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Posts posted by Changer

  1. Got to say they're very nice. I'm glad I've committed to Tzeentch as otherwise I'd have to sell a few organs, my wife, son, house....

    Anyway, how do we think these will play? Gyrobombers have 5 wounds with a 4+. I'm wondering if these guys will have a feel something like Beastclaw Raiders with multiple large multi wounds monsters/skyships. Could be that something like gyrocopters could fill the roll of battleline units and you could have a completely mounted force.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Malin said:

    I am going to disagree with you ;)

    Tzaangor Enlightenede / Skyfires are on pre-order this week

    In which case, awesome! But they weren't on the product brief my local GW manager received.

    Edit: Any idea on the cost?

  3. There are images of the Italian white dwarf doing the rounds. Looks like the Tzeentch pre orders are the 14th January with the release on the 21st. The book, clamp packs for the ogroid and gaunt summoner from Silver tower, and acolytes in boxes of 20 by the looks of things.

  4. 1 minute ago, StealthKnightSteg said:

    Gaunt Summoner is Everchosen faction though, I doubt he will be in Tzeentch faction, but maybe some of the Gaunt Summoners lesser Wizards might lead it.

    The Gaunt Summoner on foot (from Silver Tower) has the Arcanite keyword, and was listed under Tzeentch Arcanites along with the Ogroid when GW gave them points for matched play.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Nico said:

    Looks fantastic. Hoping for Tzeentch Allegiance rather than "Mortal Tzeentch Allegiance". The allegiance pack and Lore and new units would hopefully complement the Tzaangor and Acolytes which hopefully have revised Warscrolls too.

    Very excited!

    Looking at the number of units we can see, I think it's unlikely that it'll be a combined Tzeentch allegiance.  It would be a shame, but it follows what GW have been doing with everything else for AoS.  I'm still hopeful that we'll see some sort of Blightking-esc Tzeentch elite unit; something with armour similar to the Curseling.

    • Like 1
  6. I can take a few things from the pics.

    1) looks like all acolytes have shields, even if they have two weapons.

    2) Tzaangor unit on discs with either bows or two handed weapons give us a fast elite unit?

    3) it looks like the Tzaangors on disc and Tzaangors on foot with double handed stave-blades could be the same kit?

    4) the staff top from the rumour pics from the community page are in fact an awesome Tzaangor leader model

    5) all of my money is going to be thrown at this release.

    • Like 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Could always release some units with both the Order and Chaos GA's on - would be completely different to anything else we've seen and reflect them fighting for more than one alliance ;) 

    Which is probably what they should have done with the Fyreslayers, what with them fighting for anyone with ur-gold.

    • Like 1
  8. That'd be good.  I'm just thinking about the images we've been given over the past 4 weeks and now wondering if they're from 2 models.

    The Dwarven brass 'thing' and the mechanical arm with the keys on the same kit.

    The staff top for the model that stands on top of this disc?

  9. So I've just picked up my Tzaangors and I'm surprised that there are no instructions on how to assemble the sword and shield versions, or any of the AoS options (banner, horn, huge sword and huge axe). 

    That says to me that there will be an AoS version of the Tzaangors box at some point, maybe without the 40k sprue.

    Also, due to the number of the special weapons you get per box, looks like they'll be 1 per 5 which is quite nice.

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