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Mogwai Man

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Posts posted by Mogwai Man

  1. 27 minutes ago, Someone2 said:

    So are Beastclaw Raiders slowly phased out or what?

    I tried buying a hardback battletome a few months back at a local Games Workshop. Sadly the employee that day told me that had orders to sent them back to England just a week before. Not much later it became softcover battletomes. 

    Today I figured I still needed one and wanted to order one and I noticed that the Beastclaw Raider battletome is now a  webshop only product...

    Whenever a race is renewed, the battletomes will stay in stores till the new one drops. So I'm afraid this doesn't look good for us BCR players... A mixed Ogor tome hasn't had any rumours yet, nor would that be a good thing since the entire BCR speciality will be lost.

    Any thoughts/ideas on this matter?

    Not phased out. That would mean the product line is being discontinued. Nobody knows if BCR and Gutbusters will merge or if they each get their own battletomes. Even if they get merged keywords can still make them play as separate sub-factions.

  2. 12 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    You mean like they've been for the last few months with HoS, Skaven, and FS in the meta? I.E. they've been quickly unlocked and people have learned to deal with them appropriately? 

    Those are the obvious rivals to them. They'll still be trading punches within that weight class.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    Can we gain anything useful by calling in our less enlightened brethren, those Ironjawz chaps?

    Ardboys (160). Better than savage orruks and morboys.

    Brutes (180). Better than Big Stabbas.

    Gore-Gruntas (140). Better than Maniaks & Boarboys.

    You could ally in a unit or two of these options.


    Ironjawz heroes don't mesh well with bonesplitterz.

    Megaboss on foot (140) doesn't provide keyword synergy.

    Warchanter (80) doesn't provide keyword synergy.

    Weirdnob Shaman (120) is a worse caster than Bonesplitterz wizards.

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440) too expensive to ally.

    Gordrakk (580) too expensive to ally.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Foe-Hammer said:

    I have had some fair output from the pendulum endless spell and the geminids, but at the cost of fewer boyz...  a giant can be fun and amusing to trigger the morboyz bonuses, but I eventually stopped squeezing the big guy in.  

    Yeah I used to squeeze in a gargant but he isn't worth 160 points and he didn't receive a reduction from the GHB either. I'm just waiting for our update and I may just play Warcry until then if it's good. I don't want to have to assemble, paint, and play another army right now.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Foe-Hammer said:

    My struggle with  Kop Rukk and Drakfoot Warclan has been the core cost of the two battalions plus the min character tax, which doesn't leave a lot for boyz.  Units of 10 do not seem to work, and even units of 30 do not really put out enough damage from what I have experienced... and lawnmower units just chew through them.  The only time that I get decent damage (at best) are from spamming spells from 4-5 wizards or from using big stabbas...  would love to hear if anyone has had success without using the Kunnin Rukk arrow spam.

    I have the same issues. You can try adding an endless spell or two for mortal wound output but it isn't enough. Morboys are one of the worst dual wielding infantry  units in the game.

    Big stabbas are our only good melee unit and they aren't meant to fight large unit sizes.

  6. You don't need the Ironjawz wizards. Add a 4th Wardokk and Savage Big Boss or Maniak Weirdnob instead. Your Morboy units need two Wardokks within 12 inches to gain +1 to wound rolls from Waaagh! Stomp.

    Unfortunately Morboys are a below average melee unit. They require a lot of set up to make them average or above average. The only melee unit that performs well are Big Stabbas. 

    You could bring a behemoth in your army so when it dies your Morboys get +1 to hit via Power of the Beast Spirit.

    You could also change one unit of 30 Morboys into Arrowboys if you have the bits.

    Our units don't perform well in combat at a minimum size. But you could use them to capture an objective so it's feasible.

    The one lousy thing about the Kopp Rukk is that you're punished for rolling a double on a spell with a Wardokk via Savage Waaagh! Energy.

    Kunnin Rukk is our most viable way to play via Arrowboy spam (unfortunately).

  7. 1 hour ago, broche said:

    I don't see how kunning ruk is more boring than FEC attacking again and again, Skaven deleting your army, DoK hag'nar or 3 x 30 grimghast. Almost have army have 1-2 strategy that is completly skewed. 

    Also boring and competitive is not the same adjective. 

    I'm not saying other builds aren't boring. I do think Kunnin Rukk is one of those boring builds though. That's just my opinion of it. 

    I am fully aware boring and competitive are not the same adjective. 

    My opinion on Bonesplitterz not being competitive (overall) remains unchanged.


  8. 15 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I don't agree with  that Mogwai Man, I know for a fact that we can still compete against more modern Battletomes because I do it regularly. 

    I've taken Bonesplitterz to 3 events this year, and gone Podium - 1st - Best Destruction.

    All 3 armies had the Kunnin Rukk: for the first event it was a minimum Kunnin Rukk in a mixed arms force (lots of Boarboy Maniaks and Big Stabbas).  The other two events were maximum Kunnin Rukks (Bonegrinz).

    Something to bear in mind: we have a few legacy rules that play massively in our favour.  Specifcally:

    - exploding attacks on modifiable 6+s...with access to bonuses to hit

    - spammable command abilities

    - loosey goosey phases in which our bonuses apply (rerolls and extra attacks in Hero Phase, Shooting Phase and Combat Phase)

    And at the same time we have access to some of the better 2nd ed tech, specifically free summoning via Bonegrinz.  

    Now, you might say Kunnin Rukk is boring, and I wouldn't disagree (although as a minimum Rukk to support a combined arms force, it can actually be a really engaging army).  But that's a different conversation.  In my experiance, we can still mix it with the big boys and girls.

    You can cite your anecdotal experience but that doesn't change how the faction is overall right now. For the most part Bonesplitterz doesn't compete. People can have success via a kunnin rukk but I think it's a boring way to play.

  9. 6 hours ago, Souleater said:

    Okay, I appreciate the heads up. I won't pick anything else up for now.

    At the moment the ladz are more of a side project to build and paint as a break from other stuff. 


    Thank you.

    No problem. I have 3000 points of this army and I am stuck waiting on the updated battletome.

  10. 5 hours ago, AlmGandix3 said:

    If I finish my army fast enough, I will be able to participate in a 2k points tournament at my local GW. I intend to use my bonesplitterz and I will report back how it went. In my opinion bonesplitterz is still a really cool army and can be viable for competitive play as they are now. It isn't as easy as some of the newer armies, but we are better than most of the older ones. If you just use the huge amount of wounds to your advantage, you can win games with out tabeling your opponent like other armies.

    I really love the looks and lore of Savage orruks. If you are not about high level competitive play and like their esthetic there should not be anything to stop you from getting the green tide of  naked waaagh. 

    I will probably never attended any big tournaments anyway, because I don't like the mindset of some competitive player's, that play just to win.( Looking at the skink and Phoenix lists) 

    In my local area are people still playing their old stuff and some just using what they like the look of most. 

    I don't intend to speak against anyone here. I just want to point out that there is more to this hobby than having the best rules. 

    Bonesplitterz are not viable for competitive play right now. It's due to having an outdated battletome (2016). You will not beat someone playing a tier one faction. Those factions have better rules and Bonesplitterz are stuck re-rolling 1's.  I have 3k worth of Bonesplitterz and I am stuck waiting on an updated battletome to be competitive against those factions. 

    I still love the armies aesthetic which is why I bought them but they are not in a good place right now.

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