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Posts posted by Orbei

  1. I can no longer view allegiance abilities and enhancements for the older battletomes. That was a quick honeymoon. Back to other sources. 😞

    On the plus side, it is nice that the warscrolls still show points and that FAQs and core rules are still accessible. I like having these consolidated instead of referencing separate PDFs. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    What flummoxed me, as I've said, is anyone coming here and saying "new app is good!" only to immediately follow that with "but it's not good 'cuz I'd have to pay someone for the good thing they are offering to me."

    It just. I mean. I.

    I don't get that seeming duality.

    There is a significant difference between a thing being good vs a thing being a good value. 

    On a side note, while checking out the app today I used it to look for new additions to my army. I'm considering adding a stormcast priest of some variety, since the only Idoneth priest is lackluster. This is one example of why the app should be free, as a matter of good business. If I can see and compare the various rule options for the stormcast priests in one place I am very likely to pick one and buy it. All I want is the best one that fits into the points left in my list.

    Unfortunately the app stopped working for me when I went to look at the choices again, haha. It won't open anymore and I have tried disabling it and restarting my phone. I suspect I need to uninstall and redownload and will probably try tomorrow. Understandable since it's a new release and in beta. But I'm not buying any of those stormcast priests until I properly understand their rules.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Or, you know, you could do your research, avoid gross hyperbole, and maintain objectivity.

    I criticize GW a bunch. I'm just able to not let that taint everything I think about the company.

    But go on, keep saying things that are plainly false without bothering to check into them first.

    I would very much enjoy reading a reasoned counterpoint to my idea that it's more than a little entitled to complain that we should be getting free stuff ... 'cuz reasons. Got anything along those lines?

    No one is asking for GW to become a charity and give away "free stuff". The problem is they aren't offering good value, and consumers have a right to call a business out in that.

    I do not want their current animated content. It is coming at far too slow a pace to hold my attention compared to alternative offerings. I feel they would have been better off licensing Warhammer to a studio for distribution on one of the many popular streaming studios, allowing them to reach wider audiences and drive interest in the game. In the future, perhaps they would have a content catalog large enough to justify their own streaming service.

    I do not want the two models they have offered as I have no interest in either faction represented. 

    I have been into Warhammer for 20 some years and have never read a White Dwarf. I'm not particularly interested in the few they have uploaded to +.

    I have no interest in their battle reports and would rather support YouTubers who do the same thing. The same goes for painting tutorials. There is an incredible amount of both available already made by passionate content creators /small businesses who I would much rather support. GW has offered free painting tutorials in the past and shouldn't paywall them now. It's terrible business! When I watch a GW video I often end up buying citadel paint. When I watch other tutorials I am more likely to buy the other brands of paints they use.

    I spend a lot of money on games workshop products and that isn't going to change any time soon. I am currently working on painting a new army, and we all know how much a new 2000 point army costs (especially when you want ALL the options and buy 3500+ points). What I want is for access to the rules associated with the game those models are for, which includes the army on the other side of the table. The game has an incredible amount of rules which introduce NPE and gotcha moments unless you have a reasonable understanding of them ahead of time. It's ridiculous to paywall them in this day and age in the first place, because they are freely discussed here/YouTube reviews/etc. All they are charging for is convenience at this point, and it's predatory nonsense. 

    GW should consider distribution of rules as part of overhead, not a product. The cost of getting the rules to the players in digital format should be built into the sales price of the plastic. Make the army books pure background fluff/modeling guides - the rules portions are worthless about a month after release anyway.

    • Like 9
  4. 8 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    The in app army builder doesn't seem to be very good. It doesn't seem to understand "battleline if" and reinforcement. 

    Otherwise the rules and stuff are fine, I'm not going to pay for it unless they just make all the rules included as part of the sub. 

    I will happily pay money for access to rules if it's done fairly, I'm not willing to buy every book that comes out at £30 rrp just to be able to check my opponent's rules. 

    This exactly. I would pay a reasonable price to unlock all of the rules, though I truly believe it would be a better business practice to provide free rules. However, I expect ALL of the rules for that price. 

  5. The new app is great! It's wonderful being able to see all of the rules and warscrolls in an easily navigatable format, and comes across as a very professional way for GW to make their game accessable. Well done!

    This needs to be kept freely available to the player base. I've provided them my feedback saying as such. For me, seeing the rules of models before purchase and fully understanding the rules of opposing armies are non-negotiable to my hobby. I am also unwilling to purchase every single battletome for factions I have no desire to collect, especially with how fast they become obsolete. A free resource like this app is exactly what GW should provide the player base to fully enjoy their game, and will naturally result in making the game more accessible so people spend more money on their core business model... Models!

    If this becomes locked behind WH+ I will be very disappointed, as I see that service as exceedingly poor value for the money. I would have to go back to getting all of the rules through other means. 

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