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Posts posted by Bigscaryflorister

  1. On 11/29/2019 at 12:36 PM, Uffe said:


    Since i dont enjoy the longstrike list im in to Gavbombing!

    Played a tourny not long ago. went 3-2, lost two tight games vs slaanesh 3 keepers and skaven stormfiends.
    I made some errors since i had 0 games with SCE before.

    But SCE was lots of fun so decided to take them to another tourny and try again with a similar list. :)

    Lord Arcanum
    Lord Castellant
    20 Sequitors
    5 Sequitors
    5 Sequitors
    10 Evocators
    3 Hurricane Crossbows
    3 Hurricane Crossbows
    Extra command point

    Playstyle, deep in Hurricanes, blow up the screens so Evocators can charge what they want. Buff the Sequitors and port them in to action.
    Rest of the list are for objectives 😃

    Tested one game so far and it was effective, lets se how it goes.

    That’s an interesting list man! Did you run Stormhost or artefacts? Some aetherwings in there would be great, just cos 🤷‍♂️

  2. 7 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Long beards is an idea I didn’t consider! That could be a good replacement in place of iron breakers, but I don’t know. I would have another stormcast in there but I think that’s a bit too many points. The main reason I made this list is to finally use the purple sun someday. That spell can really ****** with elite armies like no other spells can. (Oh, your squad of 9 skull crushers just lost 2 guys. That’s ten wounds I don’t have to worry about later!)



    Tbf, I’ve never used it, but it would be a nice alternative to the elemental cyclone spell, as that amazing against armoured 1 wound units! 

  3. On 11/6/2019 at 10:58 PM, Acid_Nine said:

    hey guys, adding another list to the pyre. Wondering how this would do in terms of a crazy list with dwarfs included.

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
     - City: Hallowheart

    Battlemage (90)
    - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Elemental Cyclone (Hallowheart Wizard)
    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Roaming Wildfire
    - Mortal Realm : Chamon

    Battlemage (90)
    - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Ignite Weapons (Hallowheart Wizard)
    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Warding Brand
    - Mortal Realm : Hysh

    Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)
    - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Ignite Weapons (Hallowheart Wizard)

    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Sear Wounds

    Warden King (110)
    - General

    Runelord (90)

    Lord-Arcanum (160)
    - Spell : Lore of Whitefire - Elemental Cyclone (Hallowheart Wizard)
    - City Role : General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less)
    - Hallowheart 2nd Spell : Warding Brand

    20 x Hammerers (280)
    20 x Hammerers (280)
    20 x Ironbreakers (260)

    Whitefire Retinue (140)

    Umbral Spellportal (70)
    Purple Sun of Shyish (50)
    Everblaze Comet (100)


    didn't chose the relics just yet, but I'm thinking ignax on the arcanum just to soak mortal wounds for arcane channeling.  Warden king and runelord are up front with the hammers and iron breakers to form a front line, while the chamon battlemage casts umbral spell portal and the purple sun in combination to just shove that big ball of death into the enemy ranks due to the empowerment, arcanum to cast and dispel the everblaze comment per turn, and thow buffs around as needed.

    Could maybe consider longbeards too for their dispel option? Would help to get max damage from the comet! 

    I’m using the arcanum and the exorcist, exorcist is using CA with Ignax, and arcanum can bring him back to 1hp if he manages to kill him self! Arcanum is solid for his arcane bolt, and his warscroll spell is also solid. 

    I’m using mostly elves currently, but I’ve been steering towards a dwarf list, especially with bridge. Hammers in the face ;)

    let us know how you get on!


    EDIT (I completely saw an incantor in there! My bad)

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Raffonerd said:

    You don't have mass for objectives. I will consider at least 20 PG for bodyguard the general on an objective.

    I have the scourgerunners for first turn grab, but the idea I think is to kill the majority of stuff haha. Also planning on uses the SotT for mid game grabs, and there’s shadow warriors for backline obj, or stealing theirs ;) but ye, I wouldn’t mind another blob... but where? 🤷‍♂️

  5. So After a few games, I’ve come up with this idea. Thoughts? 

    Nomad prince - 18”battleshock immune

    azyr battlemage -1hit vs missile artefact

    hysh battlemage 

    lord arcanum adjutant 

    lord exorcist ignaxs scales

    2x 5 SotT

    2x3 scourgerunners

    30 eternal guard 

    10 shadow warriors

    everblaze comet





    whitefire battalion

    exorcist dude spamming CA, and then low value spells, mystic etc.

    arcanum getting prime electrids d6 likely, and -1 hit spell, and using cycle of the storm if the exorcist does actually kill himself haha

    azyr spamming wildfire, lightning and cyclone atop his balewind, 

    chariots being chariots, and road blocks

    SotT cheap Battleline casters 😁 

    eternal guard getting buffed by sisters, 2+rr1 saves, 2 chances at mw back 

    Got options first turn and second, 6 drops 


  6. 53 minutes ago, Raffonerd said:

    Similar to mine. 

    I have no huricanum and a lord arcanum. Better save self heal and better stats. 

    Also i have frost phoenix and 2x20 phoenix. Also add geminds, emerald and the top spell lauchon.

    The hurricanum feels like it should be the lynchpin of the list. Buffs casters(again). Decent mw output. Wicked spell combined with the chamon wizard. Makes the block of guard hit on 2’s for being near it. Casts, and can tank/heal damage to itself to ensure every spell goes off all game. 

    Arcanums great, but reliably able to pump out 3d3 &d6 mw in a hero phase a sideshow great?

    frosty is usually my favourite... but leans towards keeping it amongst others for the awesome aura. I use the flame with the artefact to pile the ****** into whatever I didn’t just kill with the spell barrage! Flat 5 mw just for saying hey, and d3 on a 4+ to all in combat. They can’t resist, it’s effectively two more decent spells in mw output. He’ll keep them busy for a turn or  two, which is all I need him for. And if he does die... 😁

    lists expensive, and lacking in some areas, but it’s ****** fun 💪


  7. 1 hour ago, mmimzie said:

    Really good combo i just figured out, and i think we might have all skimmed it abit because the endless spell became a joke after the FAQ. Also, maaaaybe some one said it some where else, but it seems so powerful, and it not being in everyones list despite most list having maybe 2 of these pieces seems goofy. 

    The combo is:
    Sisters of the thorn
    Purple sun of Shyish
    Lauchon the soulseeker

    Now of course it needs another wizard to help you set this up, but likely you'll have one in hollow heart. Not counting that other wizards hand in helping you set this up the combo cost 240 points. Same as the comet. Most importantly it lets you drop the purple sun turn 1. As the sisters is multiple models and thus can lose a model to get into range during the hero phase.

    Depending on how the rules work kinda changes how close your caster can get.  Either you can stretch the unit back into the hollowheart casting bonus aura and the actual caster up close >9"  letting you set up the sun such that it rolls through most of your opponents army. Otherwise you use your long base to put a toe into the hollow heart aura and use your longer base to angle as close to your target location as possible.  Either way the 12" move of the purple sun should have you hitting several units. 

    More over this combo gets you a decent universal spell for moving your shooting units, and your charge bonus aided melee units. 

    With this you can take:

    Luminark/Purple sun/comet/ Chain lighting+roaming fire bale wind/Umbral spell portal + (wizard of choice) spell in a single list and do devastating turn 1 damage. 


    Has there been an faq already?! 

  8. Played my first game last night with this 

    Anointed of flamespyre (Pauldrones of flame)

    hurricanum & mage (ignaxs scales)

    2 battlemages (life and metal)

    Anointed on foot (spellhunter)

    30 Phoenix guard

    2x10 Phoenix guard

    10 shadow warriors

    ravenacks jaws

    spell portal



    had the white fire battalion, but averaging +cast from the ca it seemed a little excessive to have +6... unbundling may well be better! 

    Gaurd hitting on twos from the hurricanum and rerolling wounds was absolutely amazing... averaging 56 rend 1 wounds! Brought ten back, so worth the points for lifeswarm. This was dispelled after casting!

    Bird is awesome for charging in and wrecking what’s the spells haven’t, and doing more at the end of combat. 

    Ravenaks was amazing for 30 points! 12”+d6 is pretty beast. 

    elemental cyclone. Oh boy: spell portal and cast makes that an absolute beast against blocks of elites and hordes! 

    • Like 1
  9. Hey all,  posted a lost a while back, but have revised and thought I’d repost for suggestions...

    frosty w/strategic genius, shardfist pelt


    archmage on dragon w/book

    branchwych? (Only caster I can fit in allies...)

    Annointed on foot

    30 guard

    30 guard

    10 guard



    with 4 spells in my turn potentially going off,  that shardfist is a real pig for the opponent to deal with,  hallowheart also allows for 3 +2 unbinds, and the dragon really helps the bird to counter and players that choose to not cast in order to prevent attuned to magic proccing! 


  10. 4 hours ago, Bigscaryflorister said:

    I’m not sure about the 4 per ally thing, I’ll have to check that :/  every 50pts left over gives you a command point, and two would be useful to keep the guard boosted! Dryads are free to summon! 

    Split the 20 mans units down to ten and that’s done the trick! explains why my Azyr app kept saying all limot reached @1820 points! Thank you :)

  11. On 1/25/2019 at 8:19 PM, Chumphammer said:

    Hey Bigscaryflorister,

    Do you have enough units for 2 allies? dont you need 4 per allie? (still new at AoS2 so not 100% sure)

    How do the 100pts help towards command points? (again, nub question)

    Do you still have to have points set aside for the summoned unit of dryads?


    I’m not sure about the 4 per ally thing, I’ll have to check that :/  every 50pts left over gives you a command point, and two would be useful to keep the guard boosted! Dryads are free to summon! 

  12. 2 hours ago, Cynric said:

    What is your allegiance?  If it is "grand alliance order" the "allies" part of the problem disappears as it is all "order" and you can grab what you want from that bucket.  Leaders/arty/behemoth/battleline still count of course.

    PG are only battleline in temple allegiance 

  13. I’m new to Phoenix guard, although having ten built for the last 7 years... :/

    any suggestions on my 2k idea for a list?

    frostheart gryphfeather MoD


    treelord ancient


    2x20 guard

    1x30 guard



    idea being to use the treelord and frostheart to debuff an area, shackles out and geminids, treelord making woods for guard defence/objective grabbing with the dryads that can subsequently be summoned... 100 points spare for command points to make sure those guard get stuck in :)


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