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Everything posted by Aren73

  1. GW messes with the Lumineth release during a global pandemic and suddenly everyone thinks we are getting 10 books and 20 waves of models for every release
  2. Ah yes, our battletome author, the ferocious and terrifying bin guy! Well, I just hope bin guy is good, whoever they might be.
  3. Rather I am concerned that Vargheists weren't mentioned. I was hoping to run them as battleline in Avengorii - would have seemed the natural choice given their lore.
  4. In principle I don't disagree with "wholly within" but I was always of the opinion that all the 12" wholly within abilities should be 15" instead. If you're going to make the rule more restrictive at least increase the range a bit.
  5. I see this as a great sign. This could point to the warscrolls themselves being stronger. Also, a nice move away from the basic LoN faction, which is further underlined through each of the subfactions being based on a vampiric bloodline. Really glad this isn't just a reskin of LoN.
  6. That's why you set up the gravesites near home objectives, so that the resurrected units can grab them while our heavy units push up. A 5+ becomes a 4+ as soon as you kill an enemy unit, not hard. There'll probably be multiple turns where you kill 2 units, or one turn where you kill 3+. No benefit to killing units on T1 fits with our melee-only-units turn 2 charge theme. This rule really promotes throwing skeleton/zombie units up the field as fast as possible, through whatever means possible.
  7. The May White Dwarf is out today? Hoping to see some overviews of that battle report in it...
  8. That's definitely one take on it. It's not bad on hordes. But I could totally see having say 3 units of 20 (or even 30) skeletons, chucking them up the board with whatever movement shenanigans you can muster, then when they die bringing them back to babysit backfield objectives It makes units of 20 skeletons go from being a non-threat to being a nuisance. You can use this rule either defensively or offensively, which dictates whether you'll be taking medium or large units, respectively.
  9. Interesting rules take though. The new rules seem to promote a Multiple Medium Units of skeletons/zombies kind of play. Like MSU but MMU. I for one am excited for a playstyle that isn't forced down either massive hordes or MSU. I've always enjoyed most taking the middle path and having variety in unit sizes It means that suddenly having 3 units of 20 skeletons is fun, or 2 units of 30. You don't need to go 40 or 10 and nothing inbetween.
  10. Also on the pic there is a Mortis Engine and a Necromancer, in case anyone was wondering if they're staying in.
  11. We set up 2 gravesites at the beginning of the game. At the end of our (not every) battleshock phase, roll dice + number of enemy units killed, on a 5+ spawn back one destroyed skellie or zombie unit from a gravesite (wholly within 12, outside of 9 of enemy). Awesome! Love this rule. Aside from that we keep Deathless Minions and Locus of Shyish. Legion of Blood can take Black Knights as Battleline, Avengorii can take T-gheists and Dragons as battleline. Vyrkos - all Vyrkos heroes count as generals.
  12. 50 Euro for Blood Knights and for Vengorian apparently. Seems reasonable
  13. Idoneth get mount traits, why should they get more customisation than we do? Ogors get big names, why should they get more customisation than we do? I'm sure there are other examples too. Also, as @Neil Arthur Hotep has said, it's those customisations that add flavour to the game. Not every faction needs to be the same cookie cutter format, otherwise we would be rioting about our lack of shooting units. But we're not, because it adds flavour.
  14. Sounds good, so I imagine something like the hunger, deathless minions and skeleton or zombie heal mechanics? On another note, I've had time to think on the apparent lord profile and it's not too bad - as long as that's the baseline and we get some customisation to go with it. It's GW saying that "even the weakest, magic focused vampire lord is as strong as this" which is fine. But, we need an extra level of customisation. Bloodline (dynasty), vampire power and artefact to be able to make proper caster or blender lords. What are your thoughts on what a blender or caster v lord would be like?
  15. Hoping to see a WC article today and hopefully the WD pictures sometime soon. Think they'll reveal faction abilities, artefacts or unit stats first?
  16. Real hours real talk: Are we SG, SBG or SBGL? I've seen all three variations now. Or perhaps some other unholy variant?
  17. Nowhere there does it say that max unit size is 20. They just said that the amount of attacks per model doesn't increase with the size of the unit. Unless you're talking about a different post by the same guy?
  18. Yes, in fact GW have confirmed that LoN will be "retired" and SBG "is the way to go". I still don't think it's a direct replacement, but it definitely seems like SBG will be keeping a lot of the LoN dynamics, at least around Gravesites.
  19. Perhaps she was the first and the others have followed in her path. It's odd, I'd understand if it was a bloodline thing but seemingly it's just a type of vampire and not a bloodline...
  20. @Erdemo86 - Yeah me too, I don't want to play just LoN again
  21. We could potentially see endless spells or terrain in the second wave but I for one doubt it. Gravesites are still in and while 20 skeletons per box is great it also points to them being used in large hordes. We may be closer to LoN than I thought previously.
  22. "Meanwhile, in the Mortal Realms, a free city obsessed with purity must form a desperate alliance with the Mother of Nightmares if they’re to blunt a cataclysmic Chaos assault in A Dynasty of Monsters." Awesome! Vampires on the "good" side for once, nice to see!
  23. Eh that statline is disappointing... 4 A, 3+, 3+, -1, 2D 5 wounds, 3+ save The Hunger now heals d3 wounds. No other changes that I can see. I do hope that there is customisation on top of this then for basic vampire lords.
  24. To me the base represents the area of influence of a mini. The space where if you get within that area you are in danger. (Disclaimer: obviously this concept doesn't work for all units/minis)
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