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Posts posted by MattyP

  1. 3 hours ago, Sigwarus said:

    Well, tell us more about your regular lists and what factions  your opponents playing. I have had huge success with the army over the past 1,5 years. For now, try the Changehost. 

    list varies. tried demon heavy, then mixed demon/mortals, then tzaangor heavy. have played changehost 3 times.  have regularly played against skaven, seraphon, FEC, khorne, nurgle, fyreslayers. 

  2. So, I have played for about 6 months, about 30 games or so and have only won 3. I do not know how people win with Tzeentch. for a while I thought it was the army, but after reading and posting I have learned it is me/my playstyle.  I have tried to stick it out and learn and hang in there, as I love the painting, but I think that my aggravation and losing streak has taken its toll on me and I will be shelving my Warhammer stuff for an indefinite time period. Its the quantity of losses and feeling of frustration with trying to learn this army and Warhammer. 

  3. Here's a Changehost list i'm toying with atm....thoughts? love the idea of so many spells but not sure if i should drop a few endless spells for another hero or not



    Gaunt Summoner

    Blue Scribes


    10 BLues

    10 brims

    10 Brims

    10 PInks 

    10 Pinks

    10 Pinks

    --Endless Spells--



    Purple Sun



    Burning Head



  4. This Battle report was something my opponent typed and i just changed the overall thoughts section to mine.  Critiques/Comments are welcome

    Game against FEC, 1500 points


    Tzeentch: “I win priority but let him go first. He manages to get off some spells to generate summoning points, but other than that he just moves onto all 3 objectives... parking his 6 Enlightened out in the open in charge range of the GKoTG.
    FEC: So, my casting dice work against Tzeentch for some reason and I get off +3 attacks into the TG and UV and Mystic Shield. Chalice of course continues to just sit around and never go off. I run all the Ghouls left and center to outnumber him on the objectives.. meanwhile I summon in 6 Horrors and a Varghulf in his back right. The GKoTG swoops in on the right side 3" away from the Enlightened and makes the charge on a 3.. so at least it wasn't as catastrophic as last game. Of course, the GKoTG manages to 1-shot all 6 Enlightened without needing FF. 5-5 Tie

    Tzeentch: He wins priority, but most of his spells fail or get unbound.. even with his RR failed casts spell going off and only manages a couple of MW's into the GKoTG. He ends up charging the Tzaangors into the GKoTG and the left Acolytes into the Ghouls. We get through combat with him only putting the TG down to 11 remaining and the Ghouls losing only ~3 models.. the TG kills off around half the Tzaangors before FF and we call it there. 10-5 FeC Major Victory.



    My Overall Thoughts.

    I'm really not sure if anything different I could do. I suppose my biggest mistake was putting those 6 Enlightened out in the open with the GKoTG being in rang e, not thinking he one shot them.…..but I didn’t premeasure as I usually don’t and don’t know everything that other armies can do (Tzeenthch is a lot to remember) so didn't think to premeasure, also I wanted them in combat because they are THE combat unit I have, but I should have screened them somewhat. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Caspeur said:

    I'm wondering though, was your LoC worth the points? I feel like he is a bit too expensive for what he does. Sure he is decent, but I think I'd rather have a shaman to go with my tzaangors, and more enlightened, or a curseling, etc. 380 pts could buy you a lot, in most cases 2 wizards and an endless spell

    I agree. A friend recommended using him. I only had 3 enlightened finished at  the time. I'll have 6 starting this week. I'm thinking to ditch the LoC, add a shaman, 3 more enlightened, and maybe the magister ....which would put me at 1220 points. I'm playing FEC this Thursday. 

  6. Here is a battle report my friend wrote for our game....same Seraphon player as the last report:


    Slann Starmaster (260)

    - General

    - Trait: Great Rememberer

    - Artefact: Doppelganger Cloak

    Skink Starpriest (80)

    - Artefact: Miasmatic Blade



    20 x Skinks (120)

    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    10 x Skinks (60)

    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers



    4 x Razordons (160)

    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)



    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)


    Endless Spells / Terrain

    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Balewind Vortex (40)



    Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (180)

    - General

    - Trait: Aether Tether

    - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch

    Lord of Change (380)

    - Artefact: Mark of the Conjurer

    - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm



    20 x Tzaangors (360)

    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)



    3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (140)


    Endless Spells / Terrain

    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Chronomantic Cogs (60)


    Played Knife to the Heart against our local Tzeentch player. Rolled a 5 for the Shyish Realmscape feature, adding 1 to all Bravery. With only 3 drops, I opted for Tzeentch to go first. I rolled Sage's Staff and and shuffled the two units of Skinks around a bit in Stealthy Advance.


    T1 Tzeentch: Not much to tell on his T1. He got off Cogs and Balewind, which would give both his LoC and GS 3 spells each. LoC used his CA each turn to give +1 to casting to both the Wizards. I think I unbound one spell and he failed another. I was still well out of his range for shooting and casting and he opted not to move.


    T1 Seraphon: I also got Cogs and Balewind off. I was fairly certain he would turtle another turn, so I advanced the unit of 20x Skinks and 4x Razordons towards his objective. I banked 13 CCP and didn't see a good use for LoSaT.


    T2 Tzeentch: More spell casts and turtling, but he did summon in a Herald on Disc to use as a mobile beacon for additional summon.


    T2 Seraphon: I cast an 12 for the Realm Spell Soul Shrou, but he unbound it with LoC and Destiny Dice. Banked 16 CCP and then failed both LoSaT. More advancing of Skinks and Razordons. I summoned in a unit of Skinks to buffer my objective and Slann. Skinks got in range of the Tzangors and I managed to take down 1, which was amazing considering they have 2 wounds with a 6+, 5+ save.


    T3 Seraphon: Double turn! I think I like the T2-T3 double turn more than the T1-T2. I again failed LoSaT twice >_< Failing it four times in a row on a 3+ was rough. I did manage Soul Shroud on the Razordons though, which made them immune to all spells. My advancing force was now well within range of several Tzeentch units. With it being T3, I wanted to start clearing away units to give me a better chance at capturing his objective. I brought down the Rippers to tear into the Tzangors. I also summoned another unit of 10 Skinks to buffer my objective. Skinks shot into the Herald on Disc and Enlightened, taking two wounds off the Herald on Disc, but none on the Enlightened. Razordons shot into the Tzangors, doing 5 wounds. Rippers managed 16 wounds across all their attacks, reducing the Tzangor down to 9 models. Tzangors then piled in and killed 4 Rippers. Battleshock saw 5 Tzangor flee.


    T3 Tzeentch: He cast two offensive spells at my Starpriest. I managed to negate one with Spellmirror, but the other did 3 mortal wounds. Tzeentch's Firestorm went into the unit of 20x Skinks, killing 6. The Herald on Disc flew far to the right, the remaining Tzangors advanced towards the Skinks and the Enlightened moved forward for a charge. He summoned in 10 Blues from the Herald on Disc. His Acolytes shot into the Rippers, killing one more. One or both wizards shot into the Skinks as well and killed 2 more. The Tzangor made their charge and the Enlightened rolled an 11, allowing them to swing around the Skinks into the Razordons. I rolled for ID and got a 4. 11 wound rolls completed and he only saved 2; 9 wounds and the unit is gone before even getting to fight. He attacked with the Tzangor, but only killed 2 more. Skinks used Wary Fighter and swung around towards his objective, but didn't get enough in to control it. Razordons were able to pile into the 4 remaining Tzangors and their 9 melee attacks managed to finish off the unit. I used a CP to pass Battleshock for the 20x Skink unit.


    T4 Seraphon: I think I failed LoSaT again, cause I recall being pretty miffed about it. I've never failed it so many times! The 10 Skinks left from the unit of 20 moved to within charge range of the LoC. By the end of this Hero phase, I had 49 CCP. I decided to try the trick of the AstroBear and additional summon from that unit. Ultimately, it was a pointless gesture, but it was fun to do! AstroBear came in 12" away and then 3x Rippers and another 10x Skinks summoned in 12" away from the AstroBear. Again, it was neat to see it happen. I charged into the LoC with the lone Ripper and 10x Skinks. I used Wary Fighter to position the Skinks ot of combat, but all 10 were within 6" of Tzeentch's objective. The LoC did it's one melee attack, but whiffed. At the end of my turn, I controlled both objectives and won.”

    My Post Game Analysis:

    I was outplayed and I didn’t know what to do in the moment as he had those ripperdactls which deepstrike within 3”….so I protect heroes until they are revealed but then I’m stuck and he keeps summoning ****** on his objective so effortlessly. Even if I had killed off the wave of attackers then he would have had plenty of stuff to throw right back at me. I protect my heroes, but then I can’t move. I move units then he attacks my heroes.  It was clear that I was going to lose once the Tzaangors were down to 4, in my mind. Maybe I should have moved the enlightened with the herald, maybe I should have summoned something else . Am open to comments/critiques

  7. 2 minutes ago, jackmcmahon said:

    Oooh I see what you are saying, though.  Actually, now I think it could be read either way.  I think the way you are reading it would be stated "at the start of the next combat phase." Instead of "in the next combat phase."

    Haha, damn-a day after FAQ released

    This is my second army and played them for the first time last night and that question came up. I will have more I'm sure lol

  8. 19 minutes ago, carnith said:

    They say next combat phase. So if on the following turn they do not get into combat then the buff is wasted. 

    It says "add 1 to attacks characteristic of this units melee weapons in the next combat phase".... So if they are in combat for 3 combat phases (doesn't specify mine or opponent's) and a model is slain each phase then they'd get  4 attacks each in 4th combat phase....right?  Doesn't say it goes away.

  9. So have finally decided to run tzaangors and enlightened as my main combat force...with some acolytes and/or skyfires ...might take 10 pinks for the bodies/splitting, casting and use of arcane sacrifice , but tzeentch demons are not great and expensive ....hoping some serious adjustments to demons either in GHB or our update ......whenever that occurs. 

  10. Just found this thread and have enjoyed reading the posts. I struggle with feeling frustrated and big losses.....where I'm steamrolled over. I am relatively new to the hobby ....playing over a year....and it took me a good while to get phases learned  and now I'm into strategy stuff it's hard as I usually play against way more experienced players who have updated armies and seem to just effortlessly play their army, where I struggle with min e.  Practice makes perfect though

  11. 26 minutes ago, BarbecueGamer said:

    Thanks for posting the battle report. I enjoyed reading it. I agree that the chariot is not worth it for the points. I really like having Tzaangors to sit on an objective and hold it. I also run a mixed army and my battle line is usually 1 unit of 10 Pink Horrors, 1 unit of 20 Tzaangors, and 1 unit of either 10 Kairic Acolytes oe 10 Chaos Warriors but I have been using Acolytes more often lately. 

    We have a lot of things to keep track of so don't feel bad. I am also guilty of forgetting to summon sometimes. I made a flow chart to use during my turn and in big bold letters I put Summon at the end of the movement phase. 

    I just put together a Vortex Beast I plan to paint it this weekend and am excited to try him out in the league I am in. He might not be the most competitive but I love the model. 

    I am going to try the chariot one more time as I'll be playing either fires layers or khorne tonight....and they don't have magic of shooting.....that I've seen....I love the Vortex beast and have 2 (both not painted lol) as it is very tzeentchy ....at worst, it provides a distraction to opponents so I can focus on other things .....so I'm a fan.....would to have 2 in a list 

  12. my first attempt at a battle report...i cut/pasted my opponent's and changed the wording...

    In this battle, I faced off against Seraphon. We picked Battle for the Pass and he won the deployment roll. As we both had 6 drops, he was able to finish first and opted to go first. he rolled a 5 for the Constellation: Sage's Staff for Re-Roll Hit rolls of 1.

    My list;

    Gaunt Summoner w/ familiars


    10 x acolytes

    10 x pinks

    Burning Chariot

    Vortex beast

    ….don’t remember his list but think he started with

    Star priest


    10 skinks

    10 skinks

    10 skinks

    6? ripperdactyls

    Seraphon T1: he cast Cogs and slowed down time, but failed Balewind. Summon Starlight and Serpent Staff on Razordons. He teleported his far right unit of Skinks to the left objective. In movement, he flew the Rippers up to gain the right objective and hoped for a good charge roll. Middle Skinks and Razordons advanced to cement control of his objective and get range for shooting in subsequent turns. he failed the charge on the Rippers and opted not to re-roll it with CP. he had 4 Skinks in range of my Acolytes for shooting, but forgot to shoot them. 5-0 Seraphon.

    Tzeentch T1: he managed to unbind 3 of my 4 casts, so that was a bummer. I got off Mystic Shield on the the Vortex Beast. The Vortex Beast's ability inflicted 3 wounds. My Acolytes and Ogroid moved up to contest the left objective. The Vortex Beast moved up into charge range. In shooting, the Chariot managed 2 more wounds. his left unit of Skinks took fire from Acolytes and Pinks and lost 3. The Vortex Beast made its charge, but Acolytes failed. In combat, the Vortex Beast inflicted 5 more wounds. 5-1 Seraphon

    Tzeentch T2: Tzeentch won priority. he didn't manage to unbind any spells this round and 1 or 2 offensive spells (bolt of tzeentch and infernal flames I think) went into the Rippers and 1 went into his left Skinks. Vortex Beast's ability finished off the Rippers, giving me control of the right objective. The Vortex Beast was now free to advance and did so towards his middle Skinks. Acolytes and Ogroid continued their advance and gained control of the left objective. Shooting saw his left unit of Skinks melt and 6 of the middle skinks die. The Vortex Beast charged the Razordons and he failed their Instinctive Defense. Ensuing combat here inflicted 2 wounds on the Razordons and 4 wounds to the Vortex Beast. 5-6 Tzeentch

    Seraphon T2:he successfully cast Balewind and left Cogs on +1 spell casts, gaining 13 CCP. he attempted to cast the Realm Spell Banishment, with a Cast Value of 8, to throw the Vortex Beast back, but failed. He teleported the Slann and 4 remaining Skinks to the right objective, gaining control. He Couldn't move anything, but brought in 3x Ripper, a Sally, and 3x Handlers. Shooting into the Vortex Beast with Razordons, inflicted two more wounds. The Salamander shot into the Chariot and got a 6 on the damage roll. Chariot gone! In Combat, the Razordons did inflict more damage on the Vortex Beast, but lost two models. 8-6 Seraphon

    Seraphon T3: He  again attempted Banishment with the Starpriest and again failed it. the Slann stayed put. The Skink Priest got the additional cast and used it on Summon Starlight. he rolled an 11, but I  used two 6s from my destiny dice to unbind. He moved the summoned Rippers towards the Vortex Beast, in case the Razordons couldn't finish him off, but this proved unnecessary as the Razordons shot him off the board. 11-6 Seraphon

    Tzeentch T3: having trouble remembering what happened, but I forgot to summon either here or last round…could have summoned blues. I think I failed 2 or 3 spells as well, so not a great turn other than maintaining control of the left objective. I had acolytes shoot into the ripperdactlyls…I think I did some damage or killed one, but the other shooting whiffed. 11-9 Seraphon

    Seraphon T4: The Slann teleports back and controls the Cogs, givin it a bunch of summoning points I think. he move the two remaining Rippers to attempt a charge into the Acolytes, reposition the three units around the right objective, and move up the Razordons to also shoot at the Acolytes. EoM he summons in a Bastiladon. In shooting he was able to remove 5 of the 10 Acolytes, but then fail the charge on the Ripperdactyls and the Command Point re-roll charge. 14-9 Seraphon

    Tzeentch T4: I gained more Blue Horror points from Arcane sacrifice, allowing the GS to cast his spells into the ripperdactyls or the right side skinks (not sure which). Movement saw the Acolytes move up to charge the Rippers and i summoned a unit of 10 Blues to accompany the Ogroid and keep control of the left objective and another unit of 10 Blues to contest the right objective. Both units of Blues and the Acolytes and some Pinks are able to shoot, killing 1 Handler and 4 Skinks on the right objective and wounding the Rippers. The Acolytes make their charge, as do the right unit of Blues. In combat, the Acolytes manage to kill a Ripper and inflict 2 wounds onto the last one. The Blues kill another Handler, but don't damage the salamander. he strikes back and kills 3 Acolytes and 2 Blues. 14-14 tie

    Seraphon T5: He gets more summoning points and teleports stuff out of combat. He then summoned in a unit of Skinks and 3 more Rippers. The Razordons are able to kill off the remaining Acolytes in shooting, and the Bastiladon manages 3 wounds into the Blues on the left objective. Tzeentch removed the three closest Blues to the objective which left his ripper in range and me out of range of that one. 17-14 Seraphon

    Tzeentch T5: All that really matters here is that i moved the Ogroid and remaining 7 Blues onto the left objective, cementing the win. 17-19 Tzeentch. Humorously, we lost track of the rounds and ended up playing into turn 6, thinking it was turn 5.

    Post Battle Analysis

    The burning chariot was not very impressive as it fizzled…seriously 6 wounds for it?? The Vortex beast was good and I enjoy using him. Should have gotten the Ogroid in closer casting range earlier on I feel. Need to pay closer attention to Fate/Blue horror points as I could have summoned at T2, but forgot (I think it was T2….lol). Seraphon summoning is ridiculous and it felt like an uphill battle with all his summoning craziness. Maybe should have done tzaangors instead?? Not sure if they would have faired better. Casting rolls weren't great and he unbound a lot….so that was frustrating….and he didn’t cast much as he took the points to allow him to summon (like 10 points for each non-cast spell?!). I don’t look forward to their update.

    this was a win, and i'll take it….LOL.... tried something new with the chariot and it fizzled. from my perspective, tzeentch needs an update; which probably says something about my playstyle/skill level rather than the army....as several people say tzeentch is not in a bad state; but i feel like I just struggle each game.


    • Thanks 1
  13. Taking up Slaanesh as my second army (mainly play DoT) and looking for ideas on where to start.....invaders host sounds cool, and I have 20 daemonettes 10 seekers, and 6 fiends....along with 2 enrapturesses....Will be getting the KoS, masque, epitome and still esske in near future.....but looking for some guidance 

  14. So, had a thought......a while ago GW  posted a pic on their aos  Instagram account of an air battle of Tzeentch vs KO.....and they later posted pics of both armies seperately......it occurred to me that they could do a box of Tzeentch vs KO and make aerial battle themed for each army's release....thoughts?

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