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Posts posted by warhammernerd

  1. Hey all, I plan on starting a campaign once I’ve got everything built and wanted to  ask if anyone on here had experience with running a campaign on any of the previous Warhammer Quest editions with more than 4 players? I guess what I’m specifically interested in, is how or if players levelling up at different paces is much of a problem? The reason I suspect this will be the case, is because my wife and I will choose 2 characters who will always be present in each game, whereas the other players might only play every other game depending on availability?

    Which leads onto a follow up Q, which is what can I anticipate being the rough total number of games needed to complete the game? Just so I can manage expectations across the 7 players taking part, ie this might take us a year of one game a month?


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  2. 8 hours ago, Paladin of Khorne said:

    People, some of ya’ll really need to calm down lol. When the Soulblight book drops, all these warscrolls for Cursed City and the Crimson Court will change. It’s how it works, and especially so because these things were supposed to release much earlier than the SBGL book due to COVID. It’s all gonna work out. 

    Edit: not to mention any magic items and spells and such that are offered in the book. 


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  3. SO, whats the thoughts with Crimson Court warscrolls for AoS? By the look of the minis, you'd expect them to be Vampire lords... but, that would mean the war-scrolls would almost certainly be pretty expensive in AoS if they come as a gang of 4 which seems almost certain. If as a conservative estimate they are priced at close to an existing Vamp lord points, were looking at 560pts for all 4. They can and prob will make these vamps slightly underpowered compared to ordinary Vamp lords... which leads me to then consider these possibly being something akin to Blood Knights on foot? If so, is this a one off or is it indicative that we ARE getting such a unit? I am absolutely buying a box if for nothing else cos the models are some of my fave AoS sculpts to date. Thoughts? Have any of the existing underworld AoS warscrolls been remotely worth taking?


  4. On 4/4/2017 at 9:55 AM, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    So I had an argument with a certain someone and amongst the jewels that came the highlight (well, one of many) is this:

    In the games I was watching, terrain has almost no effect. It was irrelevant most of the time because of the ridiculous true line of sight system. The guy sniped the character from across the map with his bolt thrower. didn't even bother looking down to check LOS because it's almost impossible to compeletely hide the characters: if you can see the tip of his spear, you can shoot him with the bolt thrower. The result of this was that nobody even bothered putting terrain on the table.

    Please don't comment on intent or most of the content of the message, just to ilustrate the point. This made me think: what do you guys consider true line of sight? I generally say you see the model if you can spot clearly the head of it, but, I'm considering TLOS wrong?

    (dunno if this should go into rules now... if it should, mods please move it!)

    The reason it’s been nuked in AoS from the get go, was to significantly lower the bar of entry by dumbing down the core rules. And you know what, it worked. Problem is, now we have a dumb game. It needs to be cranked up, the rules are now incredibly complex in terms of the nuances between warscrolls, batallions, faction terrain etc etc etc. But the CORE rules, the basic ****** is, in a large part a bit too basic and a bit ******, and that’s not even getting into ‘shape hammer’ a Wargame all about standing in circles and making sure everything is 9” apart. But shooting, terrain interactions and battleshock need a serious re-examine.

  5. It forever irks me and seems totally waac that units can freely shoot through one another. In old Warhammer you simply couldn’t do this. In AoS an archer unit stood behind another shoot can almost always shoot through it. Seems retarded not to suffer at least some penalty to shoot. Yes, arrows can be arced up and over (distance permitting) but why should a unit of hand gunners be able to happily fire through one of their own friendly units? Smokes balls.

    The intent is solid enough, as in with TLOS, but I’d much prefer modifiers to hit when the target is partially or almost fully in cover - as in, behind a unit or terrain. TLOS means ****** if you can shoot a unit providing you can see a gnats ****** of it. 

  6. If people had to choose three command abilities from the above (surprising how many still exist!?), what would they be and how might the rules look now? 

    I'd be all about summoning bats and wolves. Would be pretty simple, yet quite powerful. Vampire heroes can summon 5, 10 wolves or 3, 6 bats by spending X blood tokens. Units appear within 9" of hero, each can only be used once. 

    I actually think if zombies, bats and wolves were summonable, and perhaps even the same if not worse that they were currently that would be rad. So, a bit like FEC, they costs for them are baked into the hero's albeit cheaper than they are now. Which would leave us more points to spend on Vamps and skelebobs etc. The army should feel pretty relentless and as if its coming up from the ground from all sides. 

  7. Happened to snatch two copies, absolutely am not a scalper. Wife’s a total geek and was worried our FLG might not have enough. Now I’m sitting on fence about doubling up the skele / zombie units, and selling off all the other stuff piecemeal or selling the whole thing. If anyone is super pissed about missing out on a copy, message me with an offer and ill prob sell it. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Sartxac said:

    Very useful the command ability of Gorslav.

    For other part, according to the abilities of some heroes to heal and return slain summonable models i think that the mechanics of legions of nagash won't change.

    Yes, he’s tasty. Everything else is either as in for LoN which means that book is legit for a while and SGL isn’t a redo, OR, as mentioned these warscrolls are a carry over stop-gap. Which doesn’t mean they will get a redo come SGL, and they will instead be kinda meh forever more.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Leakd points for Cursed City:
    Skeleton warriors (10/40): 80/280 points - Battleline
    Zombies (10/60): 60/320 points - Battleline
    Gorslav (leader), Radukar (leader), Torgillus (leader), Halgrim (leader), Kosargi Nightward (2),Vyrkos bloodborn (3) and Vargskyr: 680  - All unique

    Where is this leak from?

  10. Hmm. Interesting. Not sure if this makes it an easier or harder decision? I do kinda wish GW had the balls to release points and warscrolls ahead of release rather than bait all the SGL players with tantalising new units which may or may not be worthwhile. Yes, that would poss take a chunk of sales off them but it feels a bit more upfront.

    That said, I think I’m still gonna pick up a copy, and actually quite like the idea of running a cohort of Cursed City Characters in AoS. 🤞🏻 

    Really fecking hope we get to see some warscrolls  tonight...

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