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Mogwai Man

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Posts posted by Mogwai Man

  1. On 5/14/2019 at 4:33 AM, Souleater said:

    Sketching out my first list...


    Savage Big Boss (Gen)

    Wurrgog Prophet


    Savage BB Manics x5

    Savage Orruk Morboyz x30

    Savage BB x5

    Savage Big Stabbas x2


    How does that sound as an entry point slash leaning tool?

    I feel compelled to tell you not to continue investing in this army until the new Battletome comes out.  Or at the very least the 2019 General's Handbook.

    But to answer your question.

    I think Bonesplitterz cavalry should be deployed as a  size of 10 instead of 5.  Maniaks are also superior to Boarboys right now.

     As for the Morboys they are better than the standard orruks. At their base they are below average so they need buffs like Brutal Beast Spirits and their Power of the Beast Spirit ability to get them going.

    Big Stabba's are good. They do well if they don't get shot off the table.

    The Wardokk is pointless unless you're going with a Kopp Rukk & Drakkfoot Warclan.

    Wurrgog Prophet and Savage Big Boss are good.

    Not sure what warscroll battalions (if any) you're looking to put together. With your 30 Morboys, Wardokk, & Prophet you are headed in the direction of a Kopp Rukk & Drakkfoot Warclan build.

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  2. On 4/18/2019 at 2:05 PM, AlmGandix3 said:

    So I'm going to play at my local GW soon for my first time and I'm currently building my orruks. 

    Can you suggest any 1000 points list?

    You can suggest anything as I have enough miniatures, even though some are not build yet.

    I thought of 

    1 Prophet

    1 Orruk warboss on boar with banner

    30 Savage orruk arrowboyz 

    2x5 maniaks 

    + Soulsnare shackles 


    Or swapping the arrowboyz for 30 morboyz and bumping one maniak unit to 10


    I would just keep the arrowboys unless you mind rolling a lot of dice.

  3. 8 minutes ago, dropbearhobby said:

    Maniaks better bang for buck?

    Good to know I am not limited in that sense - pretty great that the one kit can build out so many options!

    Yeah I think so. Maniaks get a lot more attacks. Boarboys with stikkas don't get their full damage potential unless it's against a monster. They do have hit and run though but that doesn't outweigh more attacks. For faction with limited access to rend the additional attacks is necessary.

    The only exception I could see taking boarboys over maniaks would be if you're fielding a brutal rukk.

  4. 3 hours ago, dropbearhobby said:

    Hey all. I have been having a suss (read, lurking) through all of these posts within this thread, as well as looking through the 1d4chan thread on the Bonesplitterz and of course, trying to understand my Boyz through my battletome. I am relatively new to AoS and have been slowly collecting units to build up for my first real sized army :) 

    I am hoping for some advice around a list that is fun to play with and against, I have played some small games of AoS and already love how awesome many abilities are (across all factions) as well as how thematic armies can be! 

    I have the following units which I plan on putting together over my Easter break (later this month)!

    6 x Savage Orruks boxes
    1 x Savage Boarboys box
    2 x Savage Orc Big Boss
    3 x Wardokk
    1 x Maniak Weirdknob
    1 x Wurrgog Prophet

    I know that this means I can basically do anything (although I am certainly not adverse to adding a few other units should I need them) - so I am really interested in having a discussion around some really fun play styles and thematic schemes that will make my games fun - and make me, and my opponents (who are all mates) go - "that! was such a cool turn/charge/magic off etc.." :) 

    Any tips or advice around things to remember or beginner mistakes with this faction - yell out, more than willing to hear and make some notes!

    Thanks in advance. WAAAAAGH!

    For the boarboys box i would make them all maniaks.

    With 6 savage orruk boxes you have enough to make orruks, morboys, and arrowboys to complete a kopp rukk, brutal rukk, teef rukk, and kunnin rukk.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    This doesn’t read like speculations but like you are stating facts. 

    Speculation is fine and part of the fun, but things get annoyingly muddy if you state them as facts. But that’s my opinion. 

    But those are facts from the trailer. The game does have a specific setting and theme which is obviously chaos. There are also six factions because their logos are in the trailer while Necromunda currently has six hive gangs.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Tell me... how are you certain that they will not gain warscrolls for AoS? The article only says all models will be brand new. Happy to be proven wrong, but if you claim that as fact, then back it up with evidence. 

    This is very valid, but here you state it as your opinion not fact. Which kind of schisms with the quote above it. 

    Also yes the models will be unique in that they are completely new sculpts, which is always a good thing :D 

    From the Warhammer-community article:

    'Every model for this game is brand new, reflecting on the dizzying diversity of Chaos on a scale never attempted before and rooted in rich lore that realises the servants of the Dark Gods as deep and varied cultures.  '

    These are just my speculations of Warcry. I have only stated what I think Warcry is. Which to me is the fantasy version of Necromunda.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    It has the same format as Underworlds. It has specific models that look similar to current ones and takes place in an area tangential to the game but not part of core AoS.

    Except you can use the warbands from underworlds in AoS match play since they have warscrolls.

    Warcry seems to have a unique line of models that are strictly meant for only Warcry. Necromunda does the same thing with it's line of miniatures. That's why this reminds me more of Necromunda than Kill Team or Underworlds.

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    It feels you are cherry picking elements to make it match your expectation of it being like necromunda. I could also to the other one: it has NPC’s, no shooting and no specialist roles so it’s nothing like Necromunda  

    Both COULD be true, but we don’t know, and therefore claiming it’s something like the other is very subjective depending on what elements you focus on. 

    It has the same format as Necromunda. Instead of the underhive and gangs setting we get chaos wastes and chaos tribes.

    Both games will play completely differently from one another it's only the structure that is similar.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    When it's supossed to be released?? I think I saw Summer but I can't find where so maybe will be before... I'm starting to get hyped with the game and they say they will preview soon the models and more info. We know this saturday is the two weeks of Shadowspear 40k and maybe will follow a week of new chaos units with lord discordant and maybe some new stormcast I dont know... and next? Khorne battletome and endless bloody things sure... and then?? warcry? forbidden powers?

    Summer of 2019 with no exact date.

    • Sad 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Requizen said:

    Does it? All we know is that there are factions and it's skirmish based. That's the same format as Skirmish, Kill Team, and to an extent Underworlds. Nothing so far has told us what type of player it will be for nor anything about the game itself.

    It does. It has a specific setting and theme with six factions that will be unique to the game. That's exactly how the Necromunda format is. It will of course still have its own unique rules and narratives to compliment it.

  11. 1 minute ago, michu said:

    It's not Realm of Chaos - it's Allpoints, separate dimension ruled by Archaon. It's closer to  wfb Chaos Wastes. And don't forget  two things : those warbands are not yet in the Varanspire, they're still in the Mortal Realms and GW already said that it's not "AoS Necromunda".

    That still gives the game a chaos setting. That location is firmly under chaos' control and it is like Necromunda. It's going to have it's own unique rules but it's format is similar. This is just what I'm speculating though.

  12. 6 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    Hm, the rule addon for "Path to Glory" was at first Chaos only (in december 2015) and later expanded with other factions.

    The setting for path to glory allows for that kind of narrative. Warcry is set in the realm of chaos and I think GW wants this games narrative to stay that way.

    • Confused 1
  13. 6 hours ago, That Guy said:

    This list is not legal. You are already going wrong with the Snaga Rukk. You need a minimum of 2 Boarboy Maniak units, splitting them up could make that work of course. Than for the Icebone Clan you need a minimum of 4 Boarboy Maniaks. Again your list could work, but you would need to have 4 x 5 Boarboy Maniaks instead of your 1 x 20. Minimum requirements. 

    Besides this, I really do like your idea of 20 man unit Savage Boarboys. Not only do you give a good reason to take the Stikka's for the range, to attack more  boarboys, it also has huge potential vs monsters. I really really like your way of thinking. As for using the MSU Maniaks. It could actually work if you make it legal like that, they do have only 1" range on their attacks, so even with 10 boarboys, piling in is a bit more difficult. Although with multiple pile ins per turn, this problem is mitigated slightly. With the MSU you can constantly attack with all your boys, putting stikka's on the savage ones, same story. The weirdnob shaman spell works in an aura, so all your units could still benefit from it. The only thing that sucks is that spells like hand of gork, or brutal beast spirits will fall into nothing, using them on MSU units. You litterally would be better off targeting those on your savage boarboys in that case, and with only fighting once per turn... in all honesty I think your list will lack the punching power. It will have the wounds... but it won't break through I think. Especially with no Savage Big Boss, No Orruk Warboss, to generate extra attacks, and even the lack of a Wurrgog to fight an additional time. I think this army will have a weak punch. It will destroy monster lists though, but those are rare.

    Oh yeah I forgot about the Maniak requirements! I do agree that the build has a good the wound count but it would lack punching power.

  14. 8 hours ago, That Guy said:

    Maybe you can post 1 that you have in your vision, i’m curious. Love snaga and kop. Kunnin is effective with arrers but... the others are more engaging.

    Not a finished build since there are 70 points left to use for endless spells and I didn't pick any items. Was mainly seeing how many wounds I could get out of a cavalry battleline.


  15. 15 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    Oh yes. Absolutely terrifying in an Icebone Warclan, once again adding the Orruk warboss with them, buffs boths the boar and the chompa. Wurgog shaman once again can make them absolutele monsters, again reaching 3 x fighting in 1 turn. It’s obvious that this force won’t do the magic that the Kop Rukks do in combat, BUT the weirdnob spells on them are kinda half working, since it will only affect the boar attacks unless you roll a double on your cast. Their initial charge is devastating though, with the re-rolls on the to wounds and possibly some mortal wound output. The Wurrgog does have trouble to keep up, but the 15” range does help on his command ability. Also the amount of models is easier to work with and to get all in combat.

    Nice. I should have bought an orruk warboss sooner. I'll have to keep an eye out on ebay or local stores to see if they still have any.

  16. 12 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    While I do like both your lists i feel you do yourself short by not including any endless spell, nor a Monster, or a 4th dokk. The 4th dokk is a big one, allowing you to split your dokks, each duo going with 1 unit of 30 morboys. Personally I think an Orruk Warboss, is a flat improvement on the Savage warboss. + 1 attack and re-roll 1 to wound, far outdoes adding attacks on 6’s even if you buff it. Now.... i do understand in your first list, the savage boss can also affect the arrowboys. In your 2nd list it’s kinda mmm...  my biggest advice is dumping the big stabbas, while they are effective elite killers and monster killers. Your arrowboys and especially morboys and your shamans will do the trick alone. Instead of them you can include a warboss with an endless spell or 2 or even a Aleguzzler Gargant with an endless spell or a 4th dokk with spells and endless spells. Both which shall GREATLY force multiply your entire list. The gargant once it dies, will buff your morboys permanently and the endless spells will be of great impact because of kop rukk and and Drakkfoot Warclan. 

    I have been considering buying an addtional wardokk, an aleguzzler gargant, and the malign sorcery expansion. The big stabbas do seem to be unnecessary with a morboys battleline.  I think I'll go with refitting the arrowboys to morboys (save points) and not buy the savage warboss. Thanks for the sound advice on improving my kopp rukk. 

    Have you tried a snaga rukk yet at all?

  17. 21 hours ago, Requizen said:

    Anything good to be made out of Snaga Rukk and/or Icebone? I find myself really liking the Boars and would be greatly amused if I could do an all-cavarly or at least mostly-cavalry army.

    I have never tried an all cavalry battleline before. So I couldn't say how well it would perform.


    14 hours ago, Gobsmakka said:

    Anyone have a decent counter to Sylvaneth (Gnarlroot battalion)? 

    I've been running a Kunnin' ruck list for a while and its a decent army against most people. My local meta has a sudden influx of sylvaneth though and they can cover most of the board with wildwoods that prevent shooting and can pick of individual models (and slice units in half) on a charge. The Gnarlroot batallion is usually a one-drop army which they rely on to take first turn and flood the table with wildwoods before the opponent can move units up to mid-field to occupy the large unclaimed gaps in terrain. I am also a one-drop army (Bonegrinz) so if I get first turn I half somewhat of half a shot. The whole game just comes down to this one dice roll, a 50/50 chance to lose the game before even bothering to deploy.  I enjoy these bonesplitterz but I find myself filled with actual literal dread at the amount of sylvaneth I will have to play in my area.

    So anyone have any sweet tricks or ideas to prevent me from just shelving this army?  here is my brief army comp.

    Big boss, wardokk, maniak wierdnob
    4x10 units of Orruks
    3x2 units of StabbasKopRukk 2.0.pdf
    unit of 30 Arrowboyz
    unit of Boarboy maniaks
    Kunnin Rukk + Bonegrinz warclan

    It seems like Morboys are the way to go now for a bonesplitterz infantry battleline. I am deciding between these two builds at the moment. 

    KopRukk 1.0.pdf

    KopRukk 2.0.pdf

  19. Was thinking about doing this for a 2k point army. Maybe swap out the arrowboys for morboys

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz

    Wurrgog Prophet (140)
    - General
    Wardokk (100)
    Wardokk (100)
    Wardokk (100)

    30 x Savage Orruk Morboys (300)
    30 x Savage Orruk Morboys (300)
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)

    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)

    Kop Rukk (200)
    Drakkfoot Warclan (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 217


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