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Posts posted by redbirdhouse

  1. 26 minutes ago, Mirage8112 said:

    The leak wasn’t totally accurate for sure, but it’s not terribly far off either. Being able to heal after killing a single model is 4 wound max, (which is actually better than D6 wounds) And with the musicians rule, they do get to bring back models on a 5+, so there is definitely a resurrection mechanic at play. 

    Warhammer com also said these models share the same rules with the revenant seekers:

    “These flying warriors share both Thrumming with Life and their magical musicians with the Revenant Seekers”.

    This makes me think both sets of this unit have additional rules we’ve not seen yet. Otherwise if that’s all they can do there’s not much to distinguish between them. So perhaps the mortal wounds on hit and resurrecting models from other units is still on the table.  


    Given that the leak was wrong about literally everything that was revealed today, I wouldn't put too much stock in it lol. I always love me some revive shenanigans though.

  2. Man. I wish I could get behind these guys. I love the idea of few, hyper-elite models just rampaging around the board, but I cannot stand GW's art style when it comes to giants. Making them have such fat stomachs and dopey heads.. I wish they weren't so comical in their look. It's a real shame. I'm happy for those that do enjoy them, though :)

  3. On 1/30/2020 at 5:27 AM, Malakithe said:

    As elite bodyguard they should have a 3+ to hit for sure. Not sure why they werent changed. As it stands they are only in units of 5 to absorb wounds. I feel their points need to come down to 90 and be given a 3+ for hit in order for people to consider them for other roles outside of a few niche lists here and there. 

    And Droths...their points still need to come down. All of their warscrolls are still terrible and being a monster is too restrictive for them to cost that much. 

    Interesting. What makes Droths so bad, if you don't mind me asking? I thought they were quite popular!


    3 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    You've got a lot. Looks like a warherd list is possible pretty much immediately. That said Myrdin is right, the stuff you are missing is the fast disposable stuff. I personally love centigors and am working on converting more. Got 5 stag ones done, another 5 stags to do, and another ...35? Horse based ones. One of the big advantages of BoC is just how mobile you are, and centigors are really good at harassing backfield objectives. I've run warhounnds, but honestly next to centigors they are disappointing. Wish they were battle line.  


    I'd also try some ungor, at least for sacrifices. 


    7 hours ago, Myrdin said:


    You have pretty much a solid, oldschool WFB army right there. :)

    Only things you lack, in my opinion is something fast and speedy (other then Tzaangors, you want those doing their own thing, not camping ground) to capture "the flag".
    Razorgors, Chariots and Centigors.


    Now admittedly > All 3 of these are either super ugly, super old, super expensive, or super all of 3 of them in one. Especially pumbas and centaurs (pig and the drunkards).
    Personally I use the Pigs from Mierce miniature, those are nice big n beefy, and look pretty darn great (plus allow for customizations due to how the surface is done in a GS friendly way). Centigors are a bit of a tricky ones. They are old AF, expensive and GW doesnt really seem to care about the fact that should they update them, BoC players would literally throw stacks of cash at tham. So you are left to your own devices. Either convert some (like most people tend to do.) or try and get some proxies from elsewhere.

    Thank you both so much! I very much appreciate it :)

    @Myrdin How many angry pigs do you think is a reasonable amount to get? I'm not man enough to convert centigors (as much as I wish I was . . .) and I kind of like the idea of just launching a few bacon missiles up the board!

  5. Alright, fellow farm animals. I have a sizable goat force I have been accumulating and painting for the past 2 months. No real rhyme or reason, just painting what I like. What areas do I need to expand on, or alternatively, what would be the best 1500 list I could make out of this? I have:


    • 2 Doombulls
    • 1 Beastlord
    • 3 Bray Shaman
    • 2 Tzaangor Shaman

    Small Troops

    • 12 Minotaurs
    • 30 Bestigors
    • 30 Ungor Raiders
    • 20 Tzaangors
    • 9 Skyfires
    • 6 Enlightened on Disc

    Big Troops

    • 2 Ghorgon
    • 1 Cygor
    • 1 Jabberslythe
    • 1 Chimera
    • 2 Chaos Spawn


    • Herdstone + All BoC Spells


    Thanks in advance for any help! :)

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