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Posts posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Bout time I chose a picture more suitable for this Age of Sigmar sanctum.

    I don't think the new RE will be Old World related. The skull on the base definitely looks like a Plaguebearer's and as far as we know, GW stated daemons aren't a massive threat (supported faction) in this new Old World period,  so I don't think they'd use any as base decorations.

    I completely forgot Marines were due their new Codex drop, Terminators will be nice but I can't bloody wait for the new Gorger set!

    • Like 2
  2. Screenshot_2023-08-31-12-43-45-26.jpg.447230c5b63fa4dbdea703b81b2273cf.jpg

    I bloody love that it's basically an Uruk-hai helmet. I'd also like to see these with big flaming skulls on the end of the chains to get that WAAAAAGH energy madness feel.

    The range is awesome. I also can't wait to do a full cavalry list of Maw Gruntas leading Gore-Gruntas (was this confirmed in stream?) with some allied Snarlfangs for a Warcraft Steppe horde style army. 

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  3. What a stunning set of reveals. There is not one I'm even feeling, 'meh' about. Even love the Blood Bowl team. 

    I did not expect those Gorgers!!! Lovely sculpts. I can only dream what new Yhetis would look like!

    Ironjawz....Ironjawz, Ironjawz, Ironjawz. They've turned a relatively small faction from the beginnings of AoS and fleshed them out perfectly. Those Ardboyz, are absolutely perfect, just for the fact alone each helmet is different, gorgeous designs. The Anvilsmashes sword reminds me of one of the World of Warcraft swords/daggers. Will look extra nice modelled as a flaming sword at the end instead of metal I reckon.

    Whitefang dropped a cheeky hint exactly for the new Brute designs and I didn't even realise, you glorious rumour god.

    I did expect the Old World box sets or the plastic Pegasus leak, but the Damsel is beautifully sculpted in resin. 

    Fulgrim, don't even have to say anything further. 

     If this is what they've done for Ironjawz, I can't bloody wait to see what's in store for the noble Carnivore Courts.



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  4. Guttered I can't get the army box just yet. Just can't afford it amongst current projects haha. Already have 3 different Cities planned so I know I'll eventually get to them at least.

    Mostly guttered at the moment though to miss out on the book. Want to dive into all the lore and art right away.

    Can't wait to see everyone's colour schemes and conversions. We don't have new Flagellants but we have a plethora of material to kit bash from, particularly with the Sister Repentia models, or even the Horns of Hashut and Scions of the Flame units.

    • Like 3
  5. Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

    New Valrak rumour goodness reckons Old World will release October this year, with 2 seperate army boxes, Tomb Kings, or Bretonnia, so no joint starter set/battle set, it looks to be 2 army boxes for one faction or the other. 

    Next week preview should be good. :)

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  6. 31 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:




    Oh I have missed those Ork jaw helmets. Oh I love that mini. I love just seeing the word Big Boss again, there was always something about standard Heroes that got me into Fantasy in the first place and I remember wanting to get every Big Boss and just thinking they were so cool. Especially the Black Ork Big Boss with the sword and shield and that badass jaw helmet.

    Well, I did say I wasn't sure if I'd prefer a new design of Ardboyz or a remaster of the current one, and it looks like I got a bit of both, I think that's a win!

    Cheers to our rumour gods for this bountiful hype.

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  7. 44 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Orruks learning martial arts would actually be terrifying.


    Ya Gitz!! 

    Get in line! Weez gunna be lurnin sum fancy flashy foightin!

    Weez gonna call it, Marshul Ardz, ta make ya even arda!! Now put ya right stompa forward!

    • Haha 5
  8. Really excited, eager, and a little bit nervous to see the new Ardboyz. 

    One of my favourite unit sculpts through Fantasy but the main reason that stopped me from doing an Ironjawz army, just because the design didn't match the rest of the line.

    But I'm not sure if I'd prefer an updated design or more of a remaster of the current sculpts.

    Weren't they absent from that Old World Dwarf Vs Ork & Goblin army shot? I'm sure I remember people saying Black Orks weren't in the picture which suggested a new update for them. 

    I do wonder what they're gonna look like.

    • Like 2
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  9. What a day.


    Appreciate everyone doing Sigmar's work, thank you. Appreciate keeping sources safe, but rumours really do make my day sometimes though it makes all the difference knowing what amazing stuff there is to look forward to, can't thank the rumour peeps enough. 

    Took a break from reading the Heresy and dived into Blightslayer, a bit reluctantly as heard a few bad reviews but I'm loving it, soaking up the Mortal Realms again feels so good. Also just bought Godeater's Son for a long road trip.

    Age of Sigmar is just getting better and better!

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  10. That Cavalry Hero! 😍

    You know what's a real standout for me as well? The bases, they look so natural, absolutely love the stonework and rocky grassland look, really really fitting. 

    My only negative, is I'm not a massive fan of the Steelhelm helmets, but that's minor. I would love to see full face coverings at least.

    I do love though the variety and diversity of body types. The fact the run of the mill peasantry turned militia are all varied as you'd expect, but the higher up the hierarchy you go, the more the body resembles that more 'soldier' aesthetic we're used to, as you'd expect in the military. It really adds a good layer of immersion imo, and not something we've seen before really.

    I would have loved a unit of the Arch-Knights, or a more elite unit just to complete it but what an army, that SoulsBorne Command Squad is just lovely.

    Oh and all the familiars, mascots, background characters being ripped straight from medieval tapestry and art, absolutely lovely.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing everything together on the tabletop. I will admit after seeing each unit revealed, I wasn't a massive fan of the Steelhelms and gunline at first, but when seeing them all together, they look so natural and fit perfectly. Can't wait to see a full army shot.

    Amazing release we have coming up folks.


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  11. 6 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    I fear that Arch-Knight is also a character :( Why would they show so much options for a single miniature and on the page where all others are characters.

    The sculpts of the two Arch-Knight looks very different, don't seem to share a single pose. 

    I really hope they're a unit, they would make this release a 10/10 for me.

    Beautiful sculpts. Really surprised by no War Altar though. 

    Damn those characters are cool AF.

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