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Posts posted by warhammernerd

  1. Anyone happen to randomly have 5 old Brettonian plastic knights in a bits box? Or one for that matter? Looking to add to my existing 25 converted Black Knights which are a new battle line choice in Legion of Blood Dynasty.


    mmmmmmm 3 x 10 Black Knight units, backed up with 3 units of bloodknights, dogs and a flying Gribbly.

    These guys have been on my painting back burner for literally a decade now. I am all about running a pure cav army, these blood knights and wolves are gonna me so fun. IF I can find 5 more, lol.



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  2. I'm just gonna say it, I dont think we could have wished for anything better. We have really landed ourselves an absolutely awesome reimagining of our faction. Stunning new models and the new rules IMHO are just what we needed. I am proper stoked, and couldnt give a rats fig about the Gdub capitalist conspiracy theories to do with book splitting. Bring me toys. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    We can't really go off of LoNs past mechanics because they had a weird subfaction system that is almost certainly being retired.

    What makes you think that, and what part was weird? 

    I'd imagine we will get almost exactly the same system, only this time they will be called Dynasties with each having one or more named characters leading them. The themes from LoN will probably port over, with the addition of a new one focussed on Wolves / beasts and the exclusion of Nagash's elite graveguard and black-knight focused one. I suspect they will be similar to before, with each one offering a different flavour of Vamp (Blood Knights and Heroes). 

  4. I think its fairly certain we can say that 'bloodlines' will simply be our version of subfactions, ie their will be 4-6, and of them 1-2 will be the go too, the others will be less useable but thematic. I imagine any Vampire specific loadouts and abilities will be along the line as other people have suggested, i.e. one command and an artefact if you choose with more flavourful options coming in the form of named characters (which there looks to be a lot of). I too would love a return to the customisation of Vamps from old world fantasy, but I'm not sure why we should be rewarded with greater granularity that any other faction in the game, aside from sub-faction differences? 


  5. 28 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Also what if Vargheists feeding frenzy rule changed to allowing it to fight again if it killed a model. Either immediately, later in the combat phase or at the end of the combat phase. Would be a great blender against chaff. On top of that, their speed and fly would support them being pretty good shock troops.

    Same, same. They do really need a boost. If they got anything like the levelling up Crypt Flayers got from book 1 to 2 I’d be chuffed. As it is, they are too fragile, difficult to heal and not really that outputty.

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  6. I’ve had some time to let it settle, and quelle surprise I’m still super into the release as a whole.

    They gave me everything I was looking for, namely replacing the absolutely garbage zombies, updating the skeles, dire wolves and bats and crucially FINALLY replacing the Blood knights. For me, everything else was really a bonus.
    I get that some people wanted more of a reinvention across the board in this regard, and/or the addition of some more elite foot troops.
    Ultimately, this release is gonna appeal to those that loved the faction as it was (it’s just an update of the core stuff with some nice new characters) and potentially disappoint those who were hoping for more of a re-imagination or chance to replace certain things, VLoZD for example. Hard to please everyone, but as the post above suggests it has been broadly well received and most retained the status quo, which is cool. Personally, I’m ok if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea cos I don’t want everyone to jump on this bandwagon.

    The marmite vamp-taur character I think, once I’ve got it myself and built it, I will love. It is undeniably weird and out there, some might even say nightmarish... But yeah. I’m onboard with that dual kit. One nice thing about that model, is it looks like magnetising the torso to switch between either build should be easy enough - so yay there.

    I love all the other characters, can’t wait to see about ratty and masked vamp characters both of whom are no doubt cursed city expansions. 

    My only three gripes are, we aren’t getting a new grave guard kit and that stinks cos the old one is just as bad as the old skele kit (and like a twit I sold off my 40 with great weapons in hope they’d get replaced... doh) AND we don’t seem to be getting any endless spells - but perhaps there is a big change coming in that regard with AoS 3.0 so we have to wait and see. Finally, it’s a bit annoying about the Cursed City 680 point Radughast gang not being able to be ran as individuals, but I totally get why that’s the case.

    Personally, I’ve been running the Soulblight sub-faction for the last couple of years and have really struggled in tournaments, but have done pretty respectively all things considered. I never really suspected Soulblight would get their own faction, so it’s been a real treat for me.

    I’m crossing fingers toes and eyes that above all else we still have choice of running Swift Death bloodline or something close to. Flying Blood Knights is immense fun. Probably tho, this will become a spell a bit like Spectral Host for FEC, and if that’s the case I’m cool. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    With Soulblight it really feels unbalanced in the other direction, especially as outside of a single Vampire Lord on foot and one on a Dragon you have no other options to represent an un-named Vampire character in your army which feels a little limiting. There's no way to represent an un-named "Feral" vampire either it seems. Radaukar or bust I guess.

    Fair point, but we don't actually know that to be true just yet. And, as it stands unless there are changes, we can field Vamps on foot, flying horrors, nightmare riders and zombie dragons. There are a decent range of miniatures to chose from for the on foot vampire lords - though admittedly many of these are no longer available on Gdub store. But, we have just recently got the Underworlds gang, and thats 4 unnamed vamps. I have close to 20 now, going back all the way to 7th edition Fantasy, all on 32's ready to pick and choose from depending on the vibe. 

    But more to your point, you want, or at least I think you want 'options to represent un-named Vampire characters', do you mean rules wise? Well, we have the Vengorian Bloodline and the Vykros for starters. It might be the case that any vampires from those bloodlines are represented by named characters, but we don't yet know that for sure. My hunch is we will be able to build our own customisable Vampire lords within both bloodlines, the degree of customisation may or may not be too our pleasing. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, relic456 said:

    Definitely appreciate your optimism @warhammernerd and there are certainly things to celebrate if you like the art direction they landed on. Only a few things I take issue with really:

    Named characters have almost been across the board not competitively viable outside centerpiece models like Archaon, Nagash, etc. Not impossible that GW bucked the trend this time around but just saying historically that isn't the case.


    This is great if you have Cursed City I guess, but considering the supply issues, nobody wins. Either the CCC (Cursed City Circus) is strong enough to play, and the many people who didn't get a copy are screwed. Or the CCC are bad and your models aren't actually as versatile as advertised. Personally, the flexibility of being able to take models piecemeal would have been my preferred direction.

    Just a difference in an opinion, but I would consider how you would feel if they had made SLG primarily elite vampire footmen and I said to you "maybe you should play OBR instead?"

    But they didn’t, and I was pretty confident based on the skeletons, zombies, wight king and blood knights that the CORE of the army was staying exactly the same.

    • Confused 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, relic456 said:

    Definitely appreciate your optimism @warhammernerd and there are certainly things to celebrate if you like the art direction they landed on. Only a few things I take issue with really:

    Named characters have almost been across the board not competitively viable outside centerpiece models like Archaon, Nagash, etc. Not impossible that GW bucked the trend this time around but just saying historically that isn't the case.


    This is great if you have Cursed City I guess, but considering the supply issues, nobody wins. Either the CCC (Cursed City Circus) is strong enough to play, and the many people who didn't get a copy are screwed. Or the CCC are bad and your models aren't actually as versatile as advertised. Personally, the flexibility of being able to take models piecemeal would have been my preferred direction.

    Just a difference in an opinion, but I would consider how you would feel if they had made SLG primarily elite vampire footmen and I said to you "maybe you should play OBR instead?"

    You are wrong about cursed city.

    It’s a stand alone narrative board game with a nice tie in to this army.

    Not sure if you noticed this small thing called Coronvirus, Brexit or the Suez Canal? But these games are always snapped up quick, and because of exactly that issue, they aren’t meant to be MUST HAVES for AoS. They are a nice flavourful extra, if you have it great. If not, your not missing out, not competitively anyway. I think we can all agree that there hasn’t been a rule or model historically in Warhammer quest which has been so crucial to own that you lose without it. The rules from the boxed games are usually dilute vanilla versions of the battletomes. And like I said, if you are the sort of trouser monkey that bought cursed city in the hope to get an edge on people in AoS, you are frankly a tool.

    • Confused 2
  10. 40 minutes ago, Dolinarius said:

    I allowed myself the luxury of getting hyped - my bad. I'm happy for everybody who is satisfied by the release to day - I'm not.

    A lot of reskins of models we already have, if we can believe the leak, there will be harsh changes to zombies and skeletons - for good and for bad.

    But when it comes to new models, boy I' disappointed. After the crimson court, after the new blood knights, after the new vampire lord I was hoping for something more classic regarding todays reveal. But here we are, having a sh!tload of named models nobody will play and and this "thing" I don't know how to feel about (dragon-vampire-snake-bat-idk).

    Radukar the beast is ok, but not my taste, the ol' lady is cool, I also like both share the esthetic with the dire wolves and the 3 wild vampire guys from cursed city. Which leads me to the next downer, they are seriously forcing you to take the whole crew of vilians to the party - what nonsense! I have no words for that. How cool would if have been, to field radukar the beast, with the old lady, a vargskyr and some lesser, feral vampires and dire wolves as BL options? yeah, no, not today honey.

    No fleshed out, vampire knight army with a nobel thrist for blood, which is the absolut worse setback for me. No new VL on ZD, no vampire elite guard/footmen/whatever and no mention of Neferata or Manfred.

    So no changes at all. U still have to field hords or a kind of a patchwork of bloodknights, crypt flyers and heroes. A big miss here by GW, I hope the battletome makes things clearer, but by now, I'm disappointed af...


    Ok, first off... all feelings are valid and I’m sorry you feel a bit hard done by, that sucks.

    Now, if I may be a bit more optimistic about things and impart (not again...) my thoughts and responses to your views, some of which will be shared by others.

    Re-skinning old models with beautifully detailed, incredibly engineered, creative takes on old tropes is something we should all welcome. I think it’s a false dichotomy to say we have to either keep old crud minis or completely re-invent the wheel. Some archetypes are strong, and defy reinvention for the sake of it. So, for me at least re-skinning ugly as hell dire wolves 10/10, skeles 10/10, zombies 10/10, blood knights 10/10, bats 10/10, new vampire lord 10/10, wight king on steed 10/10.
    Re the MANY new Vampire Lord sculpts, oh woe is us... We now have three new vampire lords one of which ties into the narrative of cursed city (great), a new ratty one and that masked lady. The former prob will only work as a named character, fine. The latter, due to irregular base sizes, possibly also true. By for now, put assumptions about names characters aside, pretty please. 
    In addition we have a new named vampire lord on a wolf (stunning model) and two incredibly dynamic and very imaginative new models in the form of Luka and her buddy. These are a massive departure from anything we’ve seen before for Soulblight, and are really stunning - yes they are a bit marmite, but have you seen the entire Fyreslayer range?!
    So, you are also making some HUGE and quite negative assumptions without seeing any rules as to why taking named characters is actually a bad thing. All salty speculation, totally choosing to disregard anything close to rules or actual facts. They might be excellent buff pieces and my guess based of recent trends, is that they will be impactful and characterful. If nothing else, THE RULE OF COOL PREVAILS always. If you only want to play this game to stomp face and play bruk shiiiiit, I can direct you to LRL.

    So, if I may be so bold chill your boots a bit there cowboy. 
    We have already had some VERY CLASSIC re-sculpts. I feel today was more about revealing some new never seen before stuff, and in that sense they wowed us. Yes, we’ve seen dire wolves before. But the jank we had until today is getting on for 15-20 years old. 

    Ok, next up. 
    OUR ZOMBIE DRAGON AND VAMPIRE LORD ARE GREAT MODELS. Move on. They also share a kit with the terrorghiest and ghoul king and as a long term FEC player and member of the WhatsApp group and owner of 4 of these models (zd and tg’s) I can resolutely say you are the only person I’ve heard complaining about what is still a a really nice and quite intimidating centre piece model. They absolutely are not about to scrap two kits, for another one.

    As to your point about taking the whole crew of villains from cursed city, that’s a good call. It stops scalpers, which are a menace that’s the first thing. It makes cherry picking things from an otherwise hard to find box also much harder to do. And, REALLY, pretty much all characters from the Warhammer quest games are sub-par in AoS, they are supposed to be. Otherwise they are introducing a very expensive pay to play bar which is unfair. You should, rather than moan about that see it as a nice flavourful and thematic addition to your army. I am fortunate enough to have one and I absolutely LOVE that I can have Radukar and his cronies pre-cursed city, or him on his own hench style after the adventurers failed to kill him. That is totally rad. Literally one of the coolest things they have done in a while.

    I have never wanted elite footmen, that’s not why I play this army and never has been. I’m sorry if this sounds mean, but if that’s what you want, play another army maybe? Paint them up as undead?

    I for one an absolutely pumped to run a patchwork army backed up by weird narcissistic self loathing monstrous vamps. It’s exactly how they should be.

    I’m also mad pumped to get the book, to find out how Nef and Manfred and Vhodrai fit in. There is SO much we don’t yet know, today is literally the tip of the iceberg and as someone who has played Warhammer since I was 9 (I’m 43) this is the most excited I’ve ever been about the hobby.

    Sorry you don’t feel the same. 

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