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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. 1 hour ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    Torrbad does nothing that you want. 

    I wonder, not trying to be sarcastic here or anything, just a serious question. Do you consider any of our battalions to be worthwhile? Imo Braggroth might have some fighting potential and Jorlbad for the alpha strike, the rest of them just seem kinda meh to me overall. I actually dislike the Torrbad the most because of all reasons you put up, i just wanted to see what i could do with it. The min tax for it is just ridiculous.

  2. 1 hour ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    Have a 2-man unit of sabers babysit your yhetee squad.

    I really love this tactic, as it essentially is the same points cost as 1 mournfang pack of 2, if you take MSU Yhetee. You won't, but essentially that would be the same pointcost. Now I must also say, I've watched your warhammer weekly vid just now, and basically agree with all you guys "fix the faction" changes, bar the suggestion of Vince to straight up do -1 damage because of stone skeleton to a minimum of 0. While it would only be 1 stonehorn, it will massively annoy horde armies and revert to the idea of Guardsmen not being able to damage vehicles in 40K. I loved the suggestion of the 4 up shrug on the stone skeleton or the +1 to save against damage 1 attacks. A lot of suggestions had a lot of potential, and I do hope to see GW take their notes from this. Maybe, hopefully. As for lists... perhaps some battalion lists? Pure Beastclaw, Let's go Torrbad: Wasting 1 artefact sucks, but whatever let's see. 

    Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders
    Realm: Ghur

    Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
    - General
    - Trait: Everwinter's Master
    - Artefact: Gryph-Feather Charm

    Thundertusk Beastriders (340)
    Thundertusk Beastriders (340)
    Thundertusk Beastriders (340)
    9 x Icefall Yhetees (360)

    4 x Frost Sabres  (80)

    Torrbad (170)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 92

    Idea: 2 drop army, 1 extra CP. Sadly the extra artefact is lost. The idea here is to go for the one and done, focus on flanking the entire army on 1 flank of the enemy. Use the Frost sabres to charge and do the yhetee trick with them. burst down either chaff or some important unit. Keep your general right behind the yhetees and enjoy a -2 to hit debuff in melee for your opponent and -1 for Missiles. Obviously keep the other tusks nearby to benefit from the battalion ability once it would occur and blast 24 mortals focused in 1 flank. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    Yes, that's their main job in my lists where I run them. I've found them superior to mournfang in this role. However, do note that massive regiments are a weakness for BCR in general, and a block of 12 ogor allies will outperform both yhetees and mournfang vs hordes.

    You slightly missed my point on that though. Yes, all that is a bunch of synergies with mournfang, but you're starting from a place where you're greatly over-paying, and then you're over-paying again for buffs. It doesn't become worth it, it just becomes even more expensive. At the end of the day you end up with a 1,500 point list power-wise that you paid 2,000 points for.

    Like in a vacuum mournfang that can run&charge and hit on 3s are indeed good. But at 160/2 plus 140 for a butcher that only has a 1-in-3 of working (or 280 for 2 butchers which increases it to 55%) plus 160 for jorlbad plus spending 320 on a weak monster like beastriders plus 340 for a weak hero like huskard on SH you can see how you're just lighting points on fire to get a similar effect that other armies spend 100pts on a hero for. And he's buffing a unit that is already good.

    Am I saying to sell your mournfang? No! I'm just trying to be realistic about where we currently are - and hoping an incoming new book or GHB changes can let me bring my 12 off the shelf at some point.

    And with the numbers you proof that our faction is indeed one of the lower tiers ones at this moment of time. Perhaps with some big value decreases and some rule revamps we might see the day that Mournfang and yhetee truelly don't compare to each other, as the inferior and the superior, but instead as having different roles in the army, with the added solid point by point values being near equal. We can keep hoping.

  4. While i do agree with all you say, since you got the math down for individual units of them. We mustn’t forget that there’s also possibilities to greatly enhance Mournfang in the tome. Not to forget, the overall influence that Mournfang can have on your whole list. 

    9 hours ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    -1 to hit shuts off many procs

    Only in the combat phase, in the shooting phase, they are a 4 wound piece of paper, compared to an armoured mournfang.

    Battalions, let’s look at them. We are mostly talking about 2000p lists here. Alfrostun and Svard fall off immidiately. Jorlbad, benefits mournfang greatly, Eurlbad, benefits mournfang. Skal is for the cats. Ah... there Torrbad, The only battalion that benefits yhetees, but with a minimum tax of so high (1550p) that you can include a max of 9 yhetees, to benefit from the batallion and have no points left to include a hero that can benefit from the extra artefact, nor have enough to ally for example a wizard, more on this later. Than we have Braggoth’s Beasthammer, oh boy this benefits mournfang so much, making them so much exponentially better. Low tax battalion, multiple fighting, to hit buffs for mournfang and gore gruntas and a bunch of points left to ally in 1 to 2 wizards or just add some units. Also with this battalion and the others above here excluding Torrbad, you can make great use of the second artefact and ofc a battalion gives you the extra CP. Now Olwyr would fit too, but you would have to run MSU mournfang and waste your 3rd artefact, which sucks, but still a mournfang benefitting battalion. 

    Now ally options, let’s talk about the best ones. The Butcher and the Fungoid-Cave Shaman. The Butcher, has immidiate synergy with Mournfang Packs, them being Ogor units, means they can benefit from the +1 to hit buff from the cauldron, combine it with say braggoth and oof.., or include multiple, which is hard in our army, but with some cats, possible. Butchers can also slightly heal Mournfang and they can cast chronomantic cogs, but that would benefit yhetees too. What wouldn’t benefit yhetees is anything from the cauldron, since they aren’t Ogors.

    Now for the fungoid-cave shaman, it can litterally benefit any destruction list, purely for being cheap, allowing you to get multiple CP per game and pull off endless spells.

    Considering all this... i’m not sure if i find yhetees all that superior, perhaps 1 on 1 yes, but in the bigger whole? Well... 

  5. 26 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    i wouldn't use the wrong size round base 

    Is it wrong when ordered from the webstore and they supply a smaller one than they actually recommend in their FAQ? That’s my problem with this. Don’t supply me bases I can’t use everywhere, that simple. If you recommend something, supply me that base, not another.

  6. What are you guys standing on this than?:

    I ordered a Loonboss on Great Cave Squig for the Gloomspite Gitz. On the recommended base size faq it says 50mm. Yet GW shipped it with a 40mm and i do think the 40mm fits it more than perfectly. Would i be wrong at a tournament when GW themselves! gave me another base than their recommended size faq tells me to put on?

  7. 5 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    If I was taking the better warscroll I feel like I should take the larger base tax.

    The codex asta.... *ahem* The base size suggestion, is just a guideline. GW references the actual model being sold butcher as in Skrag the Slaughterer, but absolutely nothing, stops you from taking any base size you want. Just don’t make it too ridiculous, like an ogre on a 25mm, or a goblin on a 120 x 92.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Don’t have any scraplaunchers so can’t comment, but you hit the nail on the head with the ironblaster. I love it, and I want it to be good, but 1 shot means it usually ... isn’t.


    19 minutes ago, James S said:

    Think of them as chariots with a random missile weapon that can’t hit a barn door.

    Would be great to have 2 shots on it and perhaps a way to re-roll damage, that would be a quality of life change. It's needed. Perhaps take the re-roll to hit away from the ironblaster and replace it with re-roll damage vs units of 10 or more and also including a second shot. For the Scraplauncher, perhaps just add the 2nd shot. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, James S said:

    Easiest cauldrons to make are from the Ironblaster set. I used the scraplauncher bit to make the cauldron. Can also use the little kettle from the Stonehorn.

    I have access to both! I'm going to look into that, thanks man.

    14 minutes ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Modelled a cauldron basing it on a paint pot top.

    Do you have a picture of that? I'm really curious.

  10. Hello fellow Busters,

    Got a few questions. The first is: I am planning to do a conversion with my non-cauldron butcher converting his weapons on his arms making them stump weapons and adding a chain with a cauldron. My question to you is, do you know of any good ways to get such a cauldron, be it third party, or even sculpting it. 

    My second question is, what do you guys think of the Ironblaster and Scraplauncher in the current horde meta? I know they are still unreliable because of the 1 shot only, but especially with the mass regiments I wonder what your opinions are about these units. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 2/12/2019 at 9:18 PM, James S said:


    Got a couple games in last two days.


    Rough matches man. It’s so hard to compete with new books. You are putting out the work for us and show how it is to fight the uphill battle. In all regards, playing such elite armies, like gutbusters and beastclaw, means we mostly will fight the up hill battle, even with a new book( a new book will help us bust through though). It’s just with the mass regiments and the force mulitplying that we are in this horde meta right now and it’s hard to push through. I myself have tried, Greenskinz, High Elves against newer books and just shelved them after a while, it just feels so lackluster fighting them, without updated rules for yourself. I also own gutbusters and beastclaw and I suffer from the same as you. It’s hard. 

    As for your list, i’m actually going to run it myself soon, against a Daughters list, A Flesh Eater Courts, Skaven, Dispossessed and Ironjawz list. I’ll let you know how it goes. 

    Did consider to drop the endless spell at the end and fish for a triumph? Also, unless otherwise stated specifically, you should always be able to retreat in your movement phase, so the charge with destruction and retreat should work.

    Little edit here: I also ran my new Gloomspite Gitz against similar list and lost minor or won, so yeah. It truelly is the struggle of getting gw love or not.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Mogwai Man said:

    Not a finished build since there are 70 points left to use for endless spells and I didn't pick any items. Was mainly seeing how many wounds I could get out of a cavalry battleline.


    This list is not legal. You are already going wrong with the Snaga Rukk. You need a minimum of 2 Boarboy Maniak units, splitting them up could make that work of course. Than for the Icebone Clan you need a minimum of 4 Boarboy Maniaks. Again your list could work, but you would need to have 4 x 5 Boarboy Maniaks instead of your 1 x 20. Minimum requirements. 

    Besides this, I really do like your idea of 20 man unit Savage Boarboys. Not only do you give a good reason to take the Stikka's for the range, to attack more  boarboys, it also has huge potential vs monsters. I really really like your way of thinking. As for using the MSU Maniaks. It could actually work if you make it legal like that, they do have only 1" range on their attacks, so even with 10 boarboys, piling in is a bit more difficult. Although with multiple pile ins per turn, this problem is mitigated slightly. With the MSU you can constantly attack with all your boys, putting stikka's on the savage ones, same story. The weirdnob shaman spell works in an aura, so all your units could still benefit from it. The only thing that sucks is that spells like hand of gork, or brutal beast spirits will fall into nothing, using them on MSU units. You litterally would be better off targeting those on your savage boarboys in that case, and with only fighting once per turn... in all honesty I think your list will lack the punching power. It will have the wounds... but it won't break through I think. Especially with no Savage Big Boss, No Orruk Warboss, to generate extra attacks, and even the lack of a Wurrgog to fight an additional time. I think this army will have a weak punch. It will destroy monster lists though, but those are rare.

  13. 19 minutes ago, svnvaldez said:

    It would be fine if you want to give it a go. The problem is you are losing 5 inches of threat from the unit that doesn’t have hand of gork and only 1 unit will have +1 to hit spell. Also it’s going to cost 2 CP each turn to give each the CA.

    double krukk was a good list pre gh2 since they were amazingly cheap. Still isn’t awful now just not optimal.

    Guess i need to include hand of gork after all huh, also with brutal beast spirits you do have only 1 target for your spell you are right, but with the luck of a double, you can target them both! Also including 2 battalions already nets you 3 CP total in turn 1 and by including the Aetherquartz Brooch, we’ll be getting 1/3 CP back that we use. Once we begin shooting, we’ll probably have enough CP to keep adding extra attacka to both units and add an inspiring presence here and there if needed.

  14. On 7/19/2018 at 3:11 AM, Davros said:

    Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (420)
    Icebrow Hunter (140)
    - General
    Butcher (140)
    - Allies
    Butcher (140)
    - Allies
    4 x Mournfang Pack (320)
    -Gargant Hackers
    2 x Mournfang Pack (160)
    -Gargant Hackers
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    Braggoth's Beast Hammer (230)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Malevolent Maelstrom (20)

    Yeah, I do like the idea of multiple chances on to hit buffs also, or save rolls of 1, or heals even. That’s why i like this list so much on page 5. With Braggoth, you add even +1 to hit more to your units and fight twice in a turn for once.

    For a trait I would give the hunter the Everwinter’s Master. Than for artefacts I was thinking about a few combinations. I think my favorite one is going with Chamon and giving the Hunter the Wraithbow. If you run him You’ll be able to throw your spear at 18” with d6 damage and on top of that the wraithbow has an 18” range and adds 1-6 mortals to your damage depending on how you are rolling. And for the Frostlord i would take the Ethereal Amulet to ignore rend on a 3+ save. Adding a re-roll of 1 to save to that, will be absolutely terrifying. 

    Alternative option I would take is:

    Ghur: Gryph-Feather Charm on hunter, Tokens of Everwinter on Frostlord. Although i’m not sure if i’m a fan of tokens so much anymore, since they only buff the Frostlords attacks for 1 turn, the re-roll save rolls are nice, but still... I don’t know

    Another option would be going for Aqshy and take the Thermalrider Cloak for the Frostlord, amplifying his movement even more and goving him fly, so he can’t be tarpitted. For the hunter Ignax’s Scales for the 4+ ignore mortals or Pelt of Charngar, together with the butchers, could get a bunch of healing.

    Let me know what you guys think.

  15. 2 hours ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Crucially though, for my money, yhetees gets you more bodies and more wounds compared to the butcher with spells.

    Alright, thank you. You convinced me to buy at least 6 yhetees. I've considered them before, and they are rather nice, they are also battleline under a thundertusk general. I haven't tried any of the battalions so far, because the army is already this expensive to field.

  16. 5 hours ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Like this list. Mournfang In 4s, definitely. I’m not convinced by the pendulum, and while the vortex is a useful platform to cast the maw from, it ties your butcher down, which is slightly odd in such a mobile army. Personally, I think you’d get more mileage out of 6 yhetees than the butcher and spells, but a lot of people seem to be allying in a butcher for BCR currently.

    Hmmmm, i don’t own any Yhetees so far, but it does sound interesting. The reason for the butcher is fairly simple. First of all it’s a fairly durable wizard, able to heal by casting and there’s a 1/6th chance he rolls healing on the cauldron, which heals him and ogors around him. On top of that, he has a 1/3th chance to roll for +1 to hit for an ogor unit within 14”. This in particular is huge on gargant hacker mournfang. Also having acces to realm lore, means for example by playing in Aqshy you got acces to stoked rage and inferno blades. As for the pendulum. If at some point you change the chronomantic cogs to magic enhancing, you can cast an additional spell. Stacking the maw with the pendulum can give you a huge amount of mortals in a focused area, where you might have trouble to get to with your forces, because of for example the opponent blocking it off by chaff. The d6 mortals by moving over targets or ending the move within 1” is pretty huge. I do wonder if you would go for the butcher aproach, what spells would you include in 100p? Also if i would include 6 yhetees, should i run them MSU?

  17. Took out my Beastclaw Raiders from the shelf today and want to try them next Tuesday. Hesitating between Pendulum and Balewind Vortex. Also hesitating to run MSU Mournfang Pack. Let me know what YOU think about this list and the endless spell choices. 

    Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders
    Realm: Shyish

    Huskard on Thundertusk (360)
    - General
    - Trait: Everwinter's Master
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (420)
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet
    Butcher (140)
    - Cauldron

    4 x Mournfang Pack (320)
    4 x Mournfang Pack (320)
    Thundertusk Beastriders (340)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Allies: 140 / 400
    Wounds: 92

  18. How are you guys feeling about a double Kunnin’ Rukk? Able to double action 2 units of Arrowboys. 

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    Realm: Hysh

    Savage Big Boss (120)
    - General
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
    - Trait: Squirmy Warpaint
    Savage Big Boss (120)
    - Artefact: Mirrored  Cuirras
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    - Artefact: Ju-Ju Wotnotz
    - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Kunnin’ Beast Spirits
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    -Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Brutal Beast Spirits

    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    Kunnin’ Rukk (200)
    Kunnin’ Rukk (200)

    Endless Spells
    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 184

    • Like 1
  19. 14 hours ago, Miscast said:

    Give them both a try and let us know how it goes! I think the main issue with BS atm apart from having a god awful anvil/chaff/meh unit (Savages) is we pay a premium (300+ points) for the clans + battalions which make is hard to build fun lists with all the unit requirements just to access some fun play styles. 

    I just played the alternative list with the 3rd morboy replaced by some Boarboy Maniaks and the Aleguzzler. My opponent was a player playing the new Gloomspite Gitz. The fight was absolutely intense. Those Gloomspites are strong, and that moon is annoying, debuffing my dokks and wurrgog -1 to cast under the moon. He used Skragrot to keep targeting my characters, spread his shots on them so that it does mortal wounds at the end of the turn to like 4-5 to them, very annoying. Also grots under their loonshrine are really hard to shift, even with our amount of attacks. He assassinated 2 of my dokks by jumping over them with some squig hoppers and charging them with Boingrot bounders. But in the hero phase I still had massive dominance and assassinated skragrott asap. The amount of hits this list does is really crazy, I kept chopping grots down like they were broccoli sticks facing a cooking knife. At the end I had too much bodies for him to handle, our army doesn't care for mortal wounds against us compared to normal hits in all honesty. We tank with our wounds and he noticed that too. That Mangler Squig though tore through my aleguzzler in 1 turn, the aleguzzler couldn't do a thing, but at least he died, so my morboys retaliated on the mangler squigs and let's just say, WE GOT EM BOYZ. I actually Deff Rode him into the ground. His shoota's focused on taking my 1 morboy unit down, and eventually he succeeded. Lost 47 morboys. Won the game 12 to 8 VP.

  20. 1 hour ago, Miscast said:

    I'd probably try and find a way to squeeze a sacrificial Gargant in somehow

    Ah yes, I do have an alternative list for that. I swap the 3rd Morboy unit for a unit of 5 Boarboy Maniaks and an Aleguzzler Gargant. You do lose about 33 wounds on it, but you get yourself a unit that can always fight twice and can rush objectives, and the sacrificial Aleguzzler, well... i mean, the gargant can still swing a good chunk of damage in, but the idea is to let him die of course.


    1 hour ago, Miscast said:

    The problem with both lists though is they lack rend but at least with lots of wizards you have potential for a Mortal Wound hub. 

    Yes, that’s why with the Drakkfoot one, you have the LARGE amount of offensive spells, including Endless spells to bypass the need for rend altogether. Also with the amount of blows you deal in these lists, forcing all those saves, is almost running the need for rend into the ground. The Icebone list, at least the last one, also includes the fungoid with a vortex. His own spell can hurt, and with the cogs, combined with their own thumper and the Waaagh!- Monger trait, means that the Boarboy Maniaks shall receive a +5 to their charges, which makes pulling the Snaga Rukk ability off easier. A mortal wound for 50% of the models that charges. But yes the Icebone clan lists do lack the reliable rend or big amount of mortals nonetheless.

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