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Posts posted by NJohansson

  1. Does anyone have an Idea how the Sword of Judgement (Ulgu) interact with the Gaunt summoners Warptounge blade? I.e:

    1) Do you cause d6 or just one wound if the model passes its Bravery test?

    2) Do you roll for the ability per wound or per attack?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. 8 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    I think flamers, exalted, chariots, and screamers just all need full rewrites honestly (along with the Fatemaster). They are all just incredibly flawed warscrolls, simultaneously being way too fragile and offense light for their cost while also lacking any support roles. I don't think points changes are going to fix them.

    This type of reasoning I really don’t understand (no offense meant). If an Exalted Flamer or Chariot would cost 10 points we would see spam list all over the place. Anything can be fixed with point changes, the hard part is to get it right (IMHO).

  3. Hi everyone,

    What is the general opinion on the Arcanite Cabal? For 180 points you get a minimum of 3 extra spells/summoning points (with the magister as the leader possibly many more), efficiency in spending destiny dice, three less drops and an extra artifact. Point wise it looks really efficient - and still I never see it played. What am I missing?



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