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Posts posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. 54 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    That Wilderfiend model...perfection. I love it.

    It really is isn't it. Looks to provide perfect opportunities for kit bashes as well. Some Undivided Demon Princes and what not of the sorts.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Major leaks! Holy **** I’ve seen amazing things. 



    The surge of hype I just felt.


    Laaaa, no way this release is gonna be this good. That's absolutely perfect.



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  3. 3 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    Also just wanna say a bunch of Darkoath that are in The Great Parch of Aqshy that want to be free of the Dark Gods with a book on the way? Sounds like it would be really good if they meet a certain Godeater's Son...

    This tiny lore segment on these guys already makes me adore them. Love 'Chaos' aligned factions that are trying to resist the Gods, adds so much.

    The Great Patch is fast becoming my favourite stage in AoS. 

    Heldenarr has surely got to be a major narrative character surrounding this.


    (Please read Godeater's Son if anyone hasn't, it's phenomenal).


    That Gnome team is easily my favourite reveal though. Is this the first time GW have done a Gnome race? I don't remember ever seeing them in miniature or lore before. Absolutely love the designs. 

    • Like 4
  4. So we know there's at least that rider Kroot, which I assume will be a unit since the 2 silhouettes they teased were different models, and seem to be a scouting unit.

    I wonder if they are the last reveal. 

    A Great Knarloc would really round off this release perfectly for me. Just something else to be comparable to a transport tank or Riptide Battlesuit if people want to do a Kroot only army. 

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  5. I would definitely love  some Death Company style Stormcast.

    Succumbing to a storm filled rage after too many reforgings, turning into Slayer esque doom seekers. They will earn a final death but of course that means by unleashing their last fury against the biggest, most numerous foes there is. And then once they're defeated, they literally explode taking even more of the enemy with them.

    Maybe guided by a Relictor or something. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Sales. Each studio tracks their own sales - TOW can‘t track if AoS Models are bought for their System and vise versa

    It's honestly bizarre if this is the main decision. Absolutely bizarre.

    Management surely recognise that some sales will only happen because of the cross play? Like I'm getting some Deathrattle Skeletons to convert into Kislev Old World guard. I'm getting the Damsel to use as a Cities of Sigmar mini. 

    I'd rather have to fill out a one question survey for every single purchase, i.e. 'what system are you planning on using this product for', than have this bizarre schism.

    • Like 2
  7. What do you all mean Beasts of Chaos are not popular?!

    They had an entire Beast Lord released!!

    You're telling me one new miniature release won't boost sales of the faction as a whole?

    Hate being a Debby downer but stuff like this irks me so much. Same reason I hated seeing Fantasy being axed. Sorry to all BoC fans. Love their faction, aesthetic, lore and it's such a shame to see them leave a system.

    • Like 1
  8. Loving seeing everyone's impressions of battle reports and pictures of their games and armies.

    I've not been so excited to play again.

    Making progress on the first miniatures and I've not done something for myself in such a long time. Can't wait to start sharing pictures and hope to get gaming again!

    Finally got my books yesterday and just had a massive grin on my face reading all the lore and the old artwork, some of which I've never seen! What a blast.

    • Like 5
  9. 7 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I hadn't anymore likes to give. I send an e-mail to GW to inquire how long the delay will take.

    Was about to and literally just got my dispatch email a few minutes ago. You had any luck mate? Hopefully that means things should be moving forward now!

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    While I was trying to sleep one of my twins I thought about it the other way around when I was thinking that Kislev is also missing.

    What if DoW and Kislev are not there because they are thinking in the far future to release them if the game is successful?



    Because Kislev was a supported faction. That's it brother!


  11. 3 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    I'm genuinely surprised by the doom and gloom surrounding the game, especially on TGA. Despite it being a Specialist Game, and GW being GW, I've genuinely not been this hyped about anything Warhammer related in a while. It's Warhammer Fantasy! Just like I remember it! And they're bringing old models back, in metal, that I'd have to sell my kidney for on ebay! Maybe I'm simple but to me that's enough to deter the existential dread of our world irl, at least for a while.

    I feel there's a certain apprehension towards TOW on these forums, but if I'd go to the WHFB Reddit communities I'd instead have to see people slagging AoS. Which I don't want either! Maybe things will eventually balance out when/if we get the TOW subforums and people realise its OK to be fans to both.

    I think that'll come in time mate. Especially this forum, I've not had this feel-good vibe from a forum community since, well, ever. Sound mindedness will prevail.

    What a time to be alive. Warhammer is bigger than ever now. LET'S GOOOOOO.

    Yesterday marked the beginning of a glorious path, and it will be GLORIOUS!


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  12. 24 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Square based got you covered


    Haha cheers mate, I was literally about to post this, just finished this a few minutes ago.

    That has made me feel the hype. To see Rob so excited and his really positive experience, the giant queues, the community there, what a wonderful sight to see.

    I especially loved the museum esque timeline showcase of the Old World, and Robs note of kids asking their parents what happened on certain dates. It's a nice thought that yes, ToW is probably aimed at the older players and generations, but there's always a new generation, and they're seeing the same (and new) things that filled us with wonder when we first got into the hobby, and that can only be good for the hobby.

    An hour wait for the shop?! And apparently the staff were shocked with the numbers.

    Guarantee that will send a ripple up through management. 

    I'm absolutely guttered my books haven't been dispatched yet, but boy am I excited.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Drew a larger crowd than the launch of 10th edition 40K apparently.

    That is an amazing surprise if true. A Specialist supported game drew in a larger gathering than 10th Edition launch?! Well well well....

    Has anyone given their impressions of the day? I've not seen anything yet. 

  14. 19 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    Not very encouraging when my GW preorder is still listed as Processing on their site.

    Was just about to say this. My books are still processing.

    I requested a refund a day or so after purchase due to unforeseen finances, but they stated the order was already processed past the point of being able to cancel the order.

    2 week window to just be sat there. I know this will be the current stock/warehouse issue, but yeah, disappointing.


  15. I'm guessing the rest of the Kroot will be:


    -The teaser image- either a mounted hero or perhaps a scouting unit?

    It would be amazing if they get a giant Knarloc. If they want to provide the option and incentive to field a Kroot only force, something to rival the Riptide and other big suits would be nice. 

    Can't wait to see what else they have. 

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