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Everything posted by Emmetation

  1. So many Squigs... The art we have for squigs is one of my favourites. Its by Pasi Juhola, who also did the Verminlord in the above article
  2. Time is a little fluid in the Realms, but I believe its been about a century since the Realmgate Wars. Other than that we'll leave most of the timeline loose to allow it to be malleable for GMs and players Exactly
  3. That won't be up to us, but I'd love to see it
  4. I did an interview recently with Tabletop Games UK, which you can catch here.
  5. Sorry forgot to tag you folks in my above reply. Soulbinding works for non-Order characters as mentioned above. Chaos is more tricky and interesting. You could have something like a Darkoath who hates Order but also doesn't want the world to end, so joins the Soulbound. You can be a Battlemage and choose Shyish as your Lore of Magic, so in that regard you can do "good" necromancers. Depends on how everyone else views you! Shades of grey are always more interesting than straight good and evil.
  6. Not necessarily. The "Pantheon of Order" during the Age of Myth contained both Gorkamorka and Nagash, so there is precedent for Destruciton and Death aligned Soulbound. That's something we are keen to explore in the future. The party being Soulbound is the default setup for the game but you can play your own way. There is a mechanic tied to being Soulbound (think Hero Points, Fate Points, or Inspiration) but that can easily be reskinned for your own non-Soulbound game. We'll give guidance on different frameworks in the GM chapter of the book
  7. Pretty much! It's definitely more Suicide Squad than Justice League/Avengers.
  8. SCE can't become Soulbound as their souls are already tied to Sigmar. Sylvaneth Soulbound are severed from the lamentiri, which makes it a huge deal for them.
  9. Oh there's permadeath! If a Soulbound dies their soul basically explodes. Nagash can't get it, but they also can't be brought back.
  10. Howdy folks! Its been a while but here's some news on Age of Sigmar Soulbound, and what it actually means to be Soulbound.
  11. Just to clarify, "in the coming weeks" we'll be looking at character creation. So soon
  12. Got a chance to talk to the folks from Beasts of War and discuss a bit more about our goals with Soulbound Link
  13. A new #MortalRealmsMonday piece gives some new information on the previously announce Witch Aelf archetype. Link
  14. I got to chat to the guys from Sprues and Brews at UKGE. You can check out the interview at the link here.
  15. Don't worry, we are releasing the standard editions too. These will be available for pre-order when the pdfs are complete, and will be more affordable. The collector's edition are created with collector's in mind and we know won't be for everyone. Both the standard and CE will have the same content so you won't be missing out on anything within the books themselves
  16. We work with translation partners on all of our lines now. We should have German, Italian, French, and Spanish versions and are looking at getting more.
  17. Hey folks! Sorry for my absence, lots of prep for Warhammer Fest. Speaking of, here's some news, including more art, the Starter Set, and a brand new name for the Age of Sigmar RPG! https://www.cubicle7games.com/age-of-sigmar-update/
  18. Sorry, not this week (or last week!). We're deep in preparations for Warhammer Fest so it has somewhat curtailed our news sharing. But if you make it to WH Fest come say hi!
  19. I'll see what we can do Yep, there are Slann embassies in most major cities. Usually run by Skink Starpriests and guarded by Saurus
  20. Hey all, We chatted to Geek & Sundry recently and you can read the interview here. We also revealed a new Archetype: the Branchwych
  21. Future products will expand character option to non-Order factions
  22. Beat me to it! Looking forward to sharing info with everyone on a more regular basis.
  23. Howdy, We released a big update on our site here: http://cubicle7.co.uk/age-of-sigmar-cover-reveal-update/ This includes confirmation of Sylvaneth characters. The corebook will focus on Aqshy, but we will have information on Ghyran too. And each realm will be expanded on in future products.
  24. I can confirm it is NOT Hammerhal The map will be highly detailed and will allow you to zoom in to see these kinds of elements yes
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