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Posts posted by warhammernerd

  1. 1 minute ago, Ghoooouls said:

    This is why I say it's lame and trolly, he is immune to combat now. What some armies will have to ignore him entirely.

    I can see that. But, in all fairness it’s not the first or worst case of this. And for my money, I’d rather play against a hard to pin Manfred than a wind up Archaeon any day of the week. I think he will still die, it’s just this time you will have a say when this is. Previously you had no option but to keep him way at the back, picking on puny units only when it was totally safe. This way he will actually be in the action. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Aren73 said:

    Nah the teleport is pretty good. It means he can't ever die in combat unless you gamble. 

    I think it suits him and means you are free to charge him in to buff his magic while not worrying for him. 

    Or you can use him as an amazing charge blocker. Pop him in front of your valuable units, forcing enemies to charge him instead. Then teleport him away and counter-charge in your turn. 

    It is a very useful rule. 

    Hear hear. It’s super fun and allows so much more strategic play. Your opponent is gonna have a really hard time working out how to deal with him, as they should. He isn’t (until we see otherwise) especially killy, but that’s fine and it isn’t really his style anyways. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    Just trolly and a lame rule in my opinion. Kinda disappointed but I'll still try him, just gonna be NPE for certain armies.

    He is almost certainly still squishy as hell. He falls over to one decent round of shooting and if charged previously he was toast. He is supposed to be the epitome of sneakiness, cunning and underhand tactics. This is wicked and goes a long way to making his actually useable. I only played with previously for lols.

  4. It’s rad. LoN were easily the worst and least used of the sub factions previously. Pure win and absolutely plays in the lore, Manfred being a sneaky mo-fo and impossible to pin, ambushing units and Vargheists for battle line. Finally. That’s two and two so far Kastellai are really solid and now this. I’m loving all this ambushing action. Best week for Warhammer ever.

  5. Just to chime in, in all the time I’ve been playing LoN and Soulblight, I can hand on heart say a pip of rend on my blood knights ISNT why I lost the games I did. It’s cos the faction was, in its entirety quite pants. Thankfully now it isn’t. So to everyone constantly moaning about us not getting -2 rend, it really ain’t what’s gonna win or lose you games. Sure their are some high armoured things in the game, but most factions struggle with a few units, as they should. 

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    Charge bonus changed from D3 to flat 2, save profile increased rather than +1 to their save is big, 2+ save in cover, ways of making them ethereal etc. Fly over units when they retreat and do d3 mortals to ALL the units they move over, on top of the horses getting an extra attack, the hunger healing d3 instead of 1 and all the other possible rules.

    It's going to be relatively easy to get blood knights to damage 3 and/or 4 wounds each, combine that with the 3+ save and healing d3 they are amazing.

    Remember we are also yet to see other allegiance stuff, and the abilities they get from killing things is for ALL vampires, not just blood knights.


    The comparison is night and day. They are WAY better. 

    The criticism amounts too, they aren’t rend -2, the musician 6” charge has gone and they increased the base size.

    In all other regards they improved their warscrolls right across the board. And just to once again echo what’s been said repeatedly, we have zero idea of changes to generic battalion interactions, core rules, board size, (rumoured) terrain increase or battleplans. On top of which and more importantly we still know very little other than the positive indicators yesterday about interactions with sun-factions, hero’s, spells, command abilities, artefacts.

    Sorry if it comes across as beating down on criticism, it’s not my intent. But I’m struggling to see what exactly people consider a let down about this unit?

    I mean look at the old warscroll? They were garbage. The only thing they had going for them was Swift Death and the occasion where did get a charge off and the wound rolls spiked. The reality was, the unit was target number 1 and was frequently neutered by being tagged. They sucked in protracted combat, we’re very hard to heal and against anything with rend they went down like a sack of hot brown

    Now, they are tanky. Very hard to pin. Heal well. Better in protracted combat. Able to permanently buff themselves in certain sub factions (they can get 4 wounds each and an extra point of damage!).

    All of which is aside from the fact that the models are a stupendous improvement. 


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  7. Lol. As ever, things immediately descend into:

    Hooray this is great


    Boo this is ****** why can’t it be better

    At which point someone, in this case me, foolishly tries to:

    (a) add some brevity to what is for most of us a joyous moment 

    (b) point out that perhaps we did actually get quite a good deal here

    Followed by immediate accusations along the lines of:

    Toxic apologist or strawman.

    Guys, were on the same page. And if we happened to be sat around a table enjoying a pint we might jovially agree that all is well, but no... threads and Twitter and fb convos always lead to some ill words being shared.

    Hey, right / wrong, whatever. 

    Bottom line is this, the feeling I get is akin to it being someone’s birthday party and we’re all excited. Then someone comes in and says, meh the one down the road is better, and why haven’t you got chocolate cake strawberry cake is lame. 

    But yes, all opinions are valid. 

    Was just tying to lift the mood and point out it’s actually pretty sweet. But some people just wanna focus on the negative, and that’s cool.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Sception said:

    The normal move/retreat thing isn't going to be resolved in this thread.  I expect the rule is written for 3e, where I expect retreat moves will not be the same as normal moves.  How it works in the mean time will require official clarification via errata/faq, not thread arguments.

    Can I consider this calm cool headed response a proposal of marriage?

  9. 7 minutes ago, BrotherTalarian said:

    Common man, it’s not outlandish to think that -2 rend on the charge should/could have been a thing. It’s common in most cavalry units. Also, have you seen the lane points? That looks terrifying to be struck by. Not unreasonable to think -2 rend could have been suitable. 

    Nah. Your wrong. It’s exceedingly uncommon, in fact I’ve yet to find a single cav unit with -2 rend.







    • Thanks 3
  10. I am aghast how anyone wouldn’t think these rules and this unit is the absolute bomb now.

    To the naysayers, there is more to AoS than high rend and swingy damage.

    We also have NO IDEA about how this unit can and will be buffed by sun factions, spells or command abilities.

    As it stands, even without any extras I would take this unit over the previous iteration every day of the week.

    The simple fact this unit can’t be pinned in place by chaff is immensely powerful. Ridic good rules. 

    As for this is bin guy, sorry, just don’t buy either that rhetoric or that simplistic a reading of the rules writing.

    This is nice, new, balanced and NOT op. The power of this unit is in its combination of strength, durability and manoeuvrability. 

    Which is good for me.

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  11. True, but before we get ahead of ourselves remember that it only triggers if and when an enemy unit is destroyed that turn. And, you're looking at max one summoned unit a turn. Which means for example, if you managed to smash 3 units on a turn whilst you are very likely to bring back one of yours at half strength, you first need to have lost a unit and secondly it only happens on the turn in which you destroyed their units. So, it wont be each turn. I suspect it will work out that you get 1 to 2 half strength units back a game. Which is still rad.

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