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Posts posted by swiftmus

  1. I always loved looking at the BFG models but never got any, I'd love for them to re-release it!

    Regarding Epic, the rumours I've read is that the new Adeptus Titanicus is planned to include tanks and then infantry eventually. Again I only know from what I've read, but didn't the original Epic come out of Adeptus Titanicus anyway?

  2. I have a desktop 3D printer myself, it's a more cost effective way for them to make bits and pieces than to set up the mold and stuff to then produce one model. 3D printing would make it viable to just throw up a massive catalogue of OOP stuff and let people pick whatever they want. I think proper industrial printers have a pretty good resolution nowadays but not sure how it would compare to the detailing from a model made in the normal way.


  3. A Treelord was exactly what I was after for my Wanderers/Sylvaneth force and Dryads will come in handy as I continue to expand towards being able to play the 2 armies separately. When do these come out, they're not available on the GW website yet?

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