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Posts posted by Emmetation

  1. 10 hours ago, Whitefang said:



    Great news!

    Considering the various campaigns Soulbound is going to have, will we have a clear timeline of events? It is always very difficult for me to judge what kind of roleplay should a character have since we usually have no idea how many years has been past since realmgate wars or soulwars.

    Time is a little fluid in the Realms, but I believe its been about a century since the Realmgate Wars. Other than that we'll leave most of the timeline loose to allow it to be malleable for GMs and players

    9 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    As Gorkamorka is technically still a member of the Pantheon, will that mean that an Orruk Warchanter or an Ogor Tyrant, for example, could become soulbound?

    Exactly :)

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  2. 22 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    While it is a stretch, are there plans for a mixed box of PC and/or monster models? I know Underworld sets could work quite well for this, but it's interesting to know.


    As for Chaos, we had the Darkoath dude in Silver Tower, working against some forms of chaos isn't unheard of.

    That won't be up to us, but I'd love to see it

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 hours ago, michu said:

    So how it will work if we get non-Order characters? Does soulbounding work for them too? And if ScE cannot perform soulbounding then god-specific Chaos Warriors have the same condition as their souls are already owned by their patrons? And is soulbounding necessary for the player characters?

    Sorry forgot to tag you folks in my above reply. Soulbinding works for non-Order characters as mentioned above. Chaos is more tricky and interesting. You could have something like a Darkoath who hates Order but also doesn't want the world to end, so joins the Soulbound.

    13 hours ago, vecna101 said:

    please give some flexability for wierder characters, like, I dunno, good necromancers? I've really been bugged by how needlessly restrictive good Vs. evil RPGs tend to be. Thanks.

    You can be a Battlemage and choose Shyish as your Lore of Magic, so in that regard you can do "good" necromancers. Depends on how everyone else views you! Shades of grey are always more interesting than straight good and evil.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    My guess is non-Order PCs will have a different mechanic, since Soulbinding seems very specifically "Agents of Order." Death are all bound up Nagash's will, so there's your hook right away. Chaos is... Chaos. Destruction is where I'm curious about how it will work.

    Not necessarily. The "Pantheon of Order" during the Age of Myth contained both Gorkamorka and Nagash, so there is precedent for Destruciton and Death aligned Soulbound. That's something we are keen to explore in the future.

    11 hours ago, eekamouse said:

    I hope the Soulbound thing is optional. It's neat... but... I dunno.. I'd like the game balanced to play without it as well.

    The party being Soulbound is the default setup for the game but you can play your own way. There is a mechanic tied to being Soulbound (think Hero Points, Fate Points, or Inspiration) but that can easily be reskinned for your own non-Soulbound game. We'll give guidance on different frameworks in the GM chapter of the book :)

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  5. 7 hours ago, Overread said:

    Wow that old campaign book set looks great - though the price is darn steep! I kinda hope that there's a more affordable option released alongside (or already is) because I'd hate to think of everyone who wants to play one of the top campaigns having to shell out £600

    Don't worry, we are releasing the standard editions too. These will be available for pre-order when the pdfs are complete, and will be more affordable. The collector's edition are created with collector's in mind and we know won't be for everyone. Both the standard and CE will have the same content so you won't be missing out on anything within the books themselves

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Mungrun said:

    The content seems very nice! Thanks for the info.

    Any news about translations?

    We work with translation partners on all of our lines now.  We should have German, Italian, French, and Spanish versions and are looking at getting more.

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  7. 15 hours ago, michu said:

    Are we going to have new Mortal Realms Monday and new archetype reveal?

    Sorry, not this week (or last week!). We're deep in preparations for Warhammer Fest so it has somewhat curtailed our news sharing. But if you make it to WH Fest come say hi!

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  8. On 3/29/2019 at 7:36 PM, Slaktor said:

    In relation to my earlier post a few weeks back I’d really enjoy a miniature’s list for future adventure or campaign books, like on the back of the books or something . I know it’s an rpg but I would definitely buy an adventure book based entirely on if it would fit my miniatures collection . The more I use them the better (value for money and all that). 😊

    I'll see what we can do ;)

    On 3/31/2019 at 12:27 AM, xking said:

    So I heard  that Seraphon  live in the Free cities now. Is this true? And how?

    Yep, there are Slann embassies in most major cities. Usually run by Skink Starpriests and guarded by Saurus

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  9. 7 hours ago, AthelLoren said:

    Hey Emmetation, I'm really excited for the Age of Sigmar RPG. I'm just wondering, will there be options for Wood Aelves and Sylvaneth specifically? I hope this doesn't seem like a repetition of earlier posts, but I've asked more specifically because I would like to know in advance. I'm really excited about how you said that the basic game would be below DnD 5th edition, because I assume something that simple gives a lot of room for storytelling and GM-ing. Another purely personal question, is there going to be a sourcebook dedicated to Ghyran? Again I hope I don't seem repetitive, but I would really like a treasure trove of information about Ghyran, my all time favorite realm. It would be great if it could include a Ghyran bestiary of sorts, or a few Prestige Classes (DnD 3rd Edition) themed centrally around Ghyranite rituals and fighting styles. My Wood Aelf ranger and Sylvaneth Druid are already waiting to be made, so if that is at all possible, I wood love to know. Excuse the pun, please.



    We released a big update on our site here: http://cubicle7.co.uk/age-of-sigmar-cover-reveal-update/

    This includes confirmation of Sylvaneth characters. The corebook will focus on Aqshy, but we will have information on Ghyran too. And each realm will be expanded on in future products.

  10. 42 minutes ago, michu said:

    Could you tell if it's Hammerhall Aqsha or it's too soon?

    I can confirm it is NOT Hammerhal :)


    34 minutes ago, xking said:

    I meant Sub-region maps, like a map of Bataar with provinces and settlements, areas of interest on it.  Similar to the maps in some of your other RPGs  

    The map will be highly detailed and will allow you to zoom in to see these kinds of elements yes

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