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Posts posted by AthelLoren

  1. Hey all
    If anyone remembers me, yeah, I'm looking into getting back into AoS.
    I was wondering if the Sylvaneth Warcry box is worth it? Even for AoS, if it's priced like the other boxes that's crazy savings. Revs and Hunters are quite expensive, you're essentially getting one of those units for free. Heck, it would even give you a discount on Hunters alone.

  2. I never played Fantasy (Played some Mordheim with my dad when we first shifted from privateer press to GW), but am super excited for this. What i've read of the lore is quite gritty and wonderful, and I have a collection of pretty old White Dwarfs - the game system seemed quite tactical in a way AoS doesn't. Flank charges, winning and losing combats, and rank and file infantry all seem quite wonderful -  not to mention my Dryads and Glade Guard could possibly be getting back together again. Also, the possibility of Tomb Kings and/or Brettonia sounds great. Never played either of them, but I've always been a sucker for anything Egyptian themed.

    • Like 1
  3. On 8/6/2019 at 2:42 PM, zedatkinszed said:

    And oh yeah a second phase with the same realm based treatment for 8 free peoples warbands.

    Yes please, oh please, oh please. Cities of Sigmar seems glaringly absent at the moment.


  4. i wish. I don't think it would work that way - first, the spell would be on the Warscrolls, second, it would be altogether too good to be true.  Then again, it would allow anyone allying in Sylvaneth to get a Wyldwood without taking a Treelord Ancient, so I hope it gets clarified to be that way. In that case, a Branchwraith would be good choice, being able to summon a wood and then throw down dryads.

  5. Magic. I know, it's a big change and dice abilities KIND OF fill in for it, but I like the idea of it. My idea is to add a new Generic ability:

    Double, Mage - Manifest Magic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This model gets a Magic Charge with a value equal to the value of this ability.

    Later on, the model can spend the Magic Charge to attempt a spell - basically, roll a die and add the roll to the Charge's value, if the total equals or exceeds the Casting Value of the intended spell, the spell is cast. There would be other, faction specific ways to create Magic Charges, and each faction could have a unique spell or two, in addition to whatever generic spells you have. Also, unlike doubles, triples, etc., only the Mage that created the Charge could use it.

    P.S., also some models would get the Mage runemark. Maybe a single lieutenant type model (Drillmaster, Signifer, First Fang, Spire Stalker, stuff with 15 wounds)

  6. All of them are wizards? That sounds amazing. I might just reconsider starting a Lumineth army after all... Personally, I also love the Shining Company rule. It's very thematic and it seems like a fun thing to play around - even if it isn't too strong, I like armies that offer interesting gameplay. Also, how would you guys paint Ghyran Lumineth? A pristine White with green accents? A light green, as if glowing with life energy? Would an all-natural, druidic stone grey theme work?

    • Like 3
  7. Gosh It's been a while. Sadly, with the release of Cities, I think that's where Wanderers are staying. Of course, Homebrew is always an option, and I would absolutely play a fan-made Battletome including all the Axed wanderers units, maybe even revamping some of the Wood Elf compendium units. For now, I'll stick with Cities until the Kurnothi are released - of which I keep faith. Until the Wild Hunt comes around, I'll hunt with the Living City's Wildwood Rangers,  Wild Riders, and Nomad Princes instead.

    Also, it is good to keep in mind that not all is lost. We can proxy Spellsingers as Battlemages or Sorceresses at least, and Glade Guard could work as Crossbowmen of some sort or, as I use them, as Shadow Warriors. Also, when playing with friends, I don't see why they shouldn't let you paste the CoS keyword on Glade Guard, Waywatchers, etc and use them with the Living City rules.

  8. Thanks for the responses. I haven't actually got many models yet, so I thought I'd ask before choosing a direction. I'm definitely going to go with Living City now. Another question, though - what all is good in Living City? I said Wanderers because they fit the theme and I love the models, but are there any essential units to keep in mind? I've heard good things about Hammerers, but my only problem is that they have metal armor. It may seem silly, but I try to keep Metals out of my army, painting armor as either Stone or Ironwood.

  9. So, competitively, which is better, Sylvaneth or Living City? I'm planning on expanding my Living City with Wanderers first, then branching (Sorry not sorry) into a second army with Sylvaneth, but I was wondering which one would serve me better in a gaming sense - I haven't invested very heavily into either yet, so I'm still up in the air on this one. ANyway, I thought this was an interesting question, so let's see where this discussion goes. (Not trying to cause an argument here, just curious, let's not get our heads on fire with this one.)

  10. Hey, how are the Wanderers abilities compared to CoS? I love the Living City rules, but just would like to know if it's still viable to go Wanderers - the line of Hero models is amazing, particularly the Waystrider (Still my favorite sculpt, curse you Games Workshop!). Anyway, outside of a competitive format, would anyone be interested in working up some updates for the Wanderers? Particularly bringing the non-CoS stuff up to date. I've always wanted Glade Guard to be a bit more elite - maybe bettering their To Hit to 3+? Something to give them more shots, maybe? Wouldn't mind a points increase, and would only be playing with friends.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I don't have too much an issue with TRevs other than the points being high and what's dumb is they've consistently dropped in points each year I think.  

    It is also confusing the Arch Revenant doesn't buff (tree) revenants but instead Hunters (or make it both,..)  Seems a naming misnomer.  +1A on a large block of teleporting Tree Revenants from an Arch Revenant that can fly seems to make more sense.

    I know, right? And that the Branchwych, who looks like a Dryad, is linked by the lore to Tree-Revenants. Also that she looks more like Dryads than a Branchwraith, who ACTUALLY summons Dryads...

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/22/2020 at 12:25 PM, Moogypies said:

    Been working on making a giant from each realm and giving them a name/backstory before the book hits so I have a unique, themed army. 
    The above giants are totally awesome! I'm so excited for the new big boys and am dying for more anything ❤️ 

    So far, we got in order of the picture.
    Life (Ally of the Living city), Fire (Khornish Gladiator), Ulgu (Flesh Eater Abhorrent Archregiant) and have one for Death and Azyr in the works.



    They're incredible! I'm so jealous of that Ghyran one. How did you do it? If you wouldn't mind sharing.

  13. So, I'm a new-ish player looking for advice on Sylvaneth. I usually play Living City, but the Sylvaneth models are gorgeous and it seems like it would make a good second army, seeing a each unit I add is potentially an addition to the Living City as well. Right now i've just got the  SC! box, with the treelord assembled as Durthu and one of the dryads converted with some Glade Guard bitz to be a Branchwraith. I'm thinking about getting the Looncurse box, probably for christmas, and splitting it with my sister as she loves Grots but doesn't yet have an army. Is this a good buy? I've found it for about $250, free shipping. If so, how should I assemble the Hunters? I adore the Bow models, but i've read they aren't very good. My list would look something like this:

    Spirit of Durthu 300pts

    Branchwych/Wraith 80

    Arch Revenant 100 (Probably my General)

    10 Dryads 100

    10 Tree-Revenants (or 2x 5) 160

    Kurnoth Hunters (Any loadout) 200

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