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Posts posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. 16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The rumour said during 4th, I hardly doubt it would be in the initial year. Basically we would have half a year for that and it would be kinda rushed, right?

    My wallet breathes a sigh of relief.

  2. Goodness I can't wait for these books.

    And unit fillers!! I'm so happy to see them publish an article on them. As a kit basher, they were one of the main draws that got me into Fantasy and it's just nice to see conversion/kit bash articles. 

    I think I'm deciding on a Border Prince force, the one with the Kislev icon(?). The heroes from Cursed City would be perfect for leaders and unit fillers. The Ogre in particular :).

    • Like 4
  3. I could definitely see Empire having a seperate release on their own with a civil war type deal. I reckon we'll see quite a few minis with them, considering the article discusses new (old) technologies and contraptions from this period. 

    The Dwarf dice are exciting to see as it's nice to see future releases have already been planned out at least. 

    The battle report has been published through Warhammer plus if anyone has yet to watch it. Just about to sit down myself with some painting! Can't wait. 

    • Like 1
  4. Looking at the Pegasus Lord sprue. I didn't even realise that you could just keep the wings off and create a generic lord or paladin on horse if that's an option? Then have the glorious wings for something else.

    Looking forward to seeing the new Knights of the realm bits on the old cavalry, hopefully they spruce them up nicely. 

  5. Man....It's just wonderful. How long have we waited for this day? And it's finally here. Welcome back Fantasy. The World that paved the way to the amazing Fantasy setting we have now. 

    Now we have new lore we have never seen before, new stories to tell and more material for glorious conversions and ideas for every game system. 

    Happy new year you wonderful lot.

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  6. Screenshot_2023-12-27-18-30-16-68.jpg.5d47ebf17324edc32d603b410fa4c44b.jpg

    Here's me being stupid thinking you had to click on each icon yourself, rather than just navigate through the bottom here. 

    This was an Arabyan settlement right? 

    Not expecting this to mean anything, just really really nice to get some lore on other areas and factions not in the game. Can't bloody wait for these books.

  7. I for sure will be getting all those books. I'm absolutely buzzing for all that lore and art. 

    Really conflicted with what model line to buy first. I kinda want to wait for High Elves, or do a Warriors of Chaos army with the AoS range, or even a Border Prince army using CoS. 

    I really hope this release is successful, and by success, unfortunately that means if it makes a good profit for the company. It shouldn't be the case, but since it is, I feel like I have to 'invest' in this initial army release. Anyone else feel the same? 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Kroot could very well be the army that gets me back into 40K!!

    Going off Val's rumours since they appear to be right, with a good refresh for Kroot and a remake of the Vespid unit hopefully for KT, finally a nice looking mixed Xenos army is gonna be possible, and it's gonna be awesome.

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