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Posts posted by prochuvi

  1. A shame that we get new dispossesed bits with glomspite rock troll and the troll hero and now with this giant shield we get other dispossesed bit(that is a ironbreaker shield 100%) but disposesed didnt get any tome and only a shameful soap(1 page of lore in all the tome for dispossesed) and also 0 new minis and 50% of the units deleted....

    • Like 1
  2. So we have a web with stats from tournaments and have two tables, one is win rate where cos have 46% win rate at 17th position(and math show that relatives data is the best to determine things as absolutes aren reliably),and other table in 5+ wins that as economist i allways ignore because have absolute 0 relation with power levels(per example a army that is a 10\10 have one dude going to tournaments and only have 1 chance to get 5wins but other army with 4\10 rating have 200 dudes going to tournaments......it is easy to see that even if one army is so much better than other gonna have less wins for raw numbers) but even in this table cos is 11.


    Where are you getting data to say that cos is top3? When we have other army release at the same time(orks) that have 60 win rate per example.


    Cos is a mid tier with luck and under armys with old tomes as idoneths,top3 together slanesh,bonereapers and skaven?that isnt even a joke,is as if i say that old dispossesed were a top1 army because i can even if data show otherwise

  3. 58 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    Always find these kind of threads interesting because they show how variable the meta must be in different AoS communities. I can't see Cities getting many points reductions really. I imagine battlemages will go up to 100/110 because battlemage spam in Hallowheart is so potent. Dark elf stuff will likely go down a bit because they're so underused everywhere. But I find the scale of points decreases suggested here a bit laughable. Cities is top 3 right now, no way are they going to make it more powerful. 

    Good joke dude,saying a army with 46% win rate is top3 

  4. 29 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Been saying this more and more as everything gets consolidated. Order has 8 armies, Chaos 7, Death 3 and a half (since most of the stuff falls in Legions but is really 3 separate armies), and Destruction 3.  I assume Pointy Aelves are Order. So really this whole year should add 2 Death and 2 Destruction armies to even come close to some kind of parity.

    Its kind of close to Ironjawz, but I want to see a big smashy destruction army. Like with dragons, and giants, and such.

    And why every faction need same number of armys?

    40k have more marines in diferents colours than all xenos armys together and gw dont care.

    Meanwhile we dont get new colours stormcast with new name and rules and call it new army im fine with grand aliances having diferent numbers of armys

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    You do realise they lost ignore -1 rend and gained a point of save, right? 🤨

    Their a grumbles make at least a small unit a must take option in any Dispossessed focused list, and a unit armed with hand weapons (the loadout you've described) gets a 3+ save in combat, something almost unheard of in non hero or behemoth units.


    The save gained is for the lost reroll saves of the shield,the ignore spells and rend was a free steal nerf.

    Sorry but you are very wrong about longbeards,if you are bringing a unit with 0 damage potential for the grudges then you are 100% better bringing a mague that can dispell endless spells also and use better buffs with less cost

    • Like 1
  6. I think that they gonna bring back reavers and swordmasters.


    But gonna be 100% new because the old mold was mixed with skavens at island of blood boxe so they can relaunch them,they have to build a new mold and if they build a new mold gonna be with a new design

  7. Dreadlord on black dragon: 300>260

    Only have damage and the breath is a joke,other factions similar units cost around 250

    Sorceress on black dragon: 300>260

    How is posible that a verminlord with same save,but with more damage,a special save of 5++ and cast two spells cost 280 and a sorceres on dragon cost 300 with worse stats,worse save and only one spell is a big balance problem that a 5 years old kid can see a first glimpse

    Hammerers: 140>120 

    Same stats than every other elite unit,but only have 1" range and have 50% less move than the others elite,so no reason to have same cost than units with more move and more range

    Ironbreakers: 130>100

    A unit that was nerfed into the oblivion with cos,loosing ignore rend,ignore spells,ignore moral test. 130 points for a unit with 10 wounds and nothing special with 0 damage is a nonsense, at 100 points they gonna have the same save and points per wounds than liberators that arent very strong.....


    Many others shooting units have same or better points per wound done but havent the short range of 16" of irondrakes or the stupid rule of dont move

    Longbeards: 110>80

    How is posible that a unit with 10 attacks of 4\3\0 1 damage cost 110 is beyond me and stupid overcosted


    Have only two prayers that both are less usefull that the spells of cos book and having battlemage casting 2 spells(at holowhearth) for same cost that only one prayer is stupid

    Wardenking: 110>90

    Worse stats than a runefather that cost 100

    Girobombers: 80>50

    Too much low wounds and a joke damage output for 80 points

    Gyrocopter: 70>40

    4 wounds with save 4 for 70 when sharks have 10 wounds with save 4 for only 100 points and have same role.

    Every verminlord: a increase of 20-40 points

    Keeper of secret: increase of 40 points


    Bonereapers:remove the sept\house\special alegiance (i dont know the name) of +1 save but this wont happen so a increase of 10\20 % in every unit would be more realistic

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  8. I gonna play again after a break of 1 year,i gonna use easy to transport minis(so i wont use a deagonlord etc)


    This is the list that im thinking:


    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Hammerhal

    Auric Runefather (100)
    - Allies
    Warden King (110)
    - General
    - Trait: Blood of the Twelve
    - Artefact: The Twinstone
    Runelord (90)
    - City Role: General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less)
    Runelord (90)
    Warden King (110)

    20 x Hammerers (280)
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    30 x Ironbreakers (330)
    10 x Irondrakes (150)
    10 x Irondrakes (150)

    10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (240)
    - Broadaxes
    - Allies
    1 x Gyrocopters (70)
    1 x Gyrocopters (70)
    3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (170)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 340 / 400
    Wounds: 130


    My idea is use the copters and irondrakes  very close to my melles but out of melle combat and then have one big block of hard hitting unit with hammerers(bufed by runelord and the +1 hit of relik and rerolls wound of trait) and then a turtle unit to keep objetive(ironbreakers with 6++ of runelord) and one mixed unit with the fyreslayers elite.

    I would changue the stormcast and 1 dwarf king and runelord for a stardrake or black dragon but take too much space in my box to transport.


    What you think guys?


    Edit: i changued copters for bombers and father for smitter so i am at 2000

  9. City of sigmar got 3 dual boxes with firestorm,if we can call dual box to stormcasts.

    I think it is time that fyreslayers get any love,they didnt get any new unit since its launch neither dual box or battleforce.


    I have as 1k points of slayers waiting for those boxes to get it to 2k.


    Also new high elfs box would be amazing!

  10. 3 hours ago, WatcherintheWater said:

    One fun Idea that came to mind is using the Gunhauler with the 5 capacity artifact as a hero chariot. Put in an Admiral, and an Endrenmaster or two on board, and use the Repel Boarders command trait. In Barak Zon you can give the Khemist the +2 attack artifact and you have some decent shooting, and 11 2+/2+ attacks with rend -1 or -2 & 2 or d3 damage.

    Or if you did the make your own port, you could give the Admiral the double damage vs a specific enemy, and a +1 artifact, and choose the heroes re-roll 1s to hit vs enemy heroes and monsters.

    Probably not super competitive, and you are at risk of getting surrounded and losing 490 points, but would be fun and not horrible.  

    Maybe fun,but 490 poins for  11 atacks of 2 damage?? That isnt even close to horrible it is umplayable.

    A unit of fyreslayers berzerkers cost 120 and put 5 attacks of 2 damage,so we bring 2 units(240 points) and we have the same damage output that you idea but for around 300 less points,and are so much tanky and dont waste hero slot or artifact neither comand trait.


    I see kharadrons as a mid tier at best(6-15 position). This tome havent nothing that be VERY competitive at mathammer,melles are bad and shooting units are bad also if we compare it to other tomes shooting units.

    Also it dont have any gimmick as every god tier army have(free sumon,allways attack first,some unit attack twice etc)

    Yes this tome isnt bad,it have many fun things,and every unit is "good" but it isnt even close to t1 army and better ignore god tier armys.

    Only i can see this tome doing something in tournaments thanks to the great map control that gonna have now,but if this is enough to compesate have worse warscrolls than the enemy it is soon to know.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I am a dwarf lover and after finish my dispossesed army and almost my fyreslayer army now come the turn to KO but.........i have a big problem and the reason that i didnt get them before: fliying bases.


    I really hate that new fliying bases and i cant imagine me playing a game with some big ships moving in the table with that faill of design stand.


    But i couldnt avoid it and i have got arkanaut boxes x2 and one aether war box.


    Any tip for the enrigdigger to keep them on the fliying stand? I was thinking about try pinning the backpack to the stand? But i have fear to break it as those stand are so weaks.


    Also would be "decent" use those units that i have as city of sigmar? I have been reading and it seems now every infantry unit seem weak if not used with the big boats.


    My tougth was use my dispossesed\fyreslayers as melle slow units and a blob of enridiggers(6) and the small boat gunhauler together getting objetives

  12. As old fantasy lover i have dispossesed but after the huge nerfs of the ****** worst battletome of the history(city of sigmar) i started to build at the same time two new armys of fyreslayers and kharadrons but........if those new elfs are even some close aestetical of olf elfs.......i wont can resist and i gona get them instant.


    But seeing as it is a teclis army i think that those gonna be a almost 100% old elfs,swordmasters,archers,lancers etc with a better and actual look but same aestetical. And then in a future we gonna get the tyrions elfs,that gonna be angelic elfs.


    So for fantasy fans we have teclis elfs that gonna be old high elfs and for those aos fans tyrions elfs that gonna be some weird and overloaded minis as every aos new army.


    Everybody wins and can choose

  13. I am with karadron players,seems odd that almost everyone get endless spells and\or terain but some not.


    But think that allways can be worse,karadrons got one new hero thats better than city of sigmar armys that got 0 new units,no terain,no endless spells and got deleted as 10+ units.

    • Like 1
  14. Sure and then that is the same than old general mixed order lists with old firestorm alegiances.

    Win rates dont lie,every new tome have around 55-60% win rate and then cos have a great 46% win rate worse than 1.0 armys that have tomes incoming.


    Cos is 100% the same than a general order mixed list using old firestorm alegiances,this tome only have added MANY nerfs to every warscroll and some relik and so.


    One dude won one tournament? Sure that is called stathistic, if the tome have 46% win rate means that can have one dude winning ome tournament but then we have other 100 players that lost.


    The truth is that cos is a mid tier at best army and dont matter if it is played as full mixed list or as only dwarfs or elfs,nothing gonna changue that

  15. Yup im with you,this tome is a joke and the worst tome never done:

    -At powerlevel of 1.0 tomes(win rate of 46%) 

    -we didnt get terrain neither endless spells.

    -almost 50% of high elfs and dwarfs units deleted

    -almost every warscroll(dwarfs) got huge nerfs(a example are ironbreakers that lost ignore spells with 5, lost the ignore rend,lost the reroll saves, lost the only 50% units die on morale all this for a +1 save)

    -the tome is all around stormcast,heck they could have called it stormcast and friends,all the lore in the book is about stormcast,as the 75% of the book is stormcat focused and only speak anout dwarfs or elfs as sidedish

    -also people saying cos have underpowers winrates due to people dont know how do list.........when almost every buff or comandtrait is only for a faction


    In general this tome was only a fast fix so they can save money and time on the armys that they want as water elfs or steampunk dwarf and release a garbage tome with every fantasy and cool dwarf\elfs.


    Every high elf and dwarf player wanted a real 100% tome with only dwarf,or only high elf etc as every other faction got.


    Many people can be happy with this soup,but the real dwarf\elf player are upset with this tome


    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  16. 1 hour ago, StokieRich said:

    One thing I've not seen mentioned anywhere is that I would think that anyone who has actually painted and taken OBR to an event so far is pretty serious about AOS.

    You've pretty much removed any casual players from the stats by the fact that they've only very recently come out. We are likely to see those win rates drop considerably once more casual players start getting their armies fully painted and taking them to tourneys.

    I definitely think their powerful (specifically PE) but we can't make judgements on their current win rate as all of those players are very likely to be serious tournament players.

    Then what happen with citys of sigmar? They have 45% win rate and they are new.


    By your logic then they gonna decrease more with the time?

  17. How? A fast compara of ironbreakers vs sequitors


    Both cost 130points



    Damage of 3 2hand weapons and 2 one hand weapons:

      ---without buff the weapon: 6'2 with 1 rend(two hands)+2(one hand sword)=8'2 total damage

     ---with the buffed weapons:7'55 with 1 rend (two hands)+3'33(one hand sword)=10'88 total damage

    Tankiness:save of 4 rerolling 1 or 4 rerolling all with shield buff

      ---without shield buff:a save of 3'5

      ---with shield buff: a save of 1'5



    Damage: 7 damage with 0 rend

    Tankiness: save of 3



    Conclusion: for same cost ironbreakers have 1 less move and have less damage in every situation and without rend.

    So if sequitors buff the weapon have around 50% more damage output and with 1 rend and only a 0'5 worse save

    If buff the shield then have better,better damage and with rend and more move


    Also it is easier to get figth with 5 sequitors than with 10 ironbreakers


    This is only a first compare,there are so much better units for same cost in the tome,also irondrakes vs free people rangueds are a joke also.


    Dispossesed are a joke rigth now,the slowest units of the game and havent any other stat to compesate it. Fyreslayers are slow as disposesed and so they got dowble wounds to compesate it.


    It is easy to see that dispossesed are a joke when nobody use any dipossesed unit in every cos competitive lists. 

    • Haha 1
  18. Sure,but the problem is.....take any other unit of the tome(wood elfs,phoenyx guard,dark elfs,humanz) and get all those same buffs and spells.......you gonna have the same than with your dwarfs for less points and double move,or same points with better stats and more move.


    It is easy,dwarfs need have move 6 or then it isnt a point to have same offensive and defensive stats than other units with same cost but with 50% less move

    • Haha 1
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