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Posts posted by Emmetation

  1. 8 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Welcome Emmetation! 

    Looking forward to seeing how this develops, both as an RPG game, but also seeing the kind of lore and support material that gets built up around it. AoS Realms being so new there's a big hunger for lore and background and general such things, so a fleshed out RPG setting is the kind of thing I can see many getting into just for the world crafting elements alone. 

    So I guess on that front I'd ask how much of that you've been able to put together and if you're going to feature the game with its own specific setting. Even if its just to present it and give an example that players can build off. 

    We've a lot of room to play with in the Mortal Realms, so there's plenty of stuff for us to create as well as fleshing out what's already there.  A big part of the RPG is fleshing out the world and lives of the people in the realms. We've worked (and are working) closely with GW and the Black Library crew with everything we're creating.

    6 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    Awesome that’s great to hear (even if that part is a bit longer down the road). 

    In the meanwhile get ready to take my money, bc it’s coming at the screen with some velocity once preorders are up!

    Excellent! One sale in the bag!

    • Like 5
  2. 1 minute ago, Caladancid said:

    Can’t wait. Y’all did incredible work on the Warhammer Fantasy book. 

    One thing to consider (with Gloomspite just being released it’s on my mind) is that it might be fun to have careers and options for ‘evil’ factions. Could be interesting to play as a Grot or as an anspiring Varanguard. 

    They're very much on our mind, but we will be starting with the forces of Order (simply because there's so much!). But we do have plans for "unconventional" player character options.

    • Like 9
  3. Howdy folks,
    Thanks for the invite. I believe someone mentioned this in the Rumour Thread but I'll repost for visibility.
    My name is Emmet Bryne, I'm a producer with Cubicle 7 Entertainment. Some of you might know us already as last year we released Warhammer Fantasy 4th Edition. We also make the The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-earth RPGs for the Lord of the Rings, as well as the Doctor Who RPG. More importantly, we are currently in development on the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game.
    In the coming weeks we'll have some big news to share about the Age of Sigmar RPG, so if you'd like to keep up to date you can head over to our Facebook page at the link below. I'm also on twitter where you'll find some of my wandering thoughts as I help write and develop the game. And lastly, there is Warhammer Fantasy RPG Discord, and they have been kind enough to create the "aosrpg" room for us in there.
    Thanks folks. Any questions, pop them below, but just be warned that there's only so much I can answer right now.
    All the best
    - Emmet
    PS: I realise this is sort of a "news about upcoming news" post, but I wanted to start engaging with all of you fine folk sooner rather than later. We're starting to build the community around the Age of Sigmar RPG and I'm keen to get everyone's thoughts while we're still deep in development. Thanks all
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