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Posts posted by Draakur

  1. Thanks so much for the replies folks, glad I’ve posted here, I’m finding the forums a great source of info!


    Just re: bows on Kurnoths, my only real rationale was that they looked like the only real shooting option available to Sylvaneth and I wanted to balance the list out somewhat. It seems like the other 95% of the list really wants to just close to melee. Also I’m still learning about spell choices - very happy to hear recommendations here if people have ideas for a Harvestboon list like this!


    One thing I’m noticing a lot is people generally not thinking much of the Treelord Ancient, which leads me to my next question - is it a bit redundant to have both Drycha and a Durthu in a single list? I very much like the Drycha model and would like to try her out, andnpeople have said to replace the TLA for a Durthu in some cases, but they’ve both been described to me as big beat sticks basically... are they collectively too much in a list together?? (Bearing in mind I won’t be getting Alarielle for a fair while here so she’s not technically an option for me yet)

  2. Hey tree folks - looking for opinions.

    I’m just starting AoS and have been advised to basically put together a list, work towards buying and modelling it, and then play it as it is for awhile to get to grips with everything (so minimising changes etc and just playing the same list for a bit while I familiarise myself with the game). 


    That being said, I’m putting together a 2K Harvestboon list, with the intention of being solidly competitive while also giving me access to a bit of everything and a few models I like, so I can expose myself to a lot of the Sylvaneth warscrolls and playstyle. I’m obviously very new to this, so any thoughts or general help people can provide would be great!



    - Branchwraith x 2

    - Treelord Ancient 

    - Drycha



    - Dryads x 30

    - Dryads x 10

    - Dryads x 10

    - Kurnoths (bows) x 3

    - Kurnoths (bows) x 3

    - Tree Revs x 5

    - Spite Revs  x 5



    - Harvestboon

    - Forest Folk


    Bang on 2000. Does this look like it might help me achieve my goal of entering the hobby with a reasonably capable list and lots of exposure to different unit types and phases of the game etc??

  3. Wow, this may well drag me away from Sylvaneth as my first army... 😦 I should probably keep my head screwed on and wait to see how all this pans out, but I want to enter AoS with a view towards competitive play and seeing how much I can grow tactically and skill-wise as a player... if I can do that while playing a Juggerhorde it would be an absolute nerd dream come true!! 😀 


    +edit+ Thanks for the replies and help by the way, gents. Is there anything I should know when it comes to building this type of force? Other general information that is pertinent here, strengths and weaknesses of such a force, that type of thing ? Again I’m new to the ruleset of this game but I foresee them being potentially very easily hemmed in mobility-wise, do I have that right?

  4. Brand new player to AoS here... still getting my head around the rules, and I’m very aware that we don’t have all the facts yet, but based on what we have seen so far and what is already understood about Khorne generally as a faction - is it looking like a Skullcrusher heavy Brass Stampede type army might be viable under this new book?


    Ive harboured dreams of making such a force for a long, long time (in 40K originally) and if this is a competitively viable option now I would be over the moon!!

  5. 4 hours ago, The World Tree said:

    Based on the current points values in the General's Handbook, no. 


    Relictors and Vexillors (which I rate particularly highly) have a real value in certain list. The rest you mentioned just aren't great. 

    Evocators, Ballistae and Sequitors are the bread and butter of a competitive list. I'd be wary of a points rise in teh near future for them, but right now they are the go-to list. Unfortunately the army wasn't well designed in terms of internal balance.

    That is on the proviso that you are talking about competitive play!

    Thanks, this is just the sort of infortmation I was looking for. Had certainly seen Evos, Balistae and Seqs a lot, but wasn’t sure if these were just popular right now and the other stuff I mentioned still had a place or not. Good to know!

  6. Hi guys,


    I hate the idea idea of being “that guy”, but I’ve been digging through pages and pages of this thread and a few others, tried a few search attempts, and still don’t feel like I’m much closer to the answers I’m seeking. So thought I’d risk the flaggelation and just ask a newb question here:


    I’ve  decided to pick up AoS with an eye to becoming competitive this time (played 40K eons ago as a very fluffy/narrative gamer), really testing myself and seeing how far I can take my skill, providing I enjoy it all etc. While the competitiveness of a faction is certainly going to be the main deciding factor for who I choose, if at all possible I’d actually like to LIKE the models I’m going to be using, and wanted to know: is it possible to play SCE competitively with a force revolving around the more heavily armoured model options? Looking at Decimators,  Protectors, Retributors, etc (and leader models like the Knight Vexillor, Lord Relictor)?? 


    Thanks for any help or insight people can provide!

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