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Posts posted by stus67

  1. 7 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    Hnnnn i think he is pretty overcosted,his cost would be around 350-400 

    With that cost units as stardrake or alarielle do around the same damage,same wounds(if we take in count the 3++ would be around 13 wounds with 4 save).but those units have special rules as free sumon,spells and have a move of 12-16" 

    Dont take me wrong,he is a beast,but 520 points is way way way overcosted for a model with 4" move

    While his 4" move does suck he's still far more durable than both a stardrake or alarielle and he could easily kill both in one round of combat, In fact the only thing he couldn't outright kill in combat would be Morathi, but he'll more than likely outlast her either way.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Enochi said:

    Well if this is true. I might have to go burn down all the GW stores within 100 miles. As this would mean my ENTIRE ARMY just got squatted. Yeah I am beyond pissed at this point. 

    Well it's pretty true considering it's happened already, so, I guess get your torch? I can understand why people are angry, but it should have been expected to happen eventually since day one.

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  3. Lore-wise stormcast are usually a full head or two taller than the average human so like 6'5 to 7". It's touched on a bit in Soul Wars, but it's different than older material where they're like 8 feet tall.

  4. 22 minutes ago, EngraBlackSword said:

    Hey! Although I'm a beginner, I remember a post where someone did the maths, and grandstaffs were the better choice. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. 

    I don't know about the wizards on lizards, but the on foot guys are better with the staves since they have longer range.

  5. 4 minutes ago, crkhobbit said:

    Can you ru

    Can you run it as a LConSD?  There was a list that got 8th at BrisVegas that I thought was cool.  He had LAoGC and more seqs instead of libs, but points changed so:
    180 LA on foot
    120 LCastellant
    560 LC on SD
    440 Seq x20
    200 Libsx5x2
    440 Evo x10
    60 Cogs

    That's something I could look into, but I'd probably still stick with the Drakesworn and just toss in Everblaze instead.

  6. 11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    You need some cavalry or shooting in this list, am not sure how you'd want to switch it up to achieve that though. Htf is your friend taking 4 bloodthirster though? That matchup feels more like an issue of him cheesing

    They're cheap enough to run 4 along with hounds as battleline. We're both going to a tournament in August so he's not putting on the brakes anytime soon. I have the models in my collection to run Anvilstrike, but I'm trying to avoid it because of how boring it is to play and how poorly I play it. I'm also trying to find a reason to dust off my Drakesworn.

    Things I also own,

    x3 Ballista + Ordinator

    20+ Sequitors

    only 10 Liberators

    almost every hero in the line


    I've thought about dropping the Grand Convocation and abandon the endless spells (even though I like playing them) and just running 3 ballista with my Stardrake, but I'm not sure how well that would run.

  7. I doubt they will, but unless they release new models for at least the freeguild troops I wont be too hyped for this. When the guard or handgunners are packed together in a block they look alright as whole, but once you break it down to individual models you really notice how lackluster and aged they are, especially in comparison to the rest of the AoS line.

  8. Any thoughts on this list? Or ways to make it better? I got trounced by my friend who plays khorne with 4 bloodthirsters of incessant rage and the tyrants battalion. Against a blightkings list I did fairly decent, but had trouble with objectives.

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Lord-Arcanum (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Staunch Defender 
    Lord-Exorcist (120)
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    Drakesworn Templar (460)
    - Storm Lance
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales 
    Lord-Castellant (120)

    10 x Sequitors (260)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields
    - 5x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Tempest Blades and Soulshields
    - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    Grand Convocation (130)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Everblaze Comet (100)
    Aethervoid Pendulum (50)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 83


  9. 1 hour ago, Marzillius said:

    No I don't think so, the Tauralon isn't tough enough. With a Tauralon you don't have enough wounds to withstand most opponents damage output and the extra cast isn't good enough. Its mobility would be useful, but I value the durability and killing power of the Sequitors. Besides, having 4 foot wizards walking behind their massivt bodyguard unit slinging spells looks really cool. I would consider the Tauralon if you ran a Convocation list with ballistas and Ordinator.

    That's along the lines of what I was thinking. I think I'm still going to try it with a Drakesworn Templar though. I can still get a block of 10 sequitors with it.

  10. 16 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    I don't think that's an average MW output, even two rounds of attack, 10a, there will be 5 hits on average, less than 1 natural 6 wound rolls, which means three bloodthirster do 12 MW average.

    3 bloodthirster to do 30+MW is not an average cases.

    In my opinion, consider extreme cases is not very helpful, this is because if you are super lucky 4 ballista can do 96 wound on your enemy with -2 rend, which will wipe out almost the whole army in just a single shooting phase, but I doubt anyone get that happen since the ballista is released.....

    As nice as that math sounds it's never happened in the weekly games I've played. Those bloodthirsters almost always hit every hit and they absolutely wound every wound, there's always at least one or two that do mortals.

  11. Just now, xking said:

    I just want to know, what is the Khorne list? besides three bloodthirsters.

    Off the top of my head it's the reapers of vengeance host with a council of blood battalion running 2 insensate rages, an unfettered fury, two priests, a max block of bloodletters, the bloodletter character, and two units of hounds.

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