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Posts posted by Orbei

  1. Looks like a fun list to me. I'd suggest Dhom-hain. As for Gordrakk, hit him before he hits you! He's decently squishy, given that he's 20 wounds on a 4+ and can't take the amulet of destiny. A generic mawcrusha seems much tankier. If you don't have a good opportunity to get a lot into him at once, just charge a unit of ishlaen in to tie him up. He'll probably kill at least 1 purely with MW, but with all out defense putting you to you to unrendable 2+ on the charge you should keep one alive into the next turn. That would be a big win, tying him up while you get in a good position to focus fire on your next turn. Absolutely don't let him charge a meaty target like 2 allopex or your turtle because he'll go right through them.

  2. "you don't have to sign it" misses the point, in my opinion. As does "I'm not getting free stuff so this doesn't impact me". Not quoting anyone here, but I've seen these viewpoints repeated. At a high level of course both are true, but you should consider the implication and intent of this. 

    We know that this is different from the NDA which content creators have signed in the past. So why would they change the NDA, and what would the new NDA mean for the hobby moving forward? The new NDA prevents the content creator from giving an honest, critical opinion of GW's products. It also prevents them from doing business with GW's customers in an extremely broad sense, which can easily be interpreted to include things like Patreon. People who sign this document and receive product will be able to do a "man reads book'" video or promote the products in a purely positive light.

    As a consumer, I value reviews. This applies to everything. Tech, gaming, etc. When I buy a video game I look at multiple review sources. Same with a PC component. I want this same experience with models. I want to get honest feedback on how they are to assemble, if the kits are good or have potential downsides such as monopose or limited weapon options (ork boyz). I'd like to see battle reports with the new rules in action and a critical take on those rules.

    Content like this benefits the consumer. The implication here is that Games Workshop is actively trying to limit such content. This Would never fly in the tech industry... It reminds me of an incident involving Nvidea and a tech chanel last year, where they were going to stop sending them products because of their critical opinion. All of the largest channels called them out on it and they ended up apologizing for the entire incident. The problem here is that the balance of power is far more skewed towards GW than in the tech industry due to a lack of competition. Creators are far more reliant on GW and likely to go along with whatever deal they can. This ultimately hurts the consumer as it limits our information and ability to make informed purchases. 

    GW doesn't send me anything for free but this still has an impact on my hobby, should it be the direction they are moving in.

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  3. 1 minute ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

    Wouldn’t anyone receiving free early copies of product from GW need to mark their videos as paid advertisement or sponsored?

    I know on IG the influencers we send our products to for free always stipulate as such on their posts, even though all they’re getting is free product. 

    I don't believe so, no. First of all, the NDA prohibits them from disclosing the agreement. But I watch a good amount of content from people who I know get things early. Facehammer and Tabletop Tactics comes to mind. They don't have a disclosure statement before every video, though I know both have acknowledged receiving things early in the past.

    Tabletop Tactics is a good example of why this is problematic. They recently released a video along the lines of "Has 40k become too complicated?" If they had been under this NDA they could not make such a video, since it is not entirely positive. Which is a shame because it was thoughtful, constructive, and came from a place of love for the game.

    11 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Simple. If true, it actually only matters to those looking these so called "content-creators".

    You don't place any value on that content and so this doesn't impact you, which is fine. This has the potential to have an adverse effect on other hobbiests though. These content creators get tens of thousands of views, sometimes more. These aren't people who are simply bored, for the most part. Many people do look to those content creators for an opinion before spending their hard earned money on a product. 

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  4. I'd have mixed feelings about becoming part of some sort of naughty elf soup. On the one hand, I like DoK and will be very tempted to get Malerion's elves regardless, if they have an appealing design. It could be a positive as it would encourage players of those armies to add in IDK units as well, and ensure continued support and more models sooner rather than later. On the other hand, it's hard to see it from an aesthetic standpoint. IDK are just so visually distinct. But then again cities of sigmar is a thing..

  5. GW's newer sculpts are largely very good. I just recently started IDK and the plastic sprues were a joy to put together. They have become very innovative in the way they model things dynamically, such as with Kroak, Eltharion, and the Eidolon with his massive water cape. All of these models are gorgeous and look like scenes from a picture come to life. I really love them.

    With that said, I think it's sort of shameful and sad that these amazing new models are being sold beside (and for the same price) as some of the old ones. My favorite two old fantasy factions are lizardmen and skaven, and I considered then when getting into AoS. Looking at the skinks and saurus they sell for Seraphon... Wow. Atrocious by today's standards and completely out of place on the table next to the updated models. It's embarrassing when you compare them to equivalents offered by One Page Rules or Lost Kingdom. I was sorely tempted to start a Seraphon army with the modern GW kits supplemented by 3rs parties, but then I can't play them at a GW store. I already have that problem with my Eldar, since GW refuses to update the line.

    I am puzzled at how some of these tiny companies are able to release entire factions each month that look incredible and on par with GW standards, yet GW has kept from updating many kits for decades. If everything they sold was up to their current standards perhaps they could be in the running for "best models".

    Now, are GW's current models the best? That's hard to say. I like plastic much more than resin or metal, which I see as a massive competitive advantage. I think there are more attractive 'proxy' versions of many if their modern sculpts available from 3rd parties. Creature caster greater demons are a good example. The GW ones look fairly derpy by comparison IMHO. GW's other big edge is the scope of their ranges. Maybe their individual sculpts aren't the best but you'd need to point at different competitors for attractive alternatives in each range.

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  6. I like the Oathbreakers name! That's an exciting list of rumors, though I'd much prefer Dawnbringer Crusade be part of Cities and not its own thing. There are already so many factions that feel too thin and in need of a few extra kits. A little add-on to Cities to freshen up the range would be cool though.

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  7. With regards to selling things to "restricted customers", per the wording of this NDA signees can't sell or do business to GW customers in any capacity. This extends beyond competing in a traditional sense, like selling them paint or minis. A signee cannot sell them ANYTHING, including a ham sandwich. They also have to reimburse GW for legal costs in enforcing the contract. So, to be safe, a signee simply has to avoid doing business with anyone who could possibly be a GW restricted customer. All humans on earth should cover it. 

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  8. No one will be able to publicly confirm that they signed it, since it's.. you know.. an NDA. Perhaps we'll have folks coming forward saying that they received it and refused to sign it, but that would essentially ensure they're not offered another chance to work with GW for the foreseeable future. At this point it seems much more plausibly believed to be real, at least to me. 

    It's very anti-consumer, as I see it. The whole point of getting product in the hands of "reviewers" early is to let them offer their unbiased opinion on the product to consumers. Ideally, they should be releasing rules and models to reviewers who then provide feedback on how they are to build and perform in game on day 1 of the release. Similar to reviews for video games and tech products. Anyone who signs this document cannot give a review, since a review by it's very nature has the potential to cause someone not to buy the product, which this NDA prohibits. They are more or less a "promoter" at this point.

    The legal ramifications pointed out on the video I linked earlier are pretty staggering. No one should ever sign an agreement like this. Unfortunately some people will, either not knowing better or simply from desperation in growing their channel. I hope that GW does not actually enforce it, and would like to believe they will allow some leeway. 

    I'd also be thrilled if this was somehow proven to be fake. That just doesn't seem likely at this point. 


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  9. It is strange that it's indicated with a - rather than *. I believe the revised broken realms warscroll uses a *. Perhaps this indicates that they were fiddling with the warscroll, like copying the scroll and making edits to a new version which is saved elsewhere, and this slipped past. Or could just be a meaningless mistake when they initially made the app scroll no one noticed before!

  10. Thanks for the battle report DocKeule! I have a few questions and comments after reading. 

    Do you think you got much value from Nautilar compared to going with Dhom-hain? Deep questors would have been a whole lot of rerolls against gargants.

    8 drops is a lot. Were you forced to take first turn against the first two armies? Were you double turned turn 2? 

    How do you like playing with two turtles? I love them, but it seems like a lot of the points cost is in the auras/force multiplier. 

    Did you achieve your grand strategies? Hold the line with only 36 total battle line wounds seems really risky to me. Ishlaen are survivable but not sure if 9 of them is reliable enough. Considering the need to score points, I'd be tempted to either drop a turtle and add more eels to make hold the line more certain, or use the beast transformation spell with a caster and run with the two turtles on turn 1 for a free bonus point.

    With your soulscryer being both a priest and wizard I'd definitely start him on the board. Missing any hero phases from him is a lot of value you're giving up. Also, how useful did you find cogs with him?

    Nice looking army and tables! Sounds like fun games. That gargant matchup is tough. At least you were able to chop most of them down!

  11. Agreed with Sandlemad. I don't see people here as being overly negative... no one is saying GW is the devil and an evil company that should go out of business. I love GW products and their lore and feel they remain worth spending (a lot) of money on. However I believe it is worth fans calling them out on negative business practices. We all want the games we love to succeed after all. The alternative is people simply keeping quiet and moving on from the hobby with GW and its fans never understanding why.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, Sarouan said:

    Well, NornQueenAlexis is more likely to have a received a DNA than Goobertown given the nature of her youtube channel, you know. And she seems to have signed one.

    Sure, she probably has. This could either be a new, updated agreement she hasn't seen yet, or one used for new influencers while agreements for established partners such as her are kept in place. We don't know, and she provided no context other than saying it's fake. Her blanket comment that it is fake is not helpful at all. If she simply said "this is not the NDA I signed", that would be useful to the conversation and provide some context. It would not prove that this is false.

  13. 2 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Exactly this.

    In the past I've seen many similar things, and you're quite right.

    An honest opinion, for example "The rules / models / content let this otherwise what should be a great product down, and for a company with so much resource I struggle to see why this has been allowed to go into production, I for one won't be rushing to buy a copy" is a very different thing to using GW's brand and reputation to push some other agenda.

    For example, in the most extreme case, you have a pepe the frog example with an extremist faction takes on say the Astartes as it's poster child as an example of it's ideology on a particular racial or religious purity viewpoint. Were this to happen, for GW to undo that taint will be nigh on impossible to repair without massive investment and time once it gains momentum - all of which will murder profit in the mean time.

    It's extreme as an example I know, but I've read it as "say what you want in the review but don't drag our name into or by association with anything sordid, defamatory, contentious or otherwise to do with anything outside of giving your thoughts on the product itself".

    Even our old work contracts had similar clause in them - you kick off say in a bar or public place or on a public platform whilst in your uniform and you're fired, as by association the business, not the individual are tarred with the viewpoint or action.

    We also had staff in the past spouting hate talk on their social media, only to find that they were out of a job the following week, as someone had retweeted their thoughts and mentioned who they worked for.  Easiest thing was to issue a statement saying that sort of opinion or action wasn't tolerated and the said perpetrator was no longer an employee as a result.

    They're protecting their name, and it's all legal jargon, that always sounds scary.  bottom line on stuff like this is that if you're doing everything above board, then there's nothing to fear and it doesn't change anything.

    I don't agree with this interpretation. I find the wording regarding restricted customers to be very troubling. The document defines restricted customers as any client or customer who has dealt with GW in the past 12 months. This prohibits the signee from influencing those customers in a way that reduces the business they do with GW. This is absurd. I would completely understand if the language broadly prohibited disparaging GW, and would agree that is typical. This goes a step beyond and a step too far as I read it.

    I don't know if this is real, but I am curious to see if it is proven one way or the other. If it is real GW should be called out on it. The whole point of a review inherently involves influencing a customers likelihood to buy a product, which goes directly against this ridiculous NDA This would make me less interested in content produced by anyone who receives advance copies of their products, since their opinion could no longer be seen as objective. It would also, ironically, influence me towards purchasing less from GW.

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  14. 8 hours ago, MarkK said:

    Artifacts, traits, sub-faction rules, etc could still remain paid content.

    I agree with your post and like your idea for faction specific PDFs. I just don't understand why in a miniatures game that is pushed as being competitive knowing any of the rules should be paid content. You have to buy the models if you want to use those rules and play the game anyway.

    Imagine if when you bought a pack of MTG cards you then needed an app to see what the mana cost, attack and defense scores are. Then needed to have your trusty Wizardtome Black/Blue/etc book to decode the card's special abilities. And don't forget to cross reference your Wizardtome with the latest FAQ!

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  15. The dragons look aggressively priced to me. How many points do people feel they're fairly worth? I think 20-25 points more each, easily. A pair of them seems quite on par with big monsters in the 300-400 point range to me, if not better than many. I'd happily pay 290ish for the knight and 330ish for a pair of his trainees.

    Looking at them compared to my allopex riders is just sad for the fish. 20 points more for an incredible amount of extra power. The dragon has the same attack profile as the shark but always has 4 attacks. The MW ranged attack is very strong. The riders have a better attack profile and get bonuses when charging. 4+ spell ignore, 3+ armor save, an extra wound, count as 5 models for objectives, monster rampages, hero phase movement shenanigans... Wow.

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