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Posts posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. 31 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    In the Warscroll builder, the Gargants are listed under factions as Mercenaries

    Edit to add: Mortal wounds on zombies? It seems mortal wound spam isn't going away. Or is this some kind of martial mastery?

    Virgin Liberator vs Chad zombie 

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

    We should always take what community says with a grain of salt unless they're being super specific, but this sounds like we might not be losing battalions.

    I've had a hunch the core battalions might be an additive rule for a while, even after Smorgan's video saying they were gone. The wording between them being replacements or additive isn't hugely different and given his other video where he was talking about how command abilities got increased range didn't mention if they were changed to wholly within (which they almost certainly are) I wouldn't be surprised if he glossed over it or made an assumption.

    For reference a hypothetical writing of the rules:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Core battalions only
    "Only core battalions are available for use in matched play and are useable by any allegiance"
    Core battalions + warscroll battalions
    "Core battalions are available for use in matched play and are useable by any allegiance"
    Literally a 1 word change.


    The WarCom article doesn’t qualify between modes of play. Battletome battalions can be restricted to narrative only and the statement is still true.

    • Like 4
  3. 55 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    I agree that GW will probably follow the same path with the Newcast that they did with the Primaris. I'm not so optimistic to think that oldcast will be buffed, but it sure would be nice!

    Sequitors did not replace Liberators even though they had a better warscroll and "better" models and Castigators did not replace Judicators. It's possible for every unit to have a niche... but I dont trust GW to get this right because they have failed so many times before

    Good point, though Castigators are pretty garbage.

    On a related note, does anyone else find it weird that we never got castigator multipart kits in the end? Really odd oversight that 

  4. GW should really include a disclaimer for new SCE players (and marines) which says “this is the poster army and we will regularly release new models and invalidate old ones.”

    The first page of the core rulebook should also have one, something that states “Your army will need to be updated every few years to keep up with editions, and probably more frequently when strong books drop.”

    Can’t believe it’s 2021 and people *still* complain about having to refresh their army every few years. Are you people not aware of the past thirty years of GW history?

    • Haha 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Yeah, my experience with heads from Puppets War is very positive. As long as you stay away from those with a sci-fi vibe, they have the perfect size for SCE. I used them in all my headswaps (which is most of my SCE by now) Some examples for the curious (and yes, I paint every unit in a different scheme 🤷‍♂️ )

      Reveal hidden contents



    Which did you use in those Libs? Can’t quite make it out

  6. 5 hours ago, The Red King said:

    After looking at them a bunch I realize the spear guys look good (I still hate big chongus) and my disdain was mostly with more units for a faction that has more models than some grand alliances it feels like. That said realistically they look how I wish stormcast would've looked right from the start.


    I still think the female sculpts just look better. The domed chestplate just looks like real historical armor (as opposed to boob plate or the weird sculpted muscle armor I hate on the males) and the proportions make them look more "normal human sized" so with a proper head swap I could see them as just being normal knights which I like. If I could get kits that were JUST the female sculpt I might be tempted to convert some up. 


    It's also weirdly difficult to find regular knight helmets in 32mm because it seems any "knight helmet" made in that scale is meant for space marines so if anyone has a good source that isn't too sci-fi I'd love to see it.

    Yeah having spent A LOT of time looking for alternative SCE heads over the years, I have concluded that you have to make a compromise. Unfortunately most non GW Knight ranges are in 28mm scale and so well out of proportion. 

    Starting with GW, you can file down the horns and symbols of some Chaos Warrior heads. I also think that the sisters of battle helmets would work well.

    After that, Puppets War has some Knight heads that are clearly intended for Space Marines but might not turn out too sci fi. I’m going to get these and their Spartan heads so will let you know.


    I’ve used 3 and 5 from the Maxmini steam knights and they are ok. 


    They do this batch of 10 identical heads but IIRC there are some sci fi gubbins on the back (gas tank maybe?). I’ll check next time I’m poking around my bits box. 


    For my own Stormcast, I used the space marine heads from Betrayal at Calth (as on the left). They are a little bulkier than I like, especially fitting around those massive shoulders, but just about work in the warrior units. Probably too out of proportion for the new slender vindictors though. 


    Forge World World Eaters might work if you file down the ear pods. I think someone has done this - Rhellion on twitter? 



  7. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    More evidence that this is a reboot rather than a new chamber, the Youtube video calls Yndrasta a Celestant


    I wonder what the other weapon options for Vindicators and Annihilators will be... in the full kits, of course they won't include them in the starter lol

    Surely that’s Celestant as in Celestant Prime rather than Lord-Celestant?

    Implies that the Prime is one of a handful of individuals imbued with Sigmars power, like Yndrasta, which matches her revealed fluff

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    It's going to be exactly like Primaris Marines in 40k. You can still use Liberators but they'll never make another Stormcast with the regular armour again, it's all Thunderstrike from now on.

    They've even set up justification in the fluff - only Thunderstrike armor can reliably make it back to Azyr for reforging, so the regular dudes are going to just die off over time.

    Over time they'll push Thunderstrike more and more and eventually you'll just stop caring about the Oldcast.

    The sooner that people accept this the better really...

  9. 4 minutes ago, Bluesummers said:

    Everyone mentions Whitefang, is this guy some insider of sorts? 😋

    If we get more stormcasts this means that GW needs some serious competition on the wargaming area, so they can stop releasing more of the same thing (stormcasts/space marines) and diversify the release boxes. 😪

    You’re aware that Stormcast haven’t had anything (except single characters) in 3-4 years right?

    While LRL and Slaanesh just got two waves within 12 months (technically 3 for Slaanesh?)

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    • Confused 1
  10. Given how poor the 40k one was yesterday (one new model, 2 books and a bunch of stuff seen already), and the fact that that Monday’s AoS reveal brought us up to date with everything that has been teased so far (Kragnos and SBG), and a bunch of stuff we’ve seen already...

    I do agree that expectations should be well and truly lowered for the mystery day. 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Yeah, its Sigmar hiding again sending his metal lads in his stead. No matter there’s freaking gods walking Realms OdinThor Zeus is determined to have his men sort it out.

    If Broken Realms finished with Sigmar deciding to get off his backside I’d be so happy.

    Just give us this but with celestar ballista strapped to the arms please daddy sigmar 



    • Haha 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Kroak, Morathi, Belakor, Gardus Steel Soul, the return of Grungni, and the incarnation of Slaanesh.

    To battle these realm-ending forces Alarielle sends... the Sylvaneths equivalent of a Heraldor?

    One of those 6 is not like the other...

    Also don’t forget Nighthaunt, but I guess GW did as they only got some ghost.

    • Like 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    The battalion changes seem pretty funky.

    The 'no stacking buffs/one buff at a time' seems like it'll cripple combos though?

    It might make more of the 'big' hitters a lot more valuable over stacking buffs across large units.

    Being able to stop Shootas in GG from stacking buffs might be enough to make Troggoths a solid option, for example.

    Those two seem like they're much more impactful than charge reactions.

    EDIT : the only one that seems solid is having a +1 to save. It makes rend much less impactful and handing 40 clanrats a 5+ save seems absolutely crazy?


    Rend is everywhere anyway so a game wide nerf sounds like a good idea to me.

    • Like 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, novakai said:

    i believe the metawatch articles are Freelanced to someone outside of GW who interview community members and gather just community thoughts and data to write the articles but isn't really tied to the overall design team

    The point being that if they can consult outside experts to write competitive lists, they could use the same expertise for points adjustments


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  15. Those broken realms model releases:

    Lumineth: a whole new range of models!

    Chaos: two fantastic new centrepieces!

    Seraphon: a fantastic update to Kroak!

    Cities: first actual release in years!

    Stormcast: yet another dude with a hammer I guess

    Nighthaunt: some ghost idk 🤷‍♂️ 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  16. 19 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    Nope. Theyre gonna want to sell this.

    Its gonna be Teclis levels of Powerful at 600. 

    Get ready for it to beat an entire Tzeentch army's casting by itself

    This argument could be made for any model. Might I introduce you to every other model, including some new ones, that aren’t powerful at all.

    Slaanesh mortals, for example. 

  17. I assume when people say “Brettonian” style SCE they mean conceptually: heroic knights who go on crusades against monsters, are powered by their faith, have their own heraldry, and lord it over the common folk, and not a direct replica.

    In many respects SCE are halfway there already.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    The Lumineth battletome, my theory is that this stuff was all supposed to be included originally, but due to COVID they weren’t going to be able to bring out all the models on time so removed the ‘wave 2’ stuff from the book.

    I didn’t buy into Lumineth, but I’m still annoyed by a new battletome so soon as it sets a bad president for it happening to others. I also felt Slaanesh was too soon. I don’t think any faction should go through multiple books in a single edition (not including updating from a previous edition). Daughters Of Khaine battletome was fine as theirs was from aos1 (regardless of weather it was written for aos2 or not), I’m disappointed it didn’t come with new models however, and insulted that it played the unwanted stepchild next to the Slaanesh release (why no warscroll cards? why no single release Ironscale when Slaanesh got the Lord Of Pain?  Why such low effort basic looking dice when Slaanesh gets fancy looking ones etc)

    The Lumineth battletome was with the printers way before COVID. GW made this decision well before Covid, they clearly wants to break this up into multiple releases.

    Bearing in mind we haven’t seen Tyrion, the other 5 great nations, and have only one Temple unit so far (Alarith Guard) there’s at least one more wave to go even after this one.

    • Like 4
  19. I’ll say this about Hedonites: I don’t think that I’ve seen GW consistently hit every single problematic part of a book without nerfing the entire thing out of orbit.

    Locus. Depravity generation. Chain summoning. Keeper CA. Epitome. Points balanced against summoning.

    There’s an almost laser-like focus here that has taken the edge off everything that was a source of negativity in the last book. Perhaps it’s the cynic in me but I would normally expect one or two things on the naughty list to be toned down and everything else left in place. To see it done this way is refreshing as it means someone has put some real thought and effort into tackling interrelated problems while keeping those rules/units playable.

    This is a good thing! It shows that GW can do better, even if it does take them a couple of tries. Whoever is responsible for this needs a pat on the back and passed the Seraphon and Tzeentch BTs.

    Caveat that I fully recognise the book probably isn’t as strong as it was before but that is healthier for the game, as the reason it was strong was a poor experience for most people.

    (Assuming this sentiment isn’t completely undermined by some busted combo with the new stuff that hasn’t been identified yet).

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