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Posts posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. 1 hour ago, stratigo said:

    They provably have in the past.


    And they probably still do? Why wouldn't they? GW isn't stupid, you push a model, people buy it. They need to not make it too obvious. But, like, they don't have to hide it too hard either. 40k right now has this the most obvious with dramatic power boosts every codex, but each new cycle being better than before (drukhari and admech stronger than before). Albeit I think the rules writers of 40k are just writing with a more coherent vision then the writers of AoS. 


    Well, no. The evidence suggests the opposite. For every new model with strong rules, there is a just as many (if not more) new models with bad rules. Kragnos. Sons of Behemat. Warsong Revenant. Slaanesh twins. All Slaanesh 2021 releases. Even Kroak is arguably nerfed. Some of the new Soulblight stuff is good, some of it is the Wight King. 

    Clearly, in AoS, GW does not write strong rules to push new models. Otherwise all these models would have strong rules.

    And the point of my post is that they never have. None of the new Lizardmen models in 8th had good rules. Of the Warriors new models, only chariots were made better - the monsters were garbage. Of the Dark Elves, most of the new models got better rules - but some didn’t. These exceptions wouldn’t happen if such a strategy existed.

    I’m testing the limits of my memory now but the case is made: if GW write rules to push new models we would see a pattern. But there is no such consistency. Either the resulting inconsistency is that GW is very bad at writing strong rules to push new models (which is not credible as this takes more effort than writing the strong rules); or -gasp- they are actually trying to write semi balanced rules regardless of model status and making mistakes in both directions because this is quite hard to achieve. 


    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    What is truly awe inspiring is the number of warscrolls they have. Do we need another "generic fantasy figurine with mega armor"?

    Sorry to hate on them, but I took a look recently and I was shocked.

    What’s even more inspiring is how most of those warscrolls (and all *40* of the battalions) are garbage. You would have thought that simple variation alone would have produced some gold, but even the best stuff is pretty much average relative to other books. You really have to put the effort in to make all 52 warscrolls that bad. 

    In any case I don’t think anyone could look at 1st and 2nd gen SCE models and say that they represent the best that Gw can do. Sacrosanct were definitely a step up and it looks like Thunderclast go one step further.

    Yes, other armies are in desperate need of a visual update too - but they aren’t the flagship line that GW use to show off their skills and capabilities and plaster all over their marketing. I know it sucks for those armies but that’s just how business is.


  3. 1 minute ago, Erdemo86 said:

    You’re right but that’s even better:


    1 battleline (hunters)

    2 elites (longstrikes, gryph hounds)

    1 cavalary (palladors)

    beast (aetherwings)



    1 battleline (sequitors)

    2 elites( Evocators and castigators)

    1 cavalary (dracoline)

    1 warmachine( ballista)



    1 battleline (spearguys 😅)

    2 elites (anhilators, praetor)

    Cavalarie ( drakes?)

    beast/warmachine( chariot?)

    Yup that’s how I see it too!

  4. 10 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:


    1 battleline (hunters)

    2 elites (longstrikes)

    1 cavalary (palladors)

    1 beast (aetherwings)



    1 battleline (sequitors)

    2 elites( Evocators and castigators)

    1 cavalary (dracoline)

    1 beast (gryph hounds)



    1 battleline (spearguys 😅)

    2 elites (anhilators, praetor)

    Cavalarie ( drakes?)

    beast( chariot?)


    heroes not included. That’s my thinking. So I expect a cavalary unit and That’s it. And some mounted drake hero version of the one that’s in the box. So possibly lord important on drake and anhilators/praetors on drake.

    It’s great speculation but not quite right. You’re comparing two different elites (Castigators and evocators, annihilators and praetors) with the same kit (vanguard raptors), and forgetting about the ballista 

    Also gryphounds came with the Vanguard

  5. 7 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Honestly, in such a scenario, they would be quite right. I don't think SCE can really be compared to Space Marines in terms of market share and game presence. So I would bet on the lower end of your projections :)

    How dare you be so reasonable!

    But yes if I was a betting man I would guess 2 new heroes:

    Combat (which may be a monster)


    And 3 units:

    Bow unit

    Cavalry unit

    Unknown - a skirmisher to replace vanguard-hunters? That would track with the pseudo-Greek style theme. Updated Prosecutors? They would otherwise stand out as the oldest model kit with no new armour update.



    • Like 1
  6. I think that Space Marines are a better model to compare to. Following Indomitus they got 3 new heroes and 6 new units (not multipart versions of what was in the box, and not counting variants), on top of the 4 heroes and 4 units that were in the box. Total 7 heroes, 10 units.

    With Dominion we’ve got 3 new units (vindictors, annihilators, praetors) and 4 new heroes (incl Yndrasta). We know we’ve got another one hero (Knight-Judicator) and one new unit (chariot).

    This means we could be looking at an additional 2 new heroes, and 6 additional units! 

    17 kits is certainly a lot but that could easily refresh most of the range. Assuming one bow unit (replacing judicators) and two drake style units (replacing Dracoths) as rumoured still leaves 3 kits for sacrosanct and vanguard chambers. My guess would be 2 sacrosanct and 1 more vanguard. Hopefully some big stompy monsters in there!

    SCE haters gonna be inconsolable.

    Of course this is comparing to Gws golden goose, so may be a tad optimistic. Still it tracks: Lumineth got 11 hero kits across 2 releases, and 8 units. OBR got 6 heroes and 5 units.

    So we should be looking at 2-4 more heroes and 1-6 more units. Exciting!


  7. 17 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:

    In the stream you could see the warscrolls of anhillators. 
    3 Wounds,2+ save, 3 attacks: 3+ 3+ Rend-1 dmg 2

    Maybe someone can read the rules, it’s on 1:12:26 ? 😅😂



    I tried but no dice.

    You can see part of the Praetor at one point too. Looks to me like m5 or 6, 3w, 3+, bravery 8.

  8. Feel like we’ve been short changed compared to Indomitus.

    Indomitus Marines: 10 rank and file, Dominion: 10 rank and file

    IM: 3 shield and sword elites, Dominion: 3 hammer and shield elites

    IM: 3 ranged elites, Dominion: 3 more melee elites

    IM: one banner dude, Dominion: one banner dude

    IM: 4 characters, Dominion: 4 characters including Yndrasta

    IM: 3 bikes, Dominion: one good boi 


    • Like 1
  9. Hypes

    • all of these models are incredible, even after the quality of Soul Wars, Gw really kicking it up to 11
    • Sensible unit sizes! Vindictors in 5/10, elites in 3s
    • Storm cast get unit command options finally. It is infuriating to see everyone and their mum get a banner or musician that buffs charging in some way while SCE get stuck at 9” out of Scions unless Gavriel shows up


    • its another box of full of nothing but infantry. At least Soul Wars had a gryph charger and a war machine. Aesthetically, would it kill GW to give SCE some unit variation in these boxes? SCE already play mostly infantry give us some decent cavalry or monsters in the box. Indomitus had bikes!
    • More redundant elite infantry 🙄
    • The chariot looks great but I fear that it has Bin guy written all over it
    • Im very confused about the relationship between a lord arcanum, knight arcanum, and knight incantor. What niche is this hero meant to fill?
    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, LeonBox said:

    This is absolutely the case as I see it. Elves historically get all the love from GW (who can forget the Alariellestar days of WHFB High Elves) and the attention lavished upon LRL, including their byzantine ruleset and constant exceptions from established rules (auto-casting, deep-striking to 3", MWs on no-LOS shooting, double activations etc. etc.) makes it feel bad when cool-looking stuff from other factions gets very uninspired rules.

    Elves get all the love historically? 6th edition Dark Elves and 7th-8th edition Wood Elves would like a word.

    High Elves on the other hand...

  11. 7 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    The difference is also how quickly a META is formed and how the game is covered. Instead of metas formed in small forums, clubs and stores, information spreads very fast, and rules are picked apart quickly and "netlists" are formed, youtubers provide the "hot takes" and battle reports etc put them to the test. As such any design flaw is exposed and potentially exploited much quicker than ever before.

    While true, this has also been the case for at least ten years, and more realistically 20. Lists, battle reports, and tournaments were being discussed on GW forums that long ago, and later independent sites like Warseer, Bolger and Chainsword, and others, or dedicated forums like listeria online, druchii.net, ulthuan.net, etc.

    It has definitely accelerated in the last 10 years but it is not a new phenomenon.

    Kragnos at least puts an end to the “GW makes new units OP” myth.

  12. It is interesting that the idea of bin guy/sin guy is gaining steam now when the concept has been around for yonks, if only indirectly. 8th edition definitely had bin and sin books and I, an old grognard, distinctly remember the arguments whether GW does/doesn’t make new models OP to sell them (they don’t and never have).

    What all of this boils down to is consistency, or the lack thereof, whether that’s whole tomes or individual units as in the past. You can’t even draw any trends: sometimes sin guy is a brand new arm, sometimes it’s a refresh. There’s no pattern to it. This was the same with models: sometimes a new model was strong, sometimes a new model was weak, sometimes an old weak model was made strong, sometimes an old strong model was made weak, sometimes an old strong model remained strong, sometimes an old weak model remained weak.

    This inconsistency can only suggest that GW rules team have too much work to do and not enough time available to ensure everything is at roughly the same level. There is no control for quality. Unfortunately to us mere mortals it appears that every book is a coinflip.

    Actually the other suggestion is that lead times and release schedules are so out of whack that what we’re seeing here is delayed different design ethos ie all the sin stuff written at one time and all the bin stuff at another, under different leads/principles/policies, but the actual releases are intermingled.

    • Like 1
  13. My local club is throwing a fun “almost return to normality” 3 game event at the weekend. Strictly non-competitive, bring out your duds stuff. here’s my list:

    - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (200)
    - General
    - Command Trait: We Cannot Fail - Artefact: God-forged Blade
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Wind Runner
    Lord-Castellant (120)

    Knight-Incantor (120)
    - Spell: Thundershock
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 5 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields - 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    10 x Evocators (420)
    - 10 x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning
    6 x Castigators (140)
    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 5 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (90)
    - 1 x Stormsurge Tridents

    Extra Command Point (50) Everblaze Comet (100) Dais Arcanum (30) Celestian Vortex (30)

    For a bit of fun I’ll be tracking:

    * Number of Comets dropped

    * Number of Sequitor units returned by Soul of the Stormhost

    * Number of models the Castigators kill

    Anyone feeling lucky and want to place some bets ahead of time?

    • Like 1
  14. 26 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    Tzeentch is cancer, I don't know how someone think this is fun playing against it.

    Especially Tzeentch + Archaon, 10 deadly spells plus a miniature that pulverize units/models.

    Yeah it’s nightmarish but would have been ok if the objectives landed differently. 

    Thats really the worst part: you have to play perfectly and get lucky.

    • Like 1
  15. > Playing OBR net list into Tzeentch net list on Starfall

    > Bait opponent into shifting whole army to one flank to kill a unit of mortek

    > Slightly misdeploy the harvester but 4 of 20 mortek survive. Harvester recycles them back up to 17 after combat with horrors in t2

    > Katakros takes 18 MW from spells and shot off t2

    > Harvester gets shot off same turn

    > Tzeentch double turn into r3

    > 2/3 objectives land behind 100 wounds of horrors

    > GG

    Thats Age of Sigmar, baby 

  16. On 5/9/2021 at 9:33 AM, PrimeElectrid said:

    Yeah having spent A LOT of time looking for alternative SCE heads over the years, I have concluded that you have to make a compromise. Unfortunately most non GW Knight ranges are in 28mm scale and so well out of proportion. 

    Starting with GW, you can file down the horns and symbols of some Chaos Warrior heads. I also think that the sisters of battle helmets would work well.

    After that, Puppets War has some Knight heads that are clearly intended for Space Marines but might not turn out too sci fi. I’m going to get these and their Spartan heads so will let you know.



    OP delivers.

    The Spartan heads are a bit chunkier than the knight ones. 




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