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Posts posted by Sttufe

  1. 19 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Of course Khorne would get the best magic in the game. These are going to be silly.

    KO end up getting the best magic in the game.


    They're DUARDIN, and they don't even have gods! I could totally see GW doing that.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Minis by Night said:

    Mercenary mini-factions that can ally with any army could definitely be an interesting new mechanic, particularly if they have funky new abilities available to no one else. And, like Endless Spells, models that can sold to every player is a great strategy business-wise.

    I could totally see KO getting converted into one of these mini-factions, which is kinda dissapointing😨.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    Freeing Nagash, who later proved himself to be the most stupid tyrannical treacherous mad villain, from his cairn .

    Well, ah, you see, he was quite clearly the smartest death-god ever because he made GHOSTS

    And he is the only death-god


    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Yeah I actually have always thought that old Warhammer could have used some sort of all devourer type army. I mean large insect hives all over wouldn’t be that far fetched haha.

    this is probably a “small” base gribbly. Either way it’s exciting

    Wuh woe,  Timmies being devoured by massive termites.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

    Thanks, I had looked into some air stuff but with it being fairly steam punk already I was concerned that adding in anything flying might make it too close to the Overlords in terms of aesthetic themes.

    I once saw a KO conversion however they made it so that the balloon wasn't metal and the hull was made of wood. With some smokestacks and steel textures, it could definitely break up the whole KO look and make it look straight from a factory. Just a suggestion though, and a good idea that I might keep around😉.

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  6. Hey, you should take a look at some KO bits. A steampunk blimp would look super cool. In any case, this is by far the most detailed and well-done completely custom conversion army I have ever seen! Actually, its the best army I have ever seen period.


    Srsly though, a blimp would make the whole army seem less grounded if that makes sense. Sort of a gyro bomber on steroids, like what zeppelins did in real warfare.

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