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Everything posted by tkt32583

  1. This is very much the same for other armies as well. People who collect fyreslayers (never played them), seem to want more units Vs another foot hero, same for idoneth, Skaven.... @Skreech Verminking can comment on that, BoC I would argue could've done with a shaggoth redo vs. A foot hero. Just keep that tank of copium with ya for now, but at least seraphon are trending on the right place
  2. Colour scheme is nice, but the bullgors are by far one of the worst designs in the AoS lineup right now (Tbf I did a double take on the picture very excited, then got sad lol)
  3. Two saurus, but one is jumping over the other one's shoulders. Wearing lumineth armour. It's actually a new lumineth wave.
  4. I feel like I am just cynical with GW now, but after Skaven got done over, and BoC have also been given the short straw, I don't really have much faith in even that lol. As you mentioned previously, it's going to be 5-7 years before models are released, or even when factions are put into the limelight again (destro as a narrative plot hook). I do hope you seraphon collectors hit the gold mine though, so I can at least vicariously live through you. (Inb4 the seraphon reveals are actually a Katakros-like diorama and no resin gets updated until 2076)
  5. As someone who has left the game, this was the reason. I mentioned I'd be back when BoC got their update, and this was....lame. Sorry to sound negative, but these battletome + 1 miniature releases leave a sour taste in the mouth (especially Skaven). Thankfully I can use the mini I haven't sold for things like Mordheim or something.
  6. By that same logic, they could have added more units into the new faction when it was launched, or at 2.0. Again, without being too doom and gloom (I actually am glad people got more stuff, and the stuff released is top tier), GW seems to be dropping the ball for what seem like absolute slam dunks. Considering the reception to it. Even in the stream they said 'A lot of turn out for Skaven in the stream...soooo...what about those Sylvaneth???' (again, the presenters did a great job with what they had)
  7. Idoneth and Fyreslayers tho point to that not being the case at all
  8. I mean that may be so, and I don't doubt that, but we are talking about some models that are up to 20+ years old. I would be getting into Skaven instantly if they had a refresh, but seeing models that are massively outdated just puts me off. But hey, I'm not working there, so I don't know the inner workings, so can't hate too much.
  9. Honestly it sucks, and feels bad for other ranges which I guarantee will get the same treatment. I feel any post I make seems v doom and gloom, but it's such a hugely missed opportunity. I have thought for a long while now that updating units feels way more impactful than a hero model.
  10. Wow. I am sorry Skaven people (as a BoC collector). Gonna be another year or two before they realise ey
  11. So the wings aren't the same as the Daemon Prince reveal. Morghur confirmed.
  12. I hope for Skaven player's sake they get a range refresh (and all other armies that have a lot of 'Oh I remember this when I was a kid' units). well, back to other things!
  13. Any rumours that relate to BoC or CoS getting any type of model refresh this side of 2022? I'm assuming with WD updates they will be relegated to 2023, in which case I'll peace out of AoS until then.
  14. Where was that information ? Haven't seen that posted anywhere
  15. Calling it. Dragon riders for stormcast. Thematically it makes sense to have the riders in the same ruins as angel lady.
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