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Posts posted by Raskata

  1. Battle Report time! (wall of text sorry not sorry) 

    So today i got to try out our new Battle tome in a 1500pts game! I played a very good friend and he brought a pure Nighthaunt list.

    My List was:


    Verminlord Warpseer
           - General, Master of Magic
    Grey Seer
          - Skavenbrew, Warpgale
         -the +3 attacks thing once per battle (cant remember the name)
    40x clanrats
    40x clanrats
    2x warpfire throwers


    His List:


    Knight of Shrouds on foot 
    Lantern wizard
    Ghost with locks (artifact made him a wizard)
    Lord Executioner
    20x chainrasps
    20x chainrasps
    5 Sword ghosts (bladegeist?)
    5 Sword ghosts
    4 Banshees
    2 chaingasts
    8 glaivewraith stalkers
    2 Batallions (shroudguard and the condemned i think)

    So we get Scorched Earth battle plan, and no realmscape features.  He finishes deploying first, opts for me to have 1st turn

    Battle Round 1


    Turn 1 Skaven
    Every single spell cast failed, except for mystic shield (yay!) - I move very little, just getting my guys on all 3 of my own objectives, doomwheel shoots off and goes 16" getting into range of one of his chainrasp hordes. In the shooting phase the doomwheel removes like 4 chainrasps . My cannon rolls a 5 for power, takes 2 wounds of the knight of shrouds.  No charges.
    Turn 1 Nighthaunt.
    What few chainrasps that where killed got returned easily, the 2 chain dude unit shoots the Doomwheel, takes like 2 wounds off it, then it gets charged with a 10'er  from the chainrasp horde, they immediately fight and bring it to 3 wounds remaining. Then in the actual fight phase they finish off the Doomwheel. On the other flank a unit of 5 sword geists make their charge into 40 clanrats, Nothing much happens, he rolls below average and so do i. I lose like 5 clanrats.

    Score Rats 3-3 Nighthaunt

    Battleround 2:
    I win the roll off and avoid a scary double turn - infact we didn't have a single double turn all game!


    Turn 2 Skaven:
    Again a terrible magic phase, nothing goes off except a regular Warpgale that kills my Grey Seer (second turn can you believe it? XD) - In my movement phase, even though my Doomwheel didnt end up doing much and dying turn 1, it did set me up for a pretty good counter charge with my other 40 clanrats, and they brought a warpfire thrower with them. In the shooting phase the warpfire thrower overcharges and deals a whoping 17 mortal wounds to the chainrasps, and as a big bonus it did not kill itself! The Clanrats charge in and finish off the unit. On my other flank, my clanrats had retreated and counter charged; this turned out to be a terrible idea - i managed to tie up all 10 of the blade/sword geists and the knight of shrouds, and the banshees - but obviously a lot of rats died in that coming combat! In the shooting phase my cannon overcharges and rolls another 5, does 4 mortal wounds to one of the bladegheist units, leaving just 1 standing, and in miraculous fashion only takes 2 mortal wounds himself. Overall still slow, my mortal wound output is for sure not there yet (apart from the flamer).
    Nighthaunt turn 2
    A truly devastating turn for Skaven, the rats holding the big side flank almost gets wiped, but thanks to the warpseer's command ability they stay on the board with like 12 models - a single bladegheist makes a retreat and charge into my second warpfire and rolls a 10 for the charge. the double combat kills it. The other flank is a different story, the clanrats + clawlord manage to hold of the grimgast dudes despite losing the grey seer. 

    Score : Rats 6-6 Nighthant 

    Battle Round 3


    Skaven turn 3
    Ok, so this turn was a big big turnaround for the Skaven, magic phase goes very well - my warlocks lightning manages to kill the single model bladegheist unit. My verminlord manages to kill off some banshees with 3 mortal wounds from his dreaded warpgale, and at this point i'm feeling the dice luck turning! I overcharge my cannon again, and roll a 3 for power, 8 mortal wounds later the Knight of Shrouds is dead - again the cannon doesn't die but is left at just 2 wounds remaining. My Verminlord charges the remaining bladegheists + the lock ghost hero - he doesn't kill anything. On the other flank, it's still a stalemate, with nothing much happening - the clanrats are slowly dying and not enough of the grimghast reapers. The 12 clanrats manage to retreat towards an objective and counter charge in the direction of his remaining banshees (bringing them with distance of one of his backfield objectives) - but its contested and i dont score it.
    Nighthaunt turn 3
    With his one flank now being kinda spread out, and with the knight of shroud dead, he starts losing buffs/summoning, and as a whole it kinda starts falling apart on that flank, and crucially he fails both his summoning spell and returns only 3 of the glaivewraiths, he does manage to get his remaining lock ghost on an objective that i left, and he scorches it, the bladegeist keep the Verminlord busy - he wipes the unit in combat. On the other side, he has brought his lord executioner to the fight + the 20 chainrasps to stop me from taking the objective there - looking grim for the Skaven points wise. The 12 clanrats on his objective are charged by the remaining banshees - a single rat remains alive there! amazing!
    Score : Rats 7 - 9 Nighthaunt 

    Battle round 4 


    Skaven turn 4
    A very crucial turn - magic phase goes well again, the engineer manages to kill off his lock ghost (the objective had been scorched but still) - and VERY crucially, the verminlord wipes the banshees with his warpgale - with a single rat on an objective, a rat that should have been dead, suddenly looked to score D3 points. My Cannon is ready to die, and so i overcharge it again, rolling another 3  for power and wiping his lord executioner - nighthaunt running out of characters - and the cannon still didnt die taking just 1 wound, yikes. At this point i apologize for my cannon's completely unreasonable luck. The verminlord manages a charge into the back of the chain rasps, and combat starts turning there as well.

    With just his guardian of souls and 15 chainrasps and about 6 glaivewraiths left, he calls it at end of my turn - score 9-9 but with the assumption that i would either wipe him or score at least 3 more points turn 5, with him unable to score anymore. On the board for skaven : 1 clan rat, 18 clan rats, clawlord, cannon, warpfire thrower, engineer and verminlord. 

    Closing thoughts:
    Man are rats are random! haha - the first two turns felt horrible as i did absolutely nothing but lose clanrats, dealing very little damage in return. But a few good turns of magic and shooting can always really make a big difference. Also, the two first lackluster turns for my magic/shooting made my opponent think it wasn't a strong part of my army, and he chose to deepstrike, to deal with clanrats instead of getting to my cannon/verminlord, a mistake he surely wont make again.

    The good:
    Clanrats! the Ability to retreat and charge combined with the warpseers 26" battleshock immunity ability - makes for some really hard to remove board control - for sure worth every single point.
    The Cannon! Ok - so this is completely due to me rolling way way better than average - the fact that it overcharged 3 turns in a row and somehow didn't die baffled us both to the point of madness - we even both rolled below/close to average most of the game, but for some reason the cannon just didn't roll 1's. Oh well, its a dice game.
    Warpseer this guy is just so ****** good - good casting, his battleshock bubble, generating command points and he can even dish out the hurt in combat!

    The Bad:
    - so i dont know if i just played it wrong, but it seems you need to babysit him if hes gonna be shooting, 13" range is pretty prime to be charged by well anything, and at just 8 wounds and a 4+ save, this guy can die pretty easily if hes the only charge target. Too fast for the rest of the army, but again he acted well as a bait, but maybe a hellpit would be better then.
    Warlock engineer - So this guy obviously allows you to overcharge the cannon, which is good, but apart from that hes just... meh? the lightning at 16" is really not very useful if you are gonna sit him at the cannon, and with 9" on his gun he really didn't do much all game - maybe with other Skryer units like ratling teams or jezzails it would have more impact.

    Overall we had a very good game, and if was back and fourth until the very end! I cant wait to play more, as even though i won, i made many tactical blunders and forgot quite a few small rules /buffs, but overall most of it didn't matter that much in the end.

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  2. Does stacking Death Frenzy really work like that? I would just assume that the spells would cancel out, since they aren't dying twice - if it gives you two rounds of attacks for all dead models, that sounds... incredible to say the least. 

    I might be wrong here, what does everyone else think?

  3. Hmm yeah maybe some change like that.

    I do feel like the Battle shock immunity is worth the extra 80 pts; Especially when running 120 clan rats. But then, i havn't had a chance to test this out, and the 13" range might prove too hard to manage while also sitting on objectives.

    But yeah, the doom wheel and engineer might have to go. 

  4. Heya, 

    New member here, i just got so mega hyped with this release i had to make an account. In any case, it's interesting hearing all the different results from you guys. I cant wait to get to practice with this battletome myself. 

    I have a tournament coming up next month, and i want to try out the rats in a competitive setting. My first idea was to try and recreate my glory days of WHFB with a sort "oldschool" list - but im afraid it wont have enough damage output for tournament style play. What do you guys think? less variety for some Storm Vermin maybe? All battle reports and findings are appreciated! 

    2k Skaven:
    Screaming Bell (200)
    Clawlord (100)
    warlock (100)
    Clanrats x40 (200)
    Clanrats x40 (200)
    Clanrats x40 (200)
    WLC (180)
    WLC (180)
    HPA (220)
    Doomwheel (160)
    Warp Lightning Vortex (100)
    Shackles (20)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

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