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Posts posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. 14 minutes ago, Zappgrot said:

    I think the second effect is going to be much more significant then the first.  Retreating all targets outside of shooting is harder and less impact full then failing a charge. I would not mind losing shots if the opponent increases the distance between me and the their units. The only things that really need to die are things on objectives and thing that can charge the gun line. Moveing units back saves them but also makes them less of a problem. 

    Timing of this CA will be crucial. If it is end of the movement phase, does the rule that controlling player dictates order of simultaneous abilities? If so then controlling player can force opponent to use this CA before their end of movement set ups (such as SCE Scions).

  2. While I’ve enjoyed BR for what they are, the fluff has well and truly jumped the shark. Seraphon have pyramid ships that can shoot out orbit, LRL can levitate rocks, and Kroak can open portals at will without a realmgate. Not to mention the mobile floating islands referred to in Dawnbringer Crusades.

    The military applications of these concepts render the need for armies to hit each other with swords more contrived than the 40k universe.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    That is still only 7 dmg to a unit without a ward and a 4+ save, and given that most LRL units are 5 men outside Wardens that is a valuable reinforcement point for each unit.

    Its a good unit, its hardly impressive. 

    20 Irondrakes do almost 9 dmg, plus the grudge hammer for 20 pts more. So in the ballpark as far as Unleash Hell is going.

    Once you get passeds the emotional impact of MW and just deal with the dmg you can move on from the boogeyman.   

    is “just deal with the damage” the new “just kill the heroes”.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    More detail on this one:

    "Reinforcements are 4 max in a 2000 point army. Take a unit from 10 - 20 is 1 reinforcement. Battleline units can be reinforces 2 times. None battleline only 1 time."

    So straight away this knocks 5-10 models off most infantry units out there. 

    A few units seem to be hit particularly hard; those non-battleline units which come in 3s and used to have a max cap of 12 and now 6. Vanguard raptors, dracoths, dracolines, kurnoth hunters, stormfiends, I’m sure there are others.

    Salamanders seem hit in a big way with max 2 salamanders per unit.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Got an explanation for this part:
    "Reinforcements are 4 max in a 2000 point army. Take a unit from 10 - 20 is 1 reinforcement. Battleline units can be reinforces 2 times. None battleline only 1 time."

    If it is true the archers mortal wound spam will be reduced a little maybe?

    Sadly Sentinels are battleline and max 20 anyway, so no change.

  6. 7 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    I think there are better units to use All Out Attack on in the shooting phase, and you can only use that ability once per phase (or maybe once per turn?)

    Yeah when I went back and looked at the profile I saw it wasn’t so good.

    Really unless there are any warscroll changes it’s the same stuff that got better (judicators, raptors). 

  7. If GW are going to tell us why new special rules make units good, they might want to start by explaining what those rules are. What are Enhancements?


    Anyway looks like auxiliary objectives are now called Grand Strategies.

    What this article tells me is no new Slaves battletome or warscroll changes in the near future.

  8. Pitched battle Profiles and Unit Size: Unit Maximums have now been removed but Reinforced Units have been introduced, as well as a limit of Reinforced Units in Marched Play. "Single" has been introduced as a keyword for Pitched Battle Profiles. "Single" Units cannot be Reinforced.

    Woah if this is accurate and I understand correctly it is massive. So most units will be in minimum size with a small number that can go over (reinforced units)?

    There’s almost a dynamic there between big units for scoring and big shooting units, but big shooting units > big scoring units so there’s that.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Are you talking about man-skewer boltboyz?

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    If that's the case, we only know that they are 3 per unit. Even if they shoot 3 times everyone (rumors about two profiles, one with a good quality and the other one with low, so expect 1dmg at most), that's 9 shoots in total. That's average 3 mortal wounds? Or less if they have 2 attacks each!!

    I get that we come from Sentinels, Anvils and DoK shooting, but the main problems are around double taps,  high volum of attacks), rerolls and this kind of stuff (that I pointed out before).

    Longstrikes also come in 3s and you can take them up to 12.

    If your point is that high volume MW shooting is dumb and giving high volume MW shooting more opportunities to shoot is more dumber then we totally agree.

    Unfortunately high volume Mw shooting exists, has existed for months, and GW has given no indication that they intend to address it - in fact quite the opposite as they are introducing more MW shooting.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    It depends.

    The rules for this forum expect a bit of constructivism in our complains:

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    Users are free to express their own opinions, positive and negative, on the forums. We do, however, expect that when users express their frustrations/displeasure/disagreements, that they do so in a constructive manner

    I mean, everybody knows that Unleash Hell is going to be a pain in the ass if we don't have tools to play against! Repeating again and again the same thing will not change the rule nor give any insight to how to play against (and remember, we still don't know all the rules...).

    I don't have any problem if it's just that. 1mw every 6 shots is not something big (that will be a lot less dmg than 20 handgunners shooting at 3+/3+). The problem of mortal wounds from ranged attacks comes from diferent things:

    • 5+ instead of 6+ to hit
    • Rerolls to hit
    • Volume of attacks (10 shoots= meh, 40 or 80 shoots... ehy, that will hurt!)
    • Ignore LoS (that will not be a problem for Unleash Hell)
    • High range+teleports (again, not a problem for Unleash Hell).

    Yes and not only do all of those things exist but the new orruks are getting MW on 5s shooting too. 

    If your point is that GW can address Unleash Hell by nerfing the worst offenders in your list, then that is a lot of faith in a company that has let those OP shooting units exist for over a year.

    And it still puts shooting above all else because the simplest reaction to lots of shooting is take more shooting.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Mcthew said:

    GW have shot themselves not just in the foot here. These are certainly some of the most divisive rules yet (and Khorne players must be weeping right now - there's nothing for them to be excited about; I'd be looking on eBay to see what I could get for my Khorne army right now).

    For me, the Rally CA is one of the worst GW has ever put out. 



    So how does this work with models with more than 1 wound? Does that mean my Kurnoth Hunter with 5 wounds is not only revived, but all his wounds are healed because my unit commander has effectively said: 'C'mon lad, it's just a flesh wound!'


    Slain is slain. It's not 'boss, I've sprained my ankle.'

    What are GW thinking??? 

    Or, like Unleash Hell, is this is another example of amateur rule writing?

    Honestly, GW need to save themselves with the next two Warhammer Community articles. They need to get this better, because these are poor rules, not the best rules. By using such hyperbole they are looking foolish (as they've obviously not play-tested this properly).

    If anyone from GW is reading this, a plea: Shooting rules next (which need to include you can't shoot out of or into combat); and some kind of explanation for the Rally rule. Errata is not enough when you're not getting this right from the beginning for a £125 starter set or £40 core book. These are premium prices. The product so far is less than premium.

    I was on the fence with Dominion, now I've hopped off it. GW have 2 more articles to get me interested again, otherwise it's just AoS 2.0 for me for the next 4 years.

    I’m sorry but we’ve seen the shooting rules. There is no exclusion for combat.



    • Sad 1
  12. Just now, Furuzzolo said:

    What a complaining bunch of shortbeards :D

    Knowing unleash hell is in the game you can actually start to prepare your charge into the hero phase, dunno, -1 to hit spell etc. THEN since the unit need to be disingaged you can prepare a doublecarghe, with strong shooting you could send in a 20 wounds pool of Dire wolves, against not so scary shooting a trio of fell bats...then you charge with the vampire lord on zombie dragon.

    On top of that every battletome has overlooked command traita and items to reduce the effectiveness of enemy shooting on the general/hero. No one ever pick those, well, time to begin. Instead of +1 to hit and wound during one phase for your Hammer take -1 hit shooting....

    Because -1 to hit does so much for MWs on 6s

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, SorryLizard said:

    Only if the opponent has meaningful shooting units being the prime caveat. Monsters etc. are better when facing Ironjawz or Khorne for example.

    List tailoring is a really bad argument.

    The point is that Unleash Hell is so powerful it will warp the meta around it. Everyone will be designing armies to take advantage of it, or to deal with people taking advantage of it. 

    • Like 2
  14. I’ve been excited for 3.0 until now, but this:


    Is the dumbest thing.


    Think of all of those horrendous shooting units. Sentinels. Salamanders. Skinks. Mortek Crawlers. Medusai. Flamers.

    Now picture them all sat 7” behind a screen and laughing as you give them a free shooting action in the charge phase.

    Why even bother charging when you could just take cheap screens and your own OP shooting unit.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Evantas said:

    Or you could work with dropping 1 MSU unit turn 1 and another on turn 2. 

    Either way it does look like there's not that much incentive to spam too many Annihilators, you might want to drop heroes or vindicators as well. 

    Yeah overnight I was thinking about a lord imperatant hidden away at the back of the board (no range requirement), pouring over a map, and calling in air strikes err Annihilator Thunderstrikes each turn.

    Distinguished Leader!

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  16. 8 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    40K added that in 7th edition. It only really matters for a couple of the 40K buildings or in scratch built terrain. Generally you don't need to worry about it.

    What do you guys think of using puppets of war helmets for my warcraft conversions? Angel helms for the paladins, spartan helms for the normal footmen? My main concern is they'll be too big for the new models, who look smaller. (They're also rather expensive) Thoughts? Alternatives?

    Angel Helmets - Heads - All bits - Models and bits (puppetswar.eu)

    Spartan Helmets - Heads - All bits - Models and bits (puppetswar.eu)

    The next thing will be making the other units fit warcraft. Spellbreaker evocators? Sorceress seems a little under dressed for a 3+ save. Pallador knights? Angel helmets on the annihilators? Maybe try for lion helmets on them instead? Not sure on how to use the heroes ... What their warcraft equivalents are.

    Hope everyone is having a good week, For Sigmar!

    Spartan helms are a little too big imho. The Knight ones are good though.





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