me - same goes for the new infantry models to an extent, even though I think that the proportions are way better on those.

    Since it's Nagash's take on creating an army, I think he did a really good job on making them resemble him; even the smirks (I usually dislike humour in movies, music and games and prefer the darker aesthetic - but I think that going like: 'Ha, I took 4 souls and crammed it into that Soldier! What does that petty One-Soul-Soldier even want?' is so over-the-top that I think it captures Nagash's personality quite right).

    If they're available for Legions to field, I can totally see myself have a hero being sent to Neferata's court to have an eye on her, with some guards accompanying him; and them scheming each other a bit while marching to war together. 

    All in all, I think they've done a good job of making Death a tad more Nagash (even though I'd prefer independent Vampires, but I guess that's not how it goes in AoS) while harking back to Nagash's Khemri roots. 

    • Like 8
    • LOVE IT! 1
  13. I'm a Legions player - I like the Sarcophagus model a damn lot; more than on the artworks, actually. The catapult is awesome, too - this crawling thing with its many tiny legs is a near-perfect necromantic construct. I never liked the Morghasts, as they are too bulky for me - same goes for the new infantry models to an extent, even though I think that the proportions are way better on those.

    Since it's Nagash's take on creating an army, I think he did a really good job on making them resemble him; even the smirks (I usually dislike humour in movies, music and games and prefer the darker aesthetic - but I think that going like: 'Ha, I took 4 souls and crammed it into that Soldier! What does that petty One-Soul-Soldier even want?' is so over-the-top that I think it captures Nagash's personality quite right).

    If they're available for Legions to field, I can totally see myself have a hero being sent to Neferata's court to have an eye on her, with some guards accompanying him; and them scheming each other a bit while marching to war together. 

    All in all, I think they've done a good job of making Death a tad more Nagash (even though I'd prefer independent Vampires, but I guess that's not how it goes in AoS) while harking back to Nagash's Khemri roots. 

    • Like 2
  14. On 8/20/2019 at 9:38 AM, RuneBrush said:

    Look forward to seeing how you get on!

    Following your advice, I finished them this weekend and after doing the horses, I also finished my dragon - there's still a bit of work to do, but the bases are done. 

    I've added a thinned mix of Army Painter's Crusted Sore and Abaddon Black on top of the Still Water, then added a layer of Still Water with one drop of Crusted Sore and finished them with one layer of Still Water without any colour (but with some leaves). 

    Thank you for the help :)










    • Like 1
  15. 8 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

    You don’t stop it.  When encountering board crossing super charges I put out a single battleline screen stretching the table.  It costs up to 280 points and a CP.  Although it does suck if the other guy has first turn and several mid-point objectives are now behind his army.

    Edit: Controlling where his charge stops leaves options for counter attacks.

    How do you stop supercharging flyers? Doing it long rather than broad? 

  16. Hey y'all, 

    I'm currently working on my Vampires'bases - a bunch of them is manifesting out of pools of blood on the ground. I mixed my Vallejo Still Water with Blood for the Bloodgod and a tad of Abbadon Black. After applying the first layer, the black from the ground was nicely shimmering through, so I thought I'd go a tad brighter to suggest depth - now my pool is looking solid through and through, although I didn't take more colour than I used in the first layer. Should I have gone with a transparent layer instead of a second one with coloring? 

    The one with the leaves is the final result. Any suggestions on how to save this and don't have it happen a second time? 





    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Goddin said:


    Thank you a ton for the great advice! So much tactical insight - wow. I didn't know that you can stack Neferata's Command Ability - and the units of 10 Chainrasps are new for me, too. Super keen on trying this out. 

    I've mostly been playing around with getting as much Ethereal into this as possible (since I didn't know about stacking the CA), either with the Amulet, Neferata's spell or NH units - the list with Vordhrai is based on making him Ethereal, too, but it needs to many CPs between Neferata and Vordhrai. 

    If you'd try to fit Blood Knights into this (fluff purposes, games between tournaments), you'd just scrap one of the VLoZDs in the list without the Batallion you posted, no? 

    Cogs I basically only had for the Blood Knights' Charge. 

    Again, thanks for the in-depth explanation, this helped me a great deal. 

  18. 15 hours ago, Goddin said:

    This is the list I used to win 2nd overall at the Games Workshop North America GT this past weekend: 

    Legion of Blood

    Neferata (overwhelming dread, general)

    Vampire Lord on Zombie dragon (ethereal amulet, transference)

    Vampire lord on Zombie dragon (orb of enchantment, pinions)

    Bloodseeker palanquin (amethyst orb)

    Court of Nulahmia

    10 Chainrasps

    10 Chainrasps

    10 Chainrasps



    No need for the endless spells, you have strong spells at your disposal both from your book and warscrolls.  Cast Dark Mist, Vile Transference, and Overwhelming Dread means only 2 spells rotate on a given turn, and Mystic Shield should be one on an ethereal dragon.  So only 1 cast changes per turn - no need for the endless spells.  Looking back I would drop pinions for Spirit Gale, as I never cast pinions after the first turn.  We had realm spells so I would use those or try for the -1 to hit from Spirit Gale.

    Chainrasps at 5 up ignoring rend with deathless minions and Neferata backing them up with -2 to hit are really decent screens.

    Congrats! Awesome list, awesome performance. 

    I'd have planned this: 

    Neferata, Overwhelming Dread 

    VLoZD, Transference, Ethereal Amulet 

    Vordhrai, Amethyst Orb

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    30x Grimghasts 

    1 extra Command Point

    Comes down to 1.980, would you go for 2x 10 Chainrasps instead of 2 units of Wolves? 

    Alternatively, I'd like to run this: 

    Neferata, Overwhelming Dread 

    VLoZD, Ethereal Amulet, Transference 

    Necro, Vigor 

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    10x Blood Knights 

    20x Grimghasts 


    Comes down to 1.960 - Rasps instead of Wolves? Or off with the Necro and 30 Rasps instead of one unit of Wolves? 

    Or, number 3: 

    Neferata, Overwhelming Dread 

    VLoZD, Ethereal Amulet, Transference 

    Coven Throne, Orb

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    5x Wolves 

    10x Blood Knights 

    10x Bladegheists


    Extra CP 

    2k straight - which one; and changes? 


  19. Hey y'all, for my Legions Army, I need a Witch Coven, since their background starts in the Old World. I basically need around 10 models, one being my Vampire Lady in her pre-vampire-state as a Necromancer, one being another Necromancer, one as a Corpse Cart Corpsemaster, three as corpses, two to summon my Lady on her Coven Throne and possibly also two or three as Nighthaunt Heroes I'd kitbash.

    I'd like to do some of them with Witch Hats and Familiars, wearing dresses - a very old school approach to a Coven. 

    Are there any models in GW's range that would work as base models for this? I don't mind greenstuffing the hats and the animals, but I couldn't even find females in dresses apart from the three Vampires from the Coven Throne and named Heroes from LotR. 

    I figured I'd get me some Witch Aelves, but these don't provide anything apart from a female body, so I'd have to model basically everything of out Greenstuff. 


  20. Just now, Sartxac said:

    Well, you can conversion dark riders or chaos knights with little more effort.

    They're missing some parts of the Dragon Blades I left, the fabric on the back of the horses (in front of the tail), for example - my 10 Blood Knights shouldn't differ that much in terms of armor and so on. 

  21. 21 minutes ago, ZLee Syn said:

    I have a comformation from employe that many old high elfs model are moving to legacy. They will not be available in match play. Order draconis, white lions and eldrich council are gone. They will probably be replaced by new aelf army

    To move away just a tad further from Legion of Blood - I'm keen on new Aelves. Apart from this, I did a heavy conversion on some Dragon Blades I really adore, is why I needed 5 more of them now that they'll not be available for much longer. 

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