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Posts posted by bearstronaut

  1. I don't know if this has been mentioned yet (wow 78 pages), but if your opponent is cunning and leaves your Mangler Squig in the 'middle range' of the damage table for his worst stat profile, have the Arachnacauldron take a bite out of it to deal D3 mortal wounds and motivate it a bit :) There is a very high chance you will at least get to the 2nd best stat profile, and a 1/3 chance to be fully operational if the Mangler was dealt 7 wounds. It's in the hero phase, doesn't cost you anything like a spell cast use, and it gives you a 'free' turn with the Arachnacauldron.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Just so you know, the Gobbapalooza can't take spells from the Lore of the Moonclan as they lack the Hero keyword which is required to do so. It limits their usefulness but with the endless spells you are actually fixing it that somewhat. 


    Same thing, you can't take the Lore spells with them.

    I thought the only thing required for picking from a spell lore is the Wizard keyword. Becauses if not, what is with all the Tzeentch lists I see with Pink Horrors picking from their spell lores?

  3. This is the list I'm planning on running at a con event in March.

    Gloomspite have a lot of themes you can build on, so the two I've focused on are: 'Wizards' and '-1 to Hit'.

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz - Mortal Realm: Ghur


    Skragrott, The Loonking (220) - General 
    -Lore of the Moonclans : The Hand of Gork

    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (300)
    - Artefact : Gryph-feather Charm

    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)
    - Artefact : Headdress of Many Eyes
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs : Sneaky Distraction

    60 x Stabbas (360)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
    - 9 x Barbed Nets
    - 1 x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1 x Badmoon Icon Bearers

    20 x Stabbas (130)
    - Stabbas & Moon Shields
    - 3 x  Barbed Nets
    - 1 x  Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1 x  Badmoon Icon Bearers

    6 x Squig Herd (70)

    5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)
    1 x Boggleye (48): Itchy Nuisance
    -Lore of the Moonclans : 
    1 x Brewgit (48)
    1 x Scaremonger (48)
    1 x Shroomancer (48): 
    -Lore of the Moonclans : Call da Moon
    1 x Spiker (48)

    Gobbapalooza (110)

    Mork's Mighty Mushroom (80)
    Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50)

    TOTAL: 2000/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1     WOUNDS: 147
    LEADERS: 3/6    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)    BEHEMOTHS: 2/4    ARTILLERY: 0/4
    ARTEFACTS: 2/2    ALLIES: 0/40

    So, quick rundown:

    I have 4 wizards with +1 to Cast, and 2 of those with +1 to unbind. Throw in the Arachnacauldron for +1 more on top of both for one of the wizards. The Arachnarok Shaman or one of the Gobbapalooza are Mighty Mushroom delivery boys. If I'm feeling confident that the Arachnarok can handle the inevitable focus fire, I'll deep strike it with Hand of Gork, pop the Mushroom as far as I can allow, and then finish up with Sneaky Distraction so that anything coming into it is at a potential -2 to hit. Even if either spell fails, I figure the Shaman on Spider will do a great job of distracting my opponent. If I expect the Arachnarok to die almost immediately, I send in one of the Gobbapalooza wizards to kamikaze for the glory of the Bad Moon. I will attribute the MMMbomb idea to Tom from this week's episode of Warhammer Weekly!

    All the Stabbas are protected by -1 to hit in melee, potentially contributing this benefit to the Loonboss if it's nearby (who has his own -1 to hit artefact). Shroomancer potentially adds another -1 to hit, as well as making the Stabbas killier.

    Overall the goal is for the list to be as annoying to deal with as possible, which mostly involves the Stabbas being a gross tarpit to get rid of, while the Loonboss and wizards deal with the big threats. 

    Thoughts? I know Gobbapalooza are not the most efficient unit you can take, but I love them, and I think they do some really useful tricksy stuff in this list (as well as being wizards for scoring objectives). Though, I'm already weighing the benefits of just replacing them with their weight in Bounderz. Other changes I'm considering is seeing if I can fit in Geminids somewhere, as it contributes to both of the themes I've focused on.


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  4. This is without knowing all of their warband specific cards, but at the moment this warband feels very underwhelming. If they rely on their oaths to get working, then I'm not much looking forward to them. Telegraphing your moves is one thing, outright telling your opponent what you intend to score in the end of phase is bad.

  5. Old time WHFB returning to play AoS here, still learning a lot in the way the game plays now, especially with list building. Right now I want to keep a focus on Moonclan but still want to branch out into the other minor themes (Squigs, Troggoths, Spiderfangs) as their models look way too cool not to use! However going through the rulebook it seems  that a lot of those models rely heavily on synergy between each other to really get going? Which of the models from these themes could you slot into a Moonclan focused list that work well on their own or supplement the grots well? 

    To follow up, I've read through the discussion about Dankhold vs Mangler, and I'm wondering with the same restriction that I am focusing on Moonclan, which of these BIG boy models are the go tos to take for combat punch? Do I go for the generic unit type or the hero type?

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