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Posts posted by Orbei

  1. 19 minutes ago, Lurynsar said:

    Lastly Cities of Sigmar should just die. I’m all for Dawnbringer Crusaders coming to life. Bringing a mixed race force of Elves, Dwarves and Humans who worship (at some level) Sigmar. But give them their own unique look and have units mixed races. Then kill off the last vestiges of WFB from this line. Lumineth replaced the High Elves, use the Corsairs as a unit for Umbraneth Elves or whatever. Kill of the old Empire and Dwarf lines. And then if you want create the Khazilid Empire for more Fantasy like dwarves in a super book with KO and Fyreslayers I am okay with that. 

    Kind  of with you here. I am glad CoS exists so people can play those old armies, but I really don't like those armies on the field. Cool old models but they don't make any sense at all in AoS. So we are to believe that the races mix together in these cities living side by side, yet when it's time for war they segregate themselves by race, grab their ceremonial armor from the old world, and fight in units from a bygone age? They should be all mixed together with new fancy units. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    The GW site. 

    Anything else is piracy, which is against the rules of this forum. 

    In a discussion that is centered around rules being placed behind new paywalls and hurdles it is only natural that piracy is brought up. It is not an endorsement of piracy to acknowledge that it is a reality. Alternative rules sources are readily available and one can logically assume that more people will seek them out as a result of this. 

    That said, it's a delicate subject and I understand that it's probably tricky to moderate. It's important for the forum to not endorse piracy for pretty obvious reasons. I appreciate how open the conversation has been.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    IDK as a destruction? Meh

    IDK as Death? Signing up to Daddy Nagash in exchange for a soul tithe and military service? Oooh yeah :P

    I could see it, but I like having some less "good" factions as part of order. 

    If we're going to move anyone to Grand Alliance Death I vote DoK. They have the goth aesthetic down already, and Morathi is a goddess of murder. More murder = more death. Maybe she and Nagash could hook up and have a healthy, mutually supportive relationship. It would be positive for Malerion's mental health too, all things considered. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Red Bull said:

    Idoneth Deepkin should have been Fishmen and a destruction army. 

    I would have been 100% in for an evil fishmen army! Though I do love my IDK as they are.

    What I'd love to see included in an IDK wave 2 are auxiliary troops from some of the other aquatic races mentioned in the battletome, in addition to fantastic underwater beasts. The faction could be an amazing menagerie of weird wet things with the aelves in control of it all.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I had a similar experience when fighting a Sloggoth - it looks kind of scary and I knew it gave a buff, but I didn't want to have to interrupt my opponent when they were thinking through their turn to see how scary it actually was in combat. Just being able to quietly plan your turn without disturbing your opponent is such a big boon.

    I have no idea what a Sloggoth does and now am curious! Going to check real quick - not by buying the battletome.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Because if you have the rules, you don't need to check the warscrolls on the webstore. They are in your book.

    And what if you are a new player who is trying to pick an army and wants to know what the models do before buying them? 

    What about wanting to know what units of an opposing faction do? Allegiance abilities are one thing to wrap one's head around, but personally I like to look at scrolls for other armies. I am never going to play Chaos but I sure as heck like knowing what Pink Horrors, Archaon, Demon Princes, etc actually do. How else am I supposed to prepare for them? Or should every game begin with a 10 minute book study period where you hand the opponent your tome?

    1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    Improving your products ? What are you talking about ?

    They are saying that GW is adding a paywall to generate revenue, rather than doing so by offering customers an improved product/value proposition. Something that was previously free is no longer free. It didn't get better in the process. 

    Yes you had to buy the battletome to use the allegiance abilities before, and you still do. Not the point. Now you need to buy the battletome just to see what things do. This has an impact on knowing what you want to buy in the first place. It also hurts ones understanding of the overall game.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    Being able to check out the warscrolls as your browse were a huge thing for me when turning window-shopping to actual shopping. Not having to double check or invest in a tome before making the plunge made me more confident I was making the right call.

    This is how I make purchases as well. I recently started an IDK army. When I determined I wanted to start an army this was my process:

    List out the factions I was most interested in. This happened to be IDK, DoK, and Seraphon. 

    Look at the rules and build some sample lists. What would a 2k army for these factions look like for me? I needed the warscrolls and points to do this. So I wrote a few sample lists for each of these factions, with about 500 points extra to give me some variety.

    Then I priced these out. I was curious to see how much each of these factions would cost for what I wanted to buy! Turns out Seraphon was significantly cheaper and IDK was about $100 more than DoK.

    Then I made my decision. The warscrolls were very helpful for me in this process, and I ultimately ended up buying all of the models at once. I knew exactly how many kits to buy. I also bought the battletome, even though I had already reviewed all of the rules contained within. I wanted it because I am very interested in the lore on my faction and wanted the nice book.

    Access to the warscrolls helped me to spend a sizeable amount on a new army. It still is as I consider expanding into potential allies. I am not going to buy every order battletome, sorry. But I would like a splattering of the different factions as allied units. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    The underlying infrastructure of an ecommerce website is very costly, it needs fairly pokey database servers, fast http servers and various other supporting elements.  By comparison a blog or forum doesn't need the same level of performance - if a reader has to wait an extra half a second for something it makes little difference, conversely a half a second delay on every page may cause a customer to give up and you've lost a sale.

    This is very helpful context that I never realized. So hosting the warscrolls on the store is more costly than potentially hosting them on the community site. A potential solution might be a master unit listing hosted on Warcom with the current pitched battle profiles, a link to the warscroll, and a separate link to the unit on the store page. This would let people evaluate the units and then know where to find them on the store. The pitched battle profile being included is just my personal wish list. It's annoying to have this separate from the warscroll IMHO.

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  9. 3 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I also feel the need to point out that while we're all merrily playing "fifth edition" Dungeons and Dragons, it is neither the fifth edition of the game, nor have there been five editions of the game.

    I considered someone would mention all of those when I wrote the post, but I don't think it detracts from the point. All of those mini editions were still the same core ruleset with updates. If we count such things as a change in edition we could just as easily count the addition of endless spells to AoS or new generals handbooks as new editions. 5th edition D&D is still 5th edition, which has been around longer than AoS as a whole. 

    Different games but I like that design philosophy much more. AoS changes way too fast and lacks a cohesive design principle because of it. This is the unpopular opinion thread though so... 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    We have had decade long codexes and army books before, it was a fairly awful experience for those armies tbh, getting increasingly irrelevant and marginalised.

    Yeah, it's awful if GW lets it be awful. If they just update the rules for all factions periodically via FAQs or, preferably, fully digital rules offerings, it wouldn't be awful. It would be great!

    2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    a system reset every decade or so

    I would love this! Unfortunately we get a system reset far more frequently than every decade.


    2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Its also worth mentioning that D&D has a completely different book selling structure to AoS

    Thats the thing though. D&D is a book centric game. The rules are the game, it's really the only thing they have to sell. And yet they keep a core ruleset for a much longer period of time. Books you buy are relevant for years. GW's core product is (or should be) miniatures, not books. Yet they seem to want to sell you as many books as possible with very short useful life before they are obsolete. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Not sure about the popular-ness of this one, but the recent tone of the discussion has led my thoughts here.

    The FOMO style of release lately has made me less interested, in general, in being at the bleeding edge of the game.

    I'm in a place in my life where I can't jump on something in the first couple of weeks.  So, I've missed it and now it's gone and it's the next thing. That I also miss.  So at some point I've missed like 4 things in a row, and there's no going back. 

    It's harder than ever these days to be part-way engaged - you either need to be all-in all the time, or casual in the garage.

    Consider that D&D was created in the 70s and is only on 5th edition. 5th edition itself was released in 2014 and is still ongoing. Meanwhile, 40k is in it's 9th edition and AoS, which was only created in 2015, is in it's third edition. 

    The game changes way too fast. New models and rules for them is great! But a battletome should last a decade and be supported during that time with tweeks if necessary to keep it up to date. Core rulesets should have longer than a 4 year lifespan. Between the short lifespan of editions and terrible power creep with new releases the landscape of the game changes rapidly. Probably great fun for tournament players but less so for people who get in a handful of games a year.

    • Like 6
  12. 2 hours ago, DOGGED said:

    First, there are free warscrolls as @Roland said, and then those from Legends too. Then, the app can offer warscrolls which are out of the army books (as can the magazine); so if warscrolls were something which appeared only in army books, their being accessible out of them could be publicized (and considered) as "free" in the sense that they would be an unusual addition to the usual contents in the app/magazine. Of course you're paying for it. But if you're paying for the app/magazine, and it gives you access to contents which are free for you as a customer who bought the app/magazine... That's my point.

    About warscroll updates: Curiously I have 2 Leviadons). I could use them before Broken Realms even if they "sucked". I can use them without recurring to Broken Realms. Do I want the newer warscroll? If a new edition comes around, will I have to buy the newer army books to use my Leviadons? At the end, it depends on us wanting to use the latest (best?) versions of the warscrolls (or the game, for that matter). I don't have the intention to buy an Orruk army book other than the original Ironjawz one, for example. I don't play tournaments, if that matter, but I guess I'm not the only one

    Interesting perspective. I'd say it's a bonus for app or magazine users, but in this context of this thread the warscrolls are no longer free.

    Out of curiosity, you're saying you would just use the old warscroll if you didn't buy BR Morathi? How would you feel about an opponent using outdated scrolls? Or, for that matter, how would you feel about an opponent using the newer rules without a physical copy of the source material?

    Personally I want the game to have the most up to date ruleset for both armies. I also have no intention of buying white dwarf, subscribing to the app, or buying mid-release books like broken realms. It's easy enough to get access to the rules without those sources (they read the whole book on YouTube for example) so it's not as though the rules are secret. I also don't care if my opponent has the original source material for his army. 

    Players will get the rules one way or another. GW moving in this direction is a poor business decision from my point of view because it forces them to go to outside sources instead of their website. Anti consumer or not (I think it is but many people here don't) it definitely places a new barrier between the players and the rules and makes things overall less convenient. I see that as negative for the health of the game. 

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  13. All of Death will soon be souped into Legion of Nagash 2: Electric Boogaloo. But seriously, bring on the soup tomes. GW's model of focusing on a few factions each year and then forgetting about them for the next few years is made worse by having a dozen and a half mini factions. They can soup my guys with whoever they want if it means they get more frequent attention.

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  14. 15 hours ago, DOGGED said:

    There have been plenty of changes in 30 years, and those that had happened in the last six years have been for the better, Free warscrolls being one. Now it's not gone but put behind a pay restriction.

    Very confused by this. You say free warscrolls has been a change for the better, which I am with you on. How does monetizing them not mean that free warscrolls are gone?

    How do you feel about warscroll updates? Let's say I buy a $123 leviadon. Well unfortunately it sucked until they decided to update it in Broken Realms. Should I not be allowed to use the model in game now unless I buy that book, which I otherwise don't give a hoot about? I find it to be absurd.

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  15. 3 hours ago, CDM said:

    Battletomes are a detriment to a balanced game. Best time for balanced game was 7th -8th 40 k when the indices were released. They also slow down release schedules. All rules should be made for free on an app at the release of an edition for every faction. Get rid of em!

    This so much this. The way that GW handles tomes is essentially the worst possible model. They're stuck in an 80s release model in 2021. Battletomes released every 3 or so months, an faq after, and then minimal thought given to that faction for the next few years. Power creep is constant. The factions need to be balanced and updated at the same time. This would be easy if they went to a fully digital rules model. Books should be for modeling or as collectors items, not for distribution of rules and updating factions. 

    Unfortunately this is baked into the companies entire design philosophy and business model. Focus on one faction heavily, build hype to sell models, and then move on to the next faction.

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  16. Is there a single other Warhammer dragon with ears? Or is this cute little totally not a bat the first.

    Do dragon ears turn into horns as they mature? Do they develop scales around the same stage? Are all bats really just baby dragons? Is there a cocoon involved?? So many questions!

    • Haha 2
  17. 10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    From the perspective of someone who really likes that Chaos is more segmented, I'll give you my reasoning :) 

    I get where you're coming from here. I don't expect my take to be popular. :) That said...

    10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    So when you have an army of all four gods souped together (for example through daemons and mortals), you get some dissonance.

    Dissonance, AKA Chaos.

    10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    From a lore perspective, the gods and their followers hate one another as much (if not more) that Sigmar hates them

    Sounds like putting them all together would result in a pretty chaotic situation! Though Chaos in Warhammer isn't really chaos, it's Evil.

    10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    If a person had no perspective of Warhammer Lore and I showed them these models, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't automatically group the Chaos God stuff into one pile of sameness. 


    If I didn't know better I'd say this guy is an aelf! Maybe he is under that helmet. Can we trade Lumineth for him? They like cows so maybe they can soup with BoC...

    • Haha 1
  18. There have been enough comments in this thread about disliking elves that I'll go ahead and state the opposite. I love elves, they are awesome, and they are not in any way overrepresented in the game. Elves are a classic part of fantasy and Warhammer elves have always been interesting takes on them. The three WHFB factions we're so important and distinct that I cannot imagine the game without any of them. AoS aelves are similar in that regard. We don't even have very many of them... Lumineth, daughters, IDK, and the old stuff in Cities. IDK and DoK are both tiny factions in need of a second release wave. Sylvaneth don't really count at this point, they're their own thing. Aelves are basically equally represented as greenskins between the 3 ork factions and Gitz. Yet every time a new elf is revealed some people lose their ****** complaining and it's tiresome.

    My opinion on chaos is exactly the opposite. There's way too much focus on chaos. Beastmen are interesting as their own thing, and I appreciate Skaven and Chaos Duarden (eventually) as their own factions. But each of the 4 gods having their own distinct armies is just too much bloat. We have 4 demon armies, slaves to darkness, the belakor faction, the first prince. Why does every chaos God need a dozen named characters? Why do we need more chaos models than death and destruction combined?

    It's cool that these things exist already and people can enjoy those armies. But I think GW can cool it on new Chaos god-specific stuff for a loooooong time. If they have an itch to make chaos things, do the highly demanded chaos dwarves or give BoC updated sculpts. 

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  19. Games Workshop should sell painted models.

    Not every model or most models, but some models. The most significant barriers to entry for this hobby are the high cost and the need to paint. Some people don't want to paint, don't like painting, or are intimidated by painting. While the core of GW's products line should remain unpainted, unassembled plastic my suggestion would be a limited range of 'battle ready' minis. Start with maybe 2 factions (say stormcast and orcs but whatever) where a small selection of the range are sold in a basic tabletop acceptable color scheme. There should be enough available that one could field a full army of battle ready figs if they want. They could then sell a little painting pack with everything needed to paint more figs in the same scheme, so people who start with the painted ones can gradually expand into painting. 

    Edit: Not sure how I managed to turn half of my post red. Lol

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  20. 8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Grand Alliance: Death seems to be strictly equal opportunity, though, making them the most open-minded faction. They even have a path towards integration for you in case you are not dead yet! So considerate!

    In a fantasy setting where humans represent maybe 10% of the population they seem to represent 99% of death models. I've never noticed any skaven skeletons or zombies and they're supposed to be the most populous race. Almost seems as if Death goes out of its way not to raise any skaven! Or dwarves, lizardmen, ogres... hmmm...

    Death MOST racist alliance, perhaps?

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  21. 6 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    There are no mentions whatsoever of Malerion's aelves having any connection to spiders. This guy on the other hand has no visual clues on him that would tie him to the things we know are Malerion-like: shadows, reptilian wings, milltary aelves.

    He's probably chaos, sure. His proportions sure look aelflike to me, though, and his aesthetic doesn't look like anything in the current chaos line. He really reminds me of the old dark elves. Spiders would make sense as a realm of shadows thing and be a neat answer to Morathi's snakes. Mainly I just like him so I'm hoping he's a Malekith elf. Wishful thinking! 

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