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Posts posted by Bojigwe

  1. I was thinking of something random, was curious what people thought. 

    If in the 2019 general's handbook/new DoK book (assumptions here), if the only change made to units was removing witchbrew from the hag, what would that do to the army? How much worse would they be?

    I'm not 'worried' about this nor saying it's gonna happen, but I am curious how valuable the brew is, and what would happen if it were to be lost. 

  2. Yes I probably did invert the Khinerai; I meant more of the spear chuckers. I'm not too worried about shields or x2 weapons on the battleline just yet, but my thinking for a defensive posture was most people I know tend to prefer heavy cavalry numbers if possible, which will mean I might be charged more than I charge even with a faster army. 

    Is the Avatar of Khaine from the CoB box our only source of the behemoth model? It looks a little static to use on a base wiping out units to me.   

  3. Hello all,

    I'm thinking of a beginning list of models that should help cover the bases for 90% of armies that I'd field plus would be feasible for a competitive tourney should I decide to go that route. If I was playing a game where I don't have exactly the right models (assuming casual here) I would try to proxy if I could. Let me know what you guys think, what to increase/decrease, etc. 

    Cauldron of Blood/Bloodwreck Shrine x2 (magnet action required, want to be able to swap out people from CoB and use them solo (see: Hag))
    Witch Aleves x40 (thinking 10 with two weapons, 30 with shields, debating)
    Sisters of Slaughter x40 (thinking 10 with two weapons, 30 with shields, debating)
    Khinerai Heartrenders x10 (I know people don't like them but I'd like to give them a try, also for Cauldron Guard)
    Khinerai Lifetakers x10 (x20?)
    Blood Sisters x10 (x20?)
    Blood Stalkers x10 (I know people don't like them but I'd like to give them a try)
    Doomfire Warlocks x10 (x15? x20?)

  4. Is there any reason to have a hag queen on the cauldron? I can see a purpose to having the slaughter queen and the bloodwrack, but the hag on the cauldron doesn't seem to bring a lot of extra value as opposed to the slaughter queen. 

    Side question: how do I bring in a quote? I wanted to quote what Dante said but I can't seem to get it to work.

  5. Hello all, 

    I have a question. When building an army of 2000 pts, is Morathi a must-take? I ask as, for that that point cost, I could have for example a bloodwrack shrine and almost a full unit of witch aelves, or two units of 10 Blood Sisters and Heartrenders, etc.  How top-heavy (leaders) should I look at making the army? I figure a CoB should be in there, probably a hag or two, after that I'm not sure how much I should be throwing into units vs. non-units. 

    Also, has anyone tried the sorcerer in the army as opposed to a Medusa? Is there any benefit or just stick with the Medusa?

    Thanks in advance. 

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